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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Child Slavery #2 + RE: OUTLANDISH


This email contains two distinct letters:
1. RE: Outlandish Claim by Dada K
2. Child Labor and Slavery #2

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:46:17 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>



I heard many fake Baba stories but this one by Kalyaneshvarananda takes the cake, else, he must be joking?

I don't for once believe Ac. Kalyaneshvarananda 's outrageous story about " Baba asking Ramanandajii to meet RSS chief in Nagpur and propose if AM and RSS can work together to fight with common enemies as they are very powerful and that Baba instructed us not to speak anything against RSS, although they may criticize AM."

Who are the common enemies of both AM and RSS ? Is not dogmatic RSS a "common enemy?" 

This is a "once upon a time story." It is akin to Baba asking CPIM to work together with AM to destroy capitalism (see note 1).

This bogus story completely undermines Baba and his mission. It is the most ridiculous story ever told. All be it,
wise Kalyaneshvarananda is the PRS of the Kolkotta faction. This is the calibre of our so-called leadership.

Hiding my head in shame,

Note 1: In India and in many places, the communists are in bed with the capitalists. For show, communists abuse capitalists to collect votes from the poor, but internally they are very close. This is quite prevalent - especially in India. Here we should keep in mind that both capitalists and communists are materialists.

From: Dada Kalyaneshvarananda
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:20:37 +0530


I wish to add a few points for dear Tarak's information.

1.In India RSS is supposed to represent Hindu interests. Once Baba asked Ramanandajii to meet RSS chief in Nagpur and propose if AM and RSS can work together to fight with common enemies as they are very powerful. I was present in that meeting in 1968 along with a few margiis. We met the then chief Mr. Golwalkar, who was a bright person, but did not agree with the proposal for their own reasons. But Baba instructed us not to speak any thing against RSS, although they may criticize AM.

2. Like Ac. Raghunath and many others, several good margiis were once RSS strong cadre. They came to AM for Sadhana and were charmed by Baba's personality. One such person was Shri V. M. Deshapande who later settled down in Mumbai. He had many friends in RSS and they always used to chide him that why AM does not call itself Hindu. He would answer them logically, but sentimentally his friends were never satisfied. He was also not understanding that most of the Shlokas Baba explained in His Pravacans are either from Vedas or Upanisadas or Giita or Shiva's treatise, which Hindu's consider as their heritage. Astanga Yoga is also considered as Hindu heritage by Hindu religion. Once Baba went to Ahmedabad where Vinayak Deshpande was working as Income Tax Officer. Without any reference, Baba said in a field walk, Vinayak, do you know that Ananda Marga is pure Hinduism. Vinayak Deshpande felt relieved of a great tension.

3. More than 99% margiis and workers in AM in India come from Hindus. Because Hindu was never been a religion- the Persians named the civilization beyond river Sindhu (Indus) as Hindu, as in Persian the word Sindhu is pronounced as Hindu. When militant Islam entered India, to combat it, the Hindus unconsciously been addressed and was accepted as a religion.

There are several dogmas in Hinduism -the biggest being the casteism. Baba asked us to fight with it through intercaste marriages, which are now so common in AM.

Ac. Kalyaneshvarananda Avadhuta

(To read earlier letter on this topic see link appended below.)


Date: 25 Jan 2014 13:32:58 -0000
From: "jayashrii"
Child Labor and Slavery #2


This is an issue of exploiter and exploited.



"These days, a person who possesses wealth is respected and revered whereas a person without money is a person honoured by none. The poor, whoever they may be, have to woo the rich just for the sake of earning their livelihood. Human values have become meaningless, for human beings have become the means for the rich to earn money. The rich, having purchased the human mind with their money, are busy playing a game of chess with the other members of society. Bereft of everything, people toil round the clock to earn a mere pittance. Today the motto of people is, “I have to send some food particles into the apathetic stomach after somehow taking a dip in the muddy water amidst hyacinths.”"

"Those who are at the helm of society, constantly suspicious of others, forever count their losses and profits. They have no desire to think about the plight of humanity. Rather, to gratify themselves they are ready to chew the human bone, and suck human blood. For the self-centred there is no place for feelings of mercy, sympathy or camaraderie. The railway stations and market places are full of half-clad beggars and lepers desperately stretching out their begging bowls, earning their livelihood in the only way they know. They are fortunate if anyone contemptuously flings them a copper coin. The old blind beggars sitting all day long on the steps of a bridge automatically lift their bowls whenever anyone walks past. But their hungry pleas fall on deaf ears. On the other side of the social coin, sumptuous dishes are being prepared to entertain the rich dignitaries. These contrasts ridicule the present human society."

"Today, those who occupy high posts are also respected. Dignity is attached to post or rank. A station master will take great pains to prepare the railway minister's visit, but will never trouble himself with the inconveniences faced by the ordinary passengers. Luxurious houses are built for high-ranking officers while the poor live in shanty towns, barely protected from the elements. I don't say that large houses should never be built, but that everyone should be provided the minimum requirements. “I admit that both rice and tasty dishes are necessary for people, but I shall not demand a sumptuous dish from the goddess of food until I see that India [the entire world] has been overflooded with an abundance of rice.”" (AFPS-2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles)

India’s child maids face slavery, abuse and sometimes rape
By Simon Denyer

NEW DELHI — She was just 14 years old when she was picked up from her poor village in eastern India and promised good wages as a maid in New Delhi. Instead, she was forced to work for free as a virtual slave in a wealthy middle-class household.

When she plucked up the courage to complain to the “placement agent” who had found her the job, “he beat me and then he raped me,” the girl, now 17, said in an interview in this capital city. “He said if I ever tried to run away from home, he would kill off my family and burn down my house.”

Every year, hundreds of thousands of girls are trafficked from rural India to work as domestic servants in middle-class homes in India’s fast-growing urban areas. They are expected to work at least 15 hours a day for food, lodging and salaries well below the legal minimum monthly wage of about $125. Many end up cut off from their families, abused and treated like slaves. Some are sexually assaulted.

India erupted in outrage at the gang rape last month of a young woman on a moving bus in New Delhi. But in the same city, experts say, a vast network of child trafficking and abuse operates with society’s implicit sanction and official apathy. As India strives to become a modern and developed nation, the problem serves as a reminder of the exclusion of a vast swath of the population from the benefits of a rising economy and the broad indifference of many middle-class Indians to the rights of the poor.

“The trafficking of young children, especially girls, under the garb of placement agencies is the biggest organized crime in India today. And the worst part is, it is right there in the open, in our homes, and yet invisible,” said Bhuwan Ribhu of the child rights group Bachpan Bachao Andolan.

One of the six suspects in the gang-rape case, a purported 17-year-old, was himself trafficked at age 11 from a poor village in northern India to a life of child labor in the capital, where he worked in a roadside restaurant and as a bus driver’s assistant, police have said. He soon lost touch with his parents.

Law widely flouted

Many middle-class Indians believe they are helping poor families by giving their children work. But according to municipal law in New Delhi, which has enacted some of India’s strictest child labor laws, they should be jailed. Employing people younger than 18 in a hazardous job, as domestic service is defined, has been a non-bailable offense since 2009.

But the law is widely flouted, said Ribhu, who added that on rare occasions police carry out “rescue operations” of underage servants after complaints from parents or activists.

“Almost all of the domestic maids are either minors, or started work as maids before they were 18,” Ribhu said.

There has never been a systematic attempt to determine the scale of the problem. The government says 5 million children are employed in India, but activists say the real number could be 10 times that. A senior official at India’s Home Affairs Ministry, which oversees the police, estimated that as many as 4 million children work in domestic service nationwide and that up to 4,000 placement agencies operate in New Delhi and its suburbs alone.

But the official, who insisted on anonymity to speak candidly, said it was often hard to get his fellow bureaucrats to take the issue seriously because so many of them employ children at home.

A tool of control

Sometimes, placement agencies demand a one-time fee for supplying servants, a sum often docked from the girls’ wages by their employers. Other times, the employer pays the wages directly to the placement agency, which might give a portion of that money, or none at all, to the girl.

One 18-year-old interviewed, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid retribution from former employers, said she received no money for four years of work as a maid for doctors and businesspeople. Another, whose statement forms part of a court case filed by activists in an attempt to force New Delhi authorities to regulate the industry, said in her testimony that she was paid $45 a month but was essentially imprisoned for years and never allowed to telephone her family.

When she complained to the placement agent, she said, he raped her. Ribhu said traffickers often use rape — which can ruin a young woman’s marriage prospects by robbing her of her “honor” — as a tool of control.

“I could not bear the pain and fell unconscious,” she said. “When I awoke, I found myself in a pool of blood. When I came out crying, he told me he would sell me off and never send me home if I didn’t keep quiet.”

The Washington Post generally does not name rape victims.

Activists have made progress only by taking such cases to Indian courts. New Delhi’s high court has led the way by ordering authorities to raise the minimum age for domestic service and requiring placement agencies to be registered. But the fine for failing to register ranges from just 50 cents to $5, and monitoring of registered agencies is nonexistent, activists say.

After two years of unpaid work, and after being raped on two occasions by her placement agent, the 17-year-old girl from eastern India was rescued by a Bachpan Bachao Andolan activist who was working undercover