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Friday, July 18, 2014

Delirium of Diseased Jinani #1 & #3


Note: In this series of letters, Dr. T. R Sukulji addresses the delirium of one jinani, i.e. Manas Nandi. To read Nandi's original letters, please scroll down accordingly. A link to part two of this series is also appended below. - Eds


We all know that we all come from Parampurush and return back to Him only, through the long journey of cosmic cycle and the phases of sanchar and pritisanchar.

Maeyav sakalam' ja'tam' mayi sarvam' pritisthitam';
Mayi sarvam' layam' ya'ti tad brahma'dvayamasmyaham.

In this long journey, the operative principle i.e. prakrati takes care of our every movement up to the stage below human form. As soon as human form is attained ( which is relatively more developed stage than other creatures ) it develops its own existential feeling to work independently with its ego. The operative prakrati still helps them to march ahead utilizing vidya and avidya powers of it in a rational way. The nature of vidya tends towards spirituality and the vidya towards physical materialistic property. Due to materialistic attraction of avidya some people are deviated from the righteous path and think it to be their final goal. After a long time when they do not get perpetual happiness in it they feel repentant . So according to the rule " ya'drashi bhavna' yasya siddhirbhavati ta'drashi" they get degenerated towards negative pratisanchar .

The human form is attained crossing 75 per cent of the cosmic cycle in clockwise direction and rest of the 25 per cent can be covered with the rational use of vidya and avidya power of prakrati i.e. by dint of sadhana but influenced by avidya the materialistic mentality prevents many of us and compels  to follow anticlockwise movement of cosmic cycle and they march opposite to the already crossed 75  per cent way ( negative pratisanchar).

Thus there are two ways to attain parampurush  ( 1) With the centripetal force using vidya and avidya in a rational way and doing sadhana and (2) with a centrifugal force using only avidya . In first case, people develop personal and intimate relation with parampurush and proceed ahead with happiness. In second case, people develop enemy relation with parampurush out of pride and follow the negative pratisanchar. King Kamnsa and Ravana are examples who tried to attain parampurush treating Him as their enemy.

Rev. Baba says, the second way is torturous and is condemned by the people ages together hence should not be followed by any one.

As far as brother Nandiji's letters are concerned they convey following two messages:-

  (1) He is trying to understand AnandaMarga philosophy but due to  lacking in proper guidance and knowledge , feels defects in the philosophical terms which he is unable to understand.
 (2) He treats himself to be all knowing intelligent person and can test every other knowledge of the world to certify which is right or wrong .And in this way entertaining himself criticizing others .

      - If above point no.1 is correct then we have sympathy with him and can try our level best to convince and explain every philosophical term he needs. It is the important trait of human mind to learn from defects. This will certainly lead him towards true knowledge, righteousness and bliss.

     - if above point no. 2 is correct then there is no doubt that he has gone mad or is a great fool  of the world. He should know that we do not afraid of criticism at any level because we have proper explanation of  each of his doubt and we will never leave the path of bliss due to fear of criticism. 
The scriptures say :-
    "Nindantu niitinipun'ah stuvantu va', laxmi a'gachhatu gachhatu va yathestam,
     Adyaiv maranmastu yugantare va, nyayat pathi pravichlanti na dhiirah.


Here below is what Nandiji wrote:

From: Manas Nandi
Subject: [BabasDream] “Bábá: “Supreme Father”, the affectionate name given to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii by his disciples”


“Bábá: “Supreme Father”, the affectionate name given to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii by his disciples” (1)
If we look at above sentence (see reference below), what does it looks like?
Baba means Supreme Father
Baba is  the affectionate name given to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii by his disciples
So Supreme Father is the affectionate name given to Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii by his disciples. So Supreme Father is the affectionate name given to Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar by his disciples.
Who is Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii?
Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii ( aka Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar) is the founder of global spiritual organization called Ananda Marga.
So it means Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is Supreme Father
So it means Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii is Supreme Father
So it means another name of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar is Supreme Father
So it means another name of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii is Supreme Father
(minus infinity)……Ha ha ha laughing …..(plus infinity)
Who do you want to be blamed? Shall one blame the irrational devotees of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii who has given such irrational name (rather impossible)? Should ones give a person (even if the person is very brilliant) a name ‘Supreme Father’? Or is it the attempts of the Ananda Marga organization to speculate their guru? Or is it the fault of the publication department? Or is it the desire of their guru to be called as Supreme Father?
I, Manas Nandi, will become tired to find many faults of Ananda Marga Organization. Will somebody help in this vast work of fault finding? Ha ha ha

