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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Post-operative Complications of Circumcision


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Herein please find a video of a tragic case study of an infant that died due to hemorrhaging (i.e. blood loss) from the circumcision procedure. The short 2min video reviews the medical reports and interviews the parents. It is an informative but not graphic portrayal.

Also read important information from a doctors group about the various harmful complications that often arise from circumcision.

(Courtesy of Doctors Opposing Circumcision)

The immediate postoperative complications of circumcision may be classified as urinary retention, meatitis, meatal ulceration, meatal stenosis, skin tags, adhesions, skin bridges, concealed penis, phimosis, and miscellaneous complications. These complications are iatrogenic.

Urinary Retention

Circumcision sometimes results in urinary retention1 with possible obstructive uropathy.2 Bandages used in ritual circumcision may cause urinary retention.3,4 The plastic ring portion of the Plastibell® may also cause urinary retention,5 which may result in a ruptured bladder,6 renal failure,7 or interruption of circulation in the lower extremities.8,9 Urinary retention caused other complications that led to death in one reported case.10 Urinary retention is not seen in non-circumcised intact boys.

Adhesions and Skin-Bridges

The first step in the genital cutting of newborn boys is separation of the inner surface of the foreskin from the glans penis, to which it is fused at birth. The tearing, which Gracely-Kilgore (1984) compared with “skinning a squirrel,”11 leaves the surface of the glans penis and the inner lining of the foreskin raw. Newborn circumcision wounds are not sutured, so the residual foreskin heals wherever it falls. The residual foreskin may heal together with the glans penis, which results in adhesions that may form a skin bridge,11,12 resulting in tethering.1 Gracely-Kilgore reports that 15 percent of boys seen in her practice had adhesions and three percent required surgical correction.11 Adhesions may require surgical separation by a urologic specialist.13 Adhesions are not seen in non-circumcised intact boys.

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Click here to see the video documentary about the death of a baby who died from circumcision.

Click above to watch the video.

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Meatal Complications

Meatitis, meatal ulceration, and meatal stenosis are pathology only seen in circumcised boys who have been deprived of the protective foreskin. The connection between circumcision and these iatrogenic pathologies has been known at least since 1921.14 The exposure of the unprotected glans penis to the ammoniacal diaper (nappie) is generally believed to be the cause of inflammation and ulceration.14,15 Persad et al. (1995), however, have suggested that ischemia of the glans penis, caused by the severing of the frenular artery at circumcision, may be the etiologic factor.16 The ulceration may eventually result in the formation of scar tissue, restricting the opening of the urethra. Leitch (1970) reported 8 cases of meatal ulcer and 3 cases of meatal stenosis in a series of 200 circumcisions for an incidence of 5.5 percent.17 A meatotomy may be required to open the urethra.18-19 Meatal complications are not seen in non-circumcised intact boys.

Urinary Tract Infection

Several studies find that more than 50 percent of urinary tract infections (UTI) occur within 12-14 days after ritual circumcision.20-22.

Post-circumcision Phimosis

Oddly enough, circumcision, which is touted to prevent phimosis, actually causes phimosis.22,23 When the circumcision scar forms beyond the glans penis, a phimotic ring results, causing phimosis. Blalock et al. (2003) reported an incidence of 2.9 percent in circumcised boys.23 Leich reported that 11 out of 200 required recircumcision to correct post-circumcision phimosis.17.

Inconspicuous Buried, Trapped, or Concealed Penis

This iatrogenic condition occurs secondary to circumcision.24-30 A second surgery usually is necessary to effect a repair.28-30.

Keloid Formation

Keloids are an overgrowth of scar tissue. Keloids are reported after circumcision.31-33 They require surgical removal and repair.31-33.

Circulation Problems, Ischemia, Necrosis, and Gangrene

Circumcision severs arteries and veins including the frenular artery that supplies the glans penis,16 so it is not surprising that circulation problems are reported after circumcision. Gangrene of the penis,34-36 and of the glans penis,37,38 have been reported.

Miscellaneous Complications

Miscellaneous post-operative complications include chordee,39 inclusion cysts,40,41 lymphedema,40,41 neuromas,42 sub-cutaneous mass,43 and cancer.44


Following is Baba's guideline from Senior Acarya Diary where He clearly states that circumcision is not done in Ananda Marga. This is not one of our accepted practices. Instead, after reaching puberty the foreskin should be pulled back. If for any reason, the foreskin cannot be pulled back, then the below process should be done. Be aware that from infancy up to puberty, there is no need to pull back the foreskin.


In the Bengali edition of Caryacarya part 2 and point #2 of Sixteen Points, Baba simply gives the instruction to pull back the foreskin. That is point #2 of Sixteen Points - there is no option given for circumcision.

 Note: Beware that from infancy up to puberty, there is no need to pull back the foreskin.



And here below Baba further classifies circumcision as a dogmatic ritual that has no place in our Ananda Marga this as a dogma:

"Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (PNS-21, How to Unite Human Society)

So circumcision is nothing but a holdover custom from thousands of years; it not based on science or rationality. And it was adopted by the Semitic religions. Thus this harmful tradition has just been blindly passed on from one community to the next.

in Him,