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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Filled Up Your Basket By Plucking All My Flowers + How Humans Used To Cure Themselves - 4: Avaleha


This email contains three sections:
1. PS #2111: Filled Up Your Basket By Plucking All My Flowers
2. End Quote: How Humans Used To Cure Themselves - 4
3. Links

~ Filled Up Your Basket By Plucking All My Flowers ~

PS Intro: One of the names of the Lord is Makhan Cor. In that role, Parama Purusa graces the devotee by coming close and taking away their most precious thing - the mind. Bhaktas always want to offer the best things that they have to Parama Purusa; and in His role as Makhan Cor He graciously takes those offerings. So in the below song, the mental flower is the best thing that the bhakta has, and Parama Purusa is taking away those flowers. The common psychology is that when there is close intimacy between two people, then they like to offer the best thing that they have. Between the bhakta and Parama Purusa, the best thing one can offer to Him is a purified mind. In the below song, that purified mind is represented by the flowers. So this song must not be taken literally. Parama Purusa is not stealing flowers rather He is gracing the bhakta by accepting His offering of mind. In their sadhana, sadhakas have had this experience and realisation.

Parama Purusa is Butter Thief

"Usually the human mind has different weaknesses and frailties. But as people continue to refine their intellect and perfect their spiritual practices, their minds move upwards through the different kośas (layers): kamamaya, manomaya, atimanasa, vijiṋánamaya and hiranyamaya, resulting in the crude portion of the mind becoming increasingly subtle. Take the case of cream: when churned, its essence (butter) is separated from the non-essential part (whey)...That is why Hari is nicknamed “makhan cor” – the butter thief. It is wrong to take these words literally. Take it for granted that Krśńa never stole the cream or butter from the milkmaids houses." (1)

"Whatever you think or do in your mind is also internal for Him. He enters your internal world, your mind and you dont know that He has entered i.e., He will steal away your mind and you will not know. A person too wants that Paramátmá should steal away his mind. Therefore I remember to have told you that one of His names is Mákhanacora (Butter thief). Generally one says to God to come to him but actually God is already with him – He is simply unable to see Him...He will steal away the Átman of a person and his mind will not know it, Therefore, He is named Mákhanacora. As the cream is the essence of milk so is the Átman of the body. He steals away the Átman, so He is Mákhanacora." (2)

"Ke go tumi a'ji bhare nile sa'ji, na' boliya' mor phulavane..."  (PS 2111)


O' Divine Entity, who are You who has come today in the flower garden of my mind & without my awareness filled up Your basket by plucking all my flowers. Which Divine Personality are You who has done like this. Neither did I ask You to come, nor did I ask You to please sit - indeed I could not receive You properly in the canopy of my mental flower garden.

O' Supreme Being, Your grace is unimaginable. When I call You, then You do not come; and now without any invitation You have blessed me by coming - it is Your grace. And You are silently looking at everything in the flower garden of my mind and You are not telling anything - just You smiled and started plucking the flowers. Your liila is unique.

O' Parama Purusa, I do not have the capacity to understand what type of liila' You are playing. Why do You go on playing with my mind. In my mental garden, without my awareness, You go on swaying Your love. And You go on creating vibrations in my mind without my awareness. And You fill my mind with Your divine attraction and love.

Baba, O' the Divine Entity, You have graced me by coming...

1. AV-8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised
2. SS-19, Parama Puruśa

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How Humans Used To Cure Themselves - 4:


"Where medicines were not effective as external ointments, it became necessary to rub them on the skin or on the nerves where they could be absorbed through the pores. People discovered these rubbing medicines somewhat later. These massage or rubbing ointments were the discovery of a later stage."

"Where there was any poisonous effect of the rubbing ointment, there was no recourse but to use it externally. However, people learned to use them without any poisonous effect in the form of liquid medicines by dissolving them in water or other liquid solvents."

"There are certain ointments which, if ingested in small doses, have no poisonous effect, but which may have a poisonous effect if taken in large doses. Human beings learned to use them by licking them so that they could act effectively through the nerve fibres. They used to swallow those medicines after licking them with the tongue for a long time. Because the quantity is very small there is no harmful effect; rather one gets the full benefit. Such medicines are called avaleha [licking] in Ayurveda."

"People even discovered some medicines that develop certain special beneficial qualities when mixed with other specific substances. In other words, the same medicine when mixed with substance “a” became a medicine for headaches, when mixed with substance “b” became a medicine for diarrhea, and when mixed with substance “c” became a medicine for respiratory ailments. In this case, people gave the name anupána [ingredient] to the substances “a,” “b” and “c”. That is, by discovering that the medicinal qualities varied according to the different anupánas, people began to use them as medicines." (Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34))