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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Gross dogma on its death bed: mutilating infants genital then licking blood


This email contains three sections:
2. End Quote: Gross dogma on its death bed...
1. PS #3287: Please be compassionate and do not neglect me
3. Links

Gross dogma on its death bed:

mutilating infants genital then licking blood


Baba classifies circumcision as a dogmatic ritual that has no place in our Ananda Marga this as a dogma:

"Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (1)

So circumcision is nothing but a holdover custom from thousands of years; it not based on science or rationality. And it was adopted by the Semitic religions. Thus this harmful tradition has just been blindly passed on from one community to the next.

The below article details how some Rabbis are performing suction circumcisions in NYC.  It is a shocking and horrific affair.

Orthodox Jewish tradition known as

oral suction circumcision

NEW YORK (AP) — With a swift swipe of his scalpel, Rabbi A. Romi Cohn circumcises the baby boy, then leans down and sucks the blood from the wound as prayers in Hebrew fill the Brooklyn synagogue.

The Orthodox Jewish tradition known as oral suction circumcision reaches back to biblical times but it has created a modern-day dilemma for New York City health officials, who have linked it to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000. Two died and two others suffered brain damage.

Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration, which came into power a year ago with a promise to reconsider an existing regulation on the ritual, is now negotiating with a group of rabbis over how to protect children's health while still preserving religious freedom.

"The talks are ongoing but I cannot go into particulars," said Avi Fink, the mayor's deputy director of intergovernmental affairs who has been leading the talks. "Our goal is to achieve awareness of the risks."


A 2012 report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised against the practice, saying it increases the risk of herpes infection in baby boys by 3.4 times that of other male newborns.

Oral suction circumcisions first came under scrutiny during Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, and the city's health board voted in 2012 to regulate the practice by asking a parent or guardian to sign a consent form indicating possible risks.

Health officials point to a number of factors they say have linked the known cases to the ritual. They look for lesions on the genitalia, indicating that's where the virus started. In addition, lab tests have showed that the timing of the infection coincides with the circumcision.

Two cases were recorded after oral suction in 2013 and four last year. In the most recent case, diagnosed in November, a baby boy was found to have lesions on his penis. But of those six cases, parents refused to identify the person who performed the circumcision — called a mohel — in four.
In the two cases in which the circumcisers were identified, both declined to be tested, the Health Department said. They were banned from performing the ritual. (Courtesy of Newsday)

Kind of cannibalism:

The baby is wailing in pain and horror

Here below is a photo of the rabbi performing the oral suction type of circumcision. At present the rabbi is bending over the crying baby (upper right corner) so he (the rabbi) can suck the blood that is oozing out of the baby’s genitalia. The baby is wailing in pain and horror. In this practice, rabbis sometimes infect the newborn babe with their own venereal disease.

This scene is not only gross and brutal but a form of cannibalism as well. It outrightly contravenes the principles of neo-humanism.

See the sickening scene in the above photo. The rabbi is leaning over and sucking the blood that is oozing out of the baby’s genitalia.The baby in the back right is wailing in pain, terror, and horror - and at risk for contracting venereal disease.

They feel that God’s design is inherently flawed

Those strict margiis from a jewish background gave up this dirty practice after joining Ananda Marga. The other two Semitic religions perform circumcision by no this sucking type of approach. So they indulge in torturing the newborn but do not resort to cannibalism

All in all this is completely hypocrisy on the part of those Jewish rabbis. On the one hand they claim all Jews as the “chosen people” of God. Yet they feel that God’s design is inherently flawed and that is why they are cutting, sucking the genital  of the new-born.

All in all, a close medical watch is needed to save the new-born till this practice is eliminated on the grounds of neo-humanism. Our duty is to raise the public consciousness.

in Him,

1. PNS-21, How to Unite Human Society

== Section 2 ==

~ Please be compassionate and do not neglect me ~

"A'ka'she a'loke bhese ja'y, tava mahima'ri katha'..." (PS 3287)


O' Parama Purusa, You are the most magnificent One. The tale of Your glory and grandeur is floating and permeating throughout each and every molecule of the vast, blue sky and in the effulgence - everywhere.

O' my Lord, Your story, the tale of the ever-present, Ancient One, is glittering in all the realms: in both bhuloka and duloka - in the physical and spiritual worlds. You are so gracious.

O' Ancient, Divine One, You are eternally, ever-new. You are always, intrinsically with everyone - just like their vital force, just like their pra'na. You always remain present in my feeling, ideation, and     intuition. For that reason this eternal longing of my heart is for You and You alone.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with festivities of light and the flow of effulgence, please colour my mind, and sit in the depths of my ideation - dhyana. Please grace me by playing Your divine flute in the deep core of my heart - be compassionate and do not neglect or overlook me. Graciously goad my mind towards divinity and show me that path which leads to immortality.

O' my Lord, O' Baba, please shower Your causeless grace; I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Note: If you would like a copy of the audio file of this PS let us know.