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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Unique Forecasting Power Of + We Do Not Differentiate Between High And Low


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2. PS #3821: We Do Not Differentiate Between High And Low...
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Unique Forecasting Power Of

Prehistoric People, Animals And Birds

   "You cannot perceive the essences of ultra-subtle and ultra-crude entities: it is beyond your mental capacity to receive their vibrational waves and that is why, you cannot normally detect their existence. There are many birds and reptiles that can receive the premonitive vibrations of an event before its actual materialization. A frog detects the pre-indication of rains long before many other living beings do: it catches the premonitory vibrations beforehand and keeps croaking the announcement of the forthcoming happiness to the four winds. Normally humans, however, cannot know anything before the rain actually starts, for the requisite subtle mechanism to receive the pre-rain vibrations is not well developed in them. So for forecast they have to take recourse to meteorology and use a special type of scientific instrument."
   "A crow has a natural premonitive instinct regarding storms. An owl and to some extent a dog can sense beforehand the possible occurrence of an earthquake or some other unforeseen natural calamity of great magnitude. Such power of apprehending phenomenal vibrations exists not in ten or twenty but in innumerable species of birds. Such a power is indeed of paramount necessity in their rigorous struggle for survival. Such a power did exist, too, to some extent, among the prehistoric people. But today, in this age of so-called civilization, human beings, having become extremely ease-loving, have lost that power through misuse and lack of necessity; just as their tails, their ability to move their ears and their capacity to hold things with their feet have disappeared. Now the hairiness of their bodies and the strength of their teeth and nails are also becoming extinct. The greater the preoccupation of creatures with the struggle for existence, the necessarily greater must be their power of premonition or prescience of impending danger, or else their existence will be effaced from the surface of the earth – this is the law of nature." (Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour)

Animals Can Sense Severe Storm Systems

New study of migrating birds adds to signs that animals may make better meteorologists than humans do.

The latest evidence: A flock of birds flew away from its nesting site days before there were any signs of danger and well before forecasters predicted the arrival of a massive storm system that spawned 84 confirmed tornadoes and killed at least 35 people, researchers reported Thursday in Current Biology.

"Meteorologists were predicting that the storm might come our way," says the study's lead author, Henry Streby, a National Science Foundation postdoctoral research fellow and visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. "But by the time they were saying they were sure it was coming, the birds had already figured it out and were gone."

The golden-winged warblers normally spend winters in South America and fly up to Tennessee to nest, Streby says. They had been at their nesting site for just a couple of days before they turned around and headed south again.

The discovery was completely fortuitous. Researchers had been testing to see if a new kind of geolocator could be carried by the tiny birds. The geolocators fit like little backpacks on the birds' backs with harnesses attached around their legs.

The geolocators were a success and stayed on the warblers for a year, recording everywhere the birds went. When the researchers recaptured the birds and analyzed the location data they were stunned to discover that the warblers had taken off from their breeding grounds in the Cumberland Mountains of eastern Tennessee, where they had only just arrived, for an unplanned migration south taking them out of the path of the oncoming storm. All told, the warblers travelled 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) in five days to steer clear of the tornado-producing system.

Streby suspects that the birds were alerted by low-frequency sound waves sparked by the tornadic storm. Those waves would be right in the range birds can pick up, but undetectable by human ears.

"They might be able to hear the storms coming and make a decision to leave and come back rather than hunker down and try to survive the tornadoes," he says.

Henry Streby with a male golden-winged warbler and the geolocator that the bird carried for more than 12 months, including during the evacuation migration.

Some other sense involved?

Tornado expert John Allen isn't convinced that the birds are hearing the sounds of developing whirlwinds, but he says, "clearly they are sensing something we can't, and that's really interesting. Those warblers are predicting weather better than we are."

There's no doubt that the warblers took the warning seriously, whatever form it came in, says Allen, a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University's International Research Institute for Climate and Society.

"The distances they traveled are amazing," he says. "They migrated to their nesting area and then two days later they have to fly out to another location. They went to the Gulf Coast and still got rain there. But it's not the rain that worries them, but the temperature differences. Little birds like the warblers have got to keep themselves warm."

"This is the first really sound data showing that, yes, animals can sense severe storm systems."

The new findings are "incredibly exciting," says Dr. Erica Miller, an adjunct associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. "This is the first really sound data showing that, yes, animals can sense severe storm systems and will evade them. Certainly we have a sense of that from lots of anecdotal stories, like birdfeeders swarmed by birds the day before a big snowstorm comes."

Other evidence for Miller comes from back when she worked at a bird rescue.

"After a hurricane would come through we would brace ourselves in anticipation expecting to see birds thrown around by the storm," Miller says. "But we never saw that. We always wondered, where do the birds go? Somehow they are avoiding damage from the storm."

And it's not just birds that seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to dangerous weather.

"I am most familiar with birds, but I know from talking to my colleagues that even zoo animals will act differently when there is a storm coming," Miller says. "They may spend more time in their dens or more time pacing. They just know something is up."

Just ask your horse

Horses, both wild and domesticated, seem to have the ability to avoid giving birth in stormy weather.

"We've actually investigated that, but haven't yet published the findings," says horse specialist Sue McDonnell, an adjunct professor of reproductive behavior at the University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Center and founding head of Penn Vet's Equine Behavior Program. "We have a semi-feral herd that is out 24/7. And it turns out that they delay parturition, and then the first nice day after a bad stretch of weather in the spring we have a flurry of births."

Even domesticated horses being kept indoors will delay labor until stormy weather has passed, McDonnell says.

Though no one can say for sure how animals know a storm is brewing, "it's clear they are better forecasters than we humans are," Allen says.

(Courtesy of NBC news -

== Section 2 ==

We Do Not Differentiate Between High And Low, 

Rich And Poor, Sinner And Virtuous, Literate And Illiterate

"Toma'kei bha'loba'si a'mara'..." (PS 3821)


O' Parama Purusa, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You. By Your grace, we are moving ceaselessly along Your divine path; we are treading on that very path which You have     graciously shown to us. O' Supreme One, day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your sweet rhythms. We always propagate Your grand ideals. O' Lord, You have created us: We are Your thought projection; we are Your progeny. You are our Father - Our Ista. We love only You.

O' Divine Entity, by Your grace we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big, rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and illiterate etc. All are kith and kin - all are family members. All are part of that singular humanity. We are all bound together with Your divine love. O' Lord, with Your infinite compassion You always call us to come close with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. By Your grace, we hear Your call and move towards You. You are the Goal. Our each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance - toward reaching up to You. You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life.   

O' Parama Purusa Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. First, You have graciously granted us individual freedom; second, You have infused us with universal spirit; and third, You have spiritualised our minds with the dhyana of the Supreme One [1]. With these three attributions one other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils and sin. And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of neo-humanism - individual freedom, universal spirit, dhyana of the Supreme entity, and the fight against evil forces - we have created a potent, bitter medicine that cures all sorts of ailments like dogma, infighting, and narrow-mindedness. O' Divine Entity, O' Baba, with this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden paradise, by Your divine blessing.

Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...


[1] "Vya's't'...amara'r": In the third and final stanza of the above song, Baba describes 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme entity, (d) the fight against injustices and sin. All are four are needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the real sense of the term. 

Spirituality is an essential aspect of neo-humanism. Without proper dhyana, individual freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. People just equate individual freedom with selfish pleasure and degrading activities. Communism does not allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism. Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists.

Then in the dogma-centered philosophy such as in the various religions, individual freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. The religions are ritualistic and dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why even followers of same religion can kill each other - what to speak of harming members of other religions. History has witnessed this again and again. So the religious society is also defective.

Baba guides us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed:  (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme entity, and (d) the fight against injustices and sin. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden paradise. In the absence of any of these aforementioned principles, groupism and factionalism will erupt.

So our neo-humanistic approach is wholly revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal Baba is propagating in His above song. 

Present day group leaders and their bootlickers are not following anything like (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme entity, and (d) the fight against injustices.

== Section 3 ==
