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Friday, May 9, 2014

Disrespect to Guru


This email contains five sections:
1. PS #135: On This Auspicious Holy Occasion of Ananda Purnima
2. Posting: Disrespect to Guru
3. Comment: Baba's photo seat must be higher than PP's seat in DMS
4. End Quote: How Vibrations Help or Hurt Us
5. Links

~ On This Auspicious Holy Occasion of Ananda Purnima ~

Note: This song is comprised of four sections that are color-coded to enhance the clarity and understanding.

(1) Black = Bangla lyrics
(2) Red = English word meaning
(3) Blue = English line meaning
(4) Black (bold) = Purport

Janmadine     ei     shubha    ks’an’e
Birth  day    this   holy      moment
On this auspicious holy Birthday

Prán’a bhará   apár        ánande
Heart  full    endless     in bliss
My heart is overflowing with infinite bliss

An’ute    an’ute    prati    paramán’ute
In atom   in atom   every    in molecule
In every pore, in every iota

Dolá  láge     nava     varn’e      gandhe
Sway           new      in colour   in aroma
It is swaying in new colour and aroma

Khushiite      vibhor     ápan hárá
In pleasure   ensconced   own  lost
Having lost oneself, and ensconed in bliss

Sabákár     man     áveshe      bhará
Everyone’s   mind   saturated   full
Everyone’s mind is completely saturated (with divine love)

Udvel        hiyá    tomári   lágiyá
Overjoyed   heart    only You  for
My heart is overjoyed only for You

Nece     cale     mohan                 chande
Dance    go      spiritual attraction  in rhythm
It goes on dancing in spiritual rhythm

Bhálobese     esecho           káchat’ite       rayecho
In love       You have come    close  by        remaining
With love You have come and remain in close proximity

Álor        chat’áy        ácho       sabár      ánande
Effulgence  in splendour   You are    all        in bliss
You are in the effulgence of light & You are in the bliss of all


O' Parama Purusa, Baba, on this auspicious holy occasion of Your birthday, Ananda Purnima, by Your divine grace my heart is overflowing with infinite bliss. My heart is full of love for You. It sways in new colour and aromas; Your divine advent vibrates each and every pore and cell of this entire universe. With Your divine arrival, the whole atmosphere has become completely charged and vibrated.  

O' my Lord, everyone is completely charmed by Your divine attraction and beauty; everyone has lost themselves in You; everyone is floating in Your cosmic bliss. By Your grace my heart is only saturated by Your exquisite presence; I am overjoyed in getting You. Everyone is dancing in Your divine rhythm.

O' Parama Purusa, Your divine presence has transformed everything. You have graciously come and with Your love You are keeping us all close to You. You have granted us shelter in You. O' my Lord, You are the effulgence of light; You are in the bliss of all.

Baba, on this auspicious day, my only request is that You please remain eternally in my heart. By Your grace I offer everything at Your alter. 

== Section 2 == 


Here is an important point that is central to the life of every Ananda Margii.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC-2, Sadhana, pt #1a)

So Baba is the Guru and we are all His disciples, including PP dada. Thus all must have reverence for Guru.



Now see this below photo from Jamalpur DMS 2014:

Here above is how PP Dada's seat was arranged at the recent DMS in Jamalpur. As you can readily see his seat his higher than the seat for Baba's photo.


Everyone should consider the ramifications of this.

At the same time, all should understand that the DMS organisers themselves published  and circulated this photo. Some naive people do not realise that the DMS authorities took this photo have been using it to propagate their event.


Below is a very good way to display Baba's photo - see what margii devotees in one Ananda Marga unit have done.

Above is a very good way to display Baba's photo - see what margii devotees in one Ananda Marga unit have done. In the above gathering, look how there is one avadhuta seated. At DMS PP Dada should be sitting in a similar way. Or regardless of where PP Dada sits, Revered Baba's photo must be 5 feet above the seat of PP Dada. Baba's photo must not be below the seat of PP Dada as happened at the summer DMS 2014 at Ananda Nagar, as in the first photo of this email.

The central idea is that at our Marga gatherings Saguru Baba's photo must be, at  minimum, 5 feet above the seat of PP Dada.

So while this will serve as as guideline for DMS, the below is an ideal and optimal way to set up every jagrti and kiirtan hall etc.



As we know, in our dharmacakra halls and jagrtis etc, Guru's photo must be prominently displayed at all times - with due reverence and regard. Best then is to have two photos on display - one lower (around 4 feet off ground), and one higher (around 7 feet off the ground.)

If everyone is sitting in sadhana or Guru Puja then both photos should be displayed. Because everyone is low to the ground and no one will block or disrespect Guru's image.

And if someone is standing or giving a talk, or if akhanda kiirtan is being done, then the lower photo, which is only four feet off the ground, should either be turned around or covered by a small curtain. That way those standing will not block or hover over Guru's photo. At the same time, the higher photo - which is around 7 feet above the ground - will be in full view of all. Those standing will have no chance of blocking that photo. Thus the sanctity of Guru's photo will be maintained and the devotional environment preserved.

In Him,
Liila Shankar Yadav

== Section 3 ==

From: Karmeshvar <karmes,,,,,>;
Subject: Baba's photo seat must be higher than PP's seat in DMS
Time: May 4 2014 at 6:48 AM

Baba's Photo Seat Must Be

Higher Than PP's Seat In DMS


I think it is not correct what PP dada is doing!!! Actually shame be onto him! But there is much more grave concerns about the use of Babas photos, like the unrestricted display of Babas photos on the internet, where many peoples profanity can come into play!


== Section 4 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How Vibrations Help or Hurt Us

"The stamina to stand vibrations differs in different people. Hence various degrees of happiness or sorrow are experienced by different people, and these differences depend on their respective mental constitutions. The subtle causes of these different mental constitutions are their acquired samskáras or reactive momenta, and the crude causes are their nerve cells, nerve tissues, glandular secretions, etc. The sudden vibrational impact on the body and mind makes the mind react violently, resulting in the cessation of the cardiac functions. This also explains the death of a person struck by lightning. The sudden contact of the eyes with an extremely dazzling radiance often results in the total impairment of vision. If we look directly at the brilliant sun for a few moments, our visual power becomes temporarily stunned and we cannot see anything for some time. Similarly, when some very high pitched or loud sound strikes the eardrum, the power of hearing may be destroyed. The sensitivity of every organ may be suspended by the impact of any violent vibration; this stupefaction, if the intensity of the vibrational impact is very great, may even become permanent. Yet sometimes powerful vibrations may help stimulate and restore the power of organs which have not been functioning for years. You must have heard of a person who had been blind or deaf and dumb since his childhood, regaining the lost power of his impaired organs in his latter years either by stroke of lightning or by being suddenly informed of an extremely happy or sad news." (Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour)

== Section 5 ==



Again, all should understand that the DMS organisers themselves published this below photo. Some naive people do not realise that the DMS authorities themselves are circulating this photo to propagate their event.