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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Carrying Weapon



Most everyone has heard that Didis are required by Baba to carry a trishul (trident). It is part of their uniform.

Everyone also knows that Baba’s each and every order bears great significance. To what degree all our Didis are following this code – only they can truly say. I do know that my Didi does indeed carry hers. She and I have discussed why and then I did more research by talking to others and here is a summary for your review.

I would appreciate if others – especially more Didis – would share their comments on this subject.


As we know, women have been enjoying greater social equality around the globe, but still there remains lots of work to be done in this arena. Regarding, in-born or innate qualities and potential, women and men are equal in the more subtle spheres. We know that males and females can equally progress on the spiritual path. A person’s progress is more a function of an individual’s commitment to sadhana than any biological difference. So in the more subtle spheres, there is no real gender
difference. And that is Baba’s teaching.

Baba says, "According to Ananda Marga, women have equal rights in each and every sphere, so why shouldn’t they also have the right to attain salvation?..So on behalf of the philosophy of Ananda Marga, and also on behalf of the cult of Tantra, I hereby announce that males and females, who are the boys and girls of Parama Purus’a, the sons and daughters of Parama Purus’a, have an equal birthright to attain salvation." (1)

However, we also know that Baba does indeed point out differences between men and women. In some respects men are more developed and in other regards women are more developed. And along the way, there are always exceptions to the rule or general trend.

Baba says, "The number of cells in a female body is a little smaller than the number in a male body. Again, from the viewpoint of sentimentality, the number of nerve cells in a woman’s body is a little greater than that in a man’s. That is why in areas needing intelligence, knowledge and rationality men progress rapidly, and in areas where success depends on sentimentality, women progress very swiftly. Through the dispensation of God, men’s deficiency is balanced by women’s sentimentality, and women’s deficiency is balanced by men’s resoluteness and subtle propensive propulsion. And this is why in the sphere of education, both men and women must be afforded equal opportunities. Otherwise society will become crippled, and its all-round well-being cannot be achieved." (2)

So clearly according to Baba there is a some difference between men and women in the psychic sphere. Certainly there is always the possibility for exceptions. But in general, each gender has their own strengths and taken together, society is balanced.

Perhaps the most notable difference though comes in the more crude sphere – on the physical plane – as the glandular system of men and women are quite different. In particular Baba points out how the physical might of men is more. That is the general rule though always there are a few exceptions.

Baba says, "As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women." (3)

Baba says, "Generally, males have got much more stamina, courage...than females. Females have less courage, stamina." (4)

So while in the most subtle sphere men and women enjoy an equal birthright, in the more crude spheres there are stark differences between men and women - taking into account the possiblity for exceptions. And one certain difference is that men are physically stronger.

Domestic violence continues to be a huge issue around the globe. So many women become victims both in and out of their own homes – in the west and in the east. Although women enjoy more social freedom in the west, still abuse against women runs rampant.
Mostly because we are physically weaken than men. Much of this is also due to women being projected as objects of sexual gratification in this male-dominate world. The movies, the media, the advertising all point in this direction. Women are grossly objectified.

And in this era of extreme materialism, so many attacks occur against women – both inside and outside their home.
Tragically, women are not entirely safe within the walls of AMPS. While most in AM are very good, but a few fake margiis have been known to create problems. More can be told about this by others. Or write me for details about this.


My main point is this use of trident. Baba’s directive that Didis carry a trident bears great significance in today’s world and is probably related with the fact that Didis are supposed to travel in pairs - for reasons of safety - at least most of the time.

Women are susceptible in this world – due to our limited physical strength. If all the men and women were enlightened, the world would be much safer for us. But that is not the case. ==some== men are still dominated by animal propensities and that leads to so much abuse against women.==and vice-versa

Point being, our esteemed Didis must not fall prey to this and become victims. Baba’s clear-cut message is that Didis should be prepared and one such step of preparation is carrying a trident, not using provocative dress etc. When using provocative dress then anti-social elements feel that you are inviting them. Indeed, dress has a big effect. If the police come without their official dress then people will not take them seriously. Similarly, provocative dress gives one signal etc, that is why one's dress should always be sentient.


If we use our rational minds, we can think of other steps that Didis and margii women can take. When sexual crimes and domestic violence are occurring at such high levels, then every female must always be alert and take precautions. We always have to think if we are in a safe position or not. This precautionary measure will help prevent so many cases of abuse.

Even then our Didis are always traveling and they may get caught in a bad situation, or at the very least one that is unenviable. So they should be ready and prepared.

Beyond carrying a trishul, it is not a bad idea for our Didis and margii sisters and all women to learn basic elements of self-defense. Martial arts like judo and karate will help reduce the susceptibility of women.

We will no longer feel like victims.

As a mother I have enrolled my 10 and 12 year old daughters in Tae Kwon Do classes. Such classes not only improve their agility but help them develop self-confidence and courage.

Basically, I wish them to feel prepared without scaring them into thinking they live in a violent world. So we emphasize the positive side.

Of course martial arts are not a replacement for sadhana. Our aim is not to become a black belt. We are sadhakas. But given today’s topsy-turvy world, we have to be prepared.

And I feel that preparation extends to our Didis as well. And that is what I have been told about why Baba has included the trident as a mandatory aspect of a Didi’s uniform. It is a tool for safeguarding our lady acaryas. Then it is their own prerogative if they wish to learn some type of systematic method of self-defense as well. I would highly recommend it.

In this present era, self-defense has become a need for all women. And Baba Himself recognises this by requiring Didis to carry a trishal.


By Baba’s grace I feel in my heart that He deeply cares for all His children. He is watching and guiding us. His every teaching is important and bears significance, including that of Didis being required to carry a trishul. I hope this matter is not being neglected. Rather we should use it as rallying point to prepare our margii sisters (including Didis) for how to live in this world. No one should be susceptible or victimised.

in the service of Divine Father,

1. An Equal Birthright
2. Yoga Psychology
3. Caryacarya-1, ‘The Social Relationship Between Men and Women’
4. Yoga Psychology


"Tiirthe tiirthe ghuriya' kla'nt hoye esechi dva're..."   (Prabhata Samgiita 4112)


O' Divine Entity, after wandering around the globe in various holy lands in search of You, I am completely tired. In this exhausted state I have reached Your alter. Baba, be gracious, please do not turn Your face away; please do not become unhappy, angry, or furious with me. Please open the door and allow me to come inside.

O my Lord, look towards me; my whole body is completely tired and exhausted. My feet are full of dust. Wandering around in the sun, my whole body has become completely hot and sweaty. I am totally tired and exhausted.

O' Parama Purusa, now I feel in my heart and repent how my whole life has been wasted. I was tied up in the noose of dogma. Just I was performing various rituals, wandering in holy lands, moving from one tiirtha to another tiirtha, from one Baba's Quarter to another Baba's Quarter, in search of You. By Your grace, now I understand that You are residing in my heart - smiling.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I am surrendering to You. Please accept me as Yours. Do not leave me to wander from one dogmatic pilgrimage to another - involved in various rituals. The path which I was traveling was dark & full of hopelessness. I wasted a lot of money, time, and energy; nothing was gained. Now I am too tired. I want Your divine direction.

In spite of moving on the negative path, by Your grace in the garden of my mind some flowers have bloomed for You. I want to offer those flowers at Your lotus feet. The creepers of hope are swinging and the feeling is coming that You will allow me.

Baba, O' my Lord, You have graciously given me the longing for You in my heart. Now please grace me by allowing me to come close to You and touch Your feet. Baba, I am Yours and You are mine. I am surrendering everything unto You. Please accept me...