By One & Infinite's grace
Brotherly Manas



My views on above letter are as under:-

1-  I have third edition of "idea and ideology" which contains 11 chapters. The text lines/ para from which above three conclusions have been extracted could not be found in any chapter of this edition. Therefore there can not be a direct blame that this book is misleading towards  controversial conclusions.

2-  The writer, (Dada Vedaprajinananda) of the article on:

has explained the creation of this universe under his own understanding. He has expressed his views treating pure consciousness, prakrati and creation to be different three things. It is the main reason which leads the reader to contradict conclusion. The other important point is the use of word "modification". Every one knows that modification is needed to the entity which is incomplete. Pure consciousness is complete in all respects hence requires no modification yet the writer has mentioned it which is not agreeable.

3- Rev. Baba has very scientifically and exclusively explained this theory in His book "Idea and Ideology".  If we go through the book it is clearly understood  that if there is any existence , it is of non-qualified Brahma ( i.e. nirvikar or nirgun Brahma). Prakrati having threefold nature is His inherent operative principle. In nirvikar state this operative principle remains in dormant stage. Prakrati and purush though dual in theory are singular in spirit like two sides of one coin. The three binding forces of prakrati are belligerent in nature and try to dominate over each other and in such trial when they come in imbalanced state the operative principle experiences kinetics and due to this purush ( i.e. cognitive principle) experiences His existence . In this way the cognitive  principle comes in qualified state i.e. savikar or sagun state and the cosmic mind begins to function with a desire to become many from one. This is just like awakening from a deep sleep.

4- The cosmic mind thus imagines and vibrates  infinite waves of various wave lengths and the operative principle immediately gives  shape to them. This is like infinite small pieces of simple mirror  put before purush in various angled pattern . The same transcendental cognitive purush is reflected by such mirror like wave pattern  and we see it to be this vast universe in which our earth and it's inhabitants , moon and various planets , solar system/s, galaxies black holes ,dark matter , space , time etc exist. So each and every visible object of this universe is nothing but a ocean of waves. It is clear that the singular cognitive principle is being reflected in the wave patterns and is acting as a witnessing entity only.This implies that this vast universe is nothing but the the thought wave of purush and will remain existent till His thought wave is alive. This is also evident that being a thought wave of cosmic mind it is in side His mind and there is nothing out side it, so there is no scope to treat purush, prakrati and creation to be separate three existences.

5- In the light of this discussion the above quoted self contradictory conclusions automatically lose their existence.

Dr. T.R. Sukul

Here below is what Nandiji wrote:

Is Consciousness modifiable? Or Is Consciousness unmodifiable?

Dear Brothers and Sisters

“If the Consciousness does not give the Operative Principle a chance to work, then the pure Consciousness remains without any modification.”
Conclusion#1 :- It implies that the pure Consciousness is modifiable.
“If the operative principle is given a chance to act, it works according to three fundamental modes. That is Prakrti creates differences in this world by modifying the original pure consciousness in three distinctive ways. These three fundamental styles of action are known as gunas in Sanskrit, a term which literally means "binding quality".”
Conclusion#2 :- It implies that Prakrti modifies the original pure consciousness in three distinctive ways. Further it implies that the pure Consciousness is modifiable.
 “Just what exactly is Consciousness?
First of all Consciousness performs the act of witnessing all events of the universe. It is like a chandelier hanging in a room from the ceiling; many different actions take place under the witnessing light bulb, but the light bulb itself does not undergo change or participate directly in the action it witnesses. It provides the light which makes all the activities possible and "observes" all the activities. It is the "cognitive faculty."”
Conclusion#3 :- It implies that the consciousness  performs the act of witnessing all events of the universe. It means the Consciousness is unmodifiable.

All above quoted statements are excerpts from:

By One & Infinite's Grace
Brotherly Manas Nandi


Here below is a link to the #2 letter in this series: