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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Slaughterhouse: More Questions, Answers Needed


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Slaughterhouse: More Questions, Answers Needed
2. Responses: Those Who Opposed Slaughterhouse Kiirtan
3. Links



Some of you have given the logic that it is not good to assemble and do kiirtan at any venue that violates the dharmic guidelines of Caryacarya.

In other words, one must not do kiirtan at any site that is hosting a program that goes against Caryacarya. Because then it will look like the kiirtan participants are supporting that adharmic action.

The conclusion you gave is that one must not do kiirtan at any venue where people are breaking the rules of Caryacarya.



Now let me see if I understand your suggestions or not. Here below I apply your guidelines to four independent scenarios to ensure I properly understand your viewpoint.

Scenario #1: According to your approach, if a religious ceremony is being held where they are performing animal sacrifices, then we should not participate in kiirtan at that gathering. Because that act of doing animal sacrifices is itself anti-Caryacarya. So kiirtan should not be performed at that religious ceremony otherwise it will look like those kiirtan dancers are supporting those animal sacrifices.

Scenario #2: Or if a caste marriage is being held, then we should not participate in kiirtan at that venue. Because that caste marriage itself is anti-Caryacarya. So kiirtan should not be performed at that place otherwise it will look like those kiirtan dancers are supporting that caste marriage and the caste system.

Scenario #3: Or suppose, someone is celebrating the inauguration of their liquor store / pub, then we should not participate in kiirtan at that venue. Because alcohol consumption and the use of intoxicants is against Caryacarya. Thus, kiirtan should not be done at the inauguration of that pub. Otherwise it will look like those kiirtan practitioners are supporting the use of liquor / intoxicants etc.

Scenario #4: Or take the case of a death ceremony that is being held in one village. The surviving male family members shave all of the hair from their head and face as per the prevailing dogma. In that case, one must not do kiirtan at that death ceremony. Otherwise it will look like those kiirtan participants support that local Hindu dogma.



So according to your theory, one must not do kiirtan at any venue that violates the dharmic guidelines of Caryacarya. Am I correct in understanding your viewpoint?

Specifically, I want to hear from all who have written. Certainly anyone can reply, but in particular I would like to hear from those who wrote in objecting to doing kiirtan at the inauguration of the slaughterhouse.

Thank you for your time and guideline, and I await hearing from you.

In Him,
Shyam Narayan

== Section 2 ==



Here again is the sampling of responses that oppose the notion of doing kiirtan at the slaughterhouse inauguration.

Here is response #1:

Namaskar, i think to have a meeting  and inform Mr. Kareem politely about our stand point. I feel, even we go and just have food, its not right. Its like we are supporting his slaughtering work.

I have a experience before, one Dada not attending the Margi wedding in temple. When i ask why, he say: If i attend this wedding its like im supporting temple worship.

So, i find it not right. Thanks, Namaskar


Here is response #2:

Namaskar All,

(1) In AM philosophy, we have been taught to love and respect every creature's life as our own with mind ,word and deed. So, it is not advisable to support such an act which is intended to snatch any one's life for the sake of business and earn money a little of which may be donated to children's home  as you mentioned like this:-

* Mr. Kareem Mohammad is a well-wisher as he donates money - from time to time - to our children's home.

(2) Should we do the 6-hour kiirtan and feast at the inauguration of this
slaughterhouse or not?

  No, we should not participate in the feast and do kiirtan for inauguration of
slaughterhouse , this will go against our basic principles of philosophy. Kiirtan is done for purification of mind and environment hence by doing this  Kiirtan if Mr. Kareem Mohammad purifies his mind and leaves the idea to inaugurate slaughterhouse  than it may be permitted. To be a well-wisher of AM is good but to be an Anandmargi is better. Since he is not margi there is no bound to do kirtan and take feast at the inauguration of his slaughterhouse.

Again you also quoted following idea:-

Then supporters of the program gave this counter response. Our Ananda Marga Caryacarya does not support the annual death day ceremony and the feast of that ceremony, i.e. shraddhanna. But even then we do kiirtan and eat at such programs because the kiirtan purifies everything. So why not do kiirtan and eat at the
slaughterhouse and enjoy a feast there.

Such suggestion  can be given and supported by those  who have  only interest in enjoying delicious feast and not saving the lives of innocents. Will this not be like giving licence to kill innocent animals in exchange of doing six hours kiirtan and delicious feast?

Thus it is clear that we should not go against our basic principles in greed of a feast or loosing a well-wisher. We should keep the idea to have "shuddhodan" only i.e. the food that is earned with purity of mind, word and deed .

Dr T R Sukul

Here is response #3:


[We should not participate.]

- Anonymous

Here is response #4:

Stupid question.
Although, no doubt, kirtan is super powerful,we, margiis, cannot support, ideologically, this kind of events.

Here is response #5:


Is Mr. Mohammed wanting kiirtan to absolve him from the reaction of his actions?   That wrong idea should not be supported. 

- Anonymous

Here is response #6:



When I first read this posting I said to myself, 'Is this for real?' "Can this really be happening?" If it is genuine then it is just another instance of people not be fully established in their sadhana. This is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard paralleling the continual practice of MPD.

Wise up people! You are Ananda Margiis! Act like it! Do your sadhana more and more. Then you will see your mistakes to compromise your ideals to accommodate a tamasic brother who happens to sympathize with us from time to time by donating money. Let us not ignore our Ideology just to get more money or not to hurt this non-Margii brother's feelings.

Please, please, please. Come to your senses! There is no accounts where Baba condoned such a thing. In fact, there is a Baba story where while on Tour in India He did not want to stay in a hotel because of the non-sentient environment and He asked His PA to find a margii to host Him.

By His Grace, the margiis of the unit in question will come to their senses and realize that to follow 16 points and dharma we must not forsake Baba's Ideology that He taught us for so many years. Let us muster up the strength to assert our beliefs and the way to do that is do perform more of our spiritual practices and ideate on Him. Besides, didn't He once say that a sadhu is one who say, if I may paraphrase: "Just as I value my own life, other living beings also value their own lives?" Let us honor the animals who cannot speak up for themselves. It is one of the 16 points to serve animals. He has given us a chance to check that one off on our 16 points chart; let us not miss the glorious opportunity to serve Him.

Baba Nam Kevalam.


And Many More Letters:

And many others responded with similar logic and reasoning in opposition to participating in the kiirtan program at the inauguration of the slaughterhouse. So the above neatly encapsulates the prevailing those for those who opposed the kiirtan program

== Section 3 ==


Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic:

Here is a link to responses by those who supported the kiirtan / slaughterhouse program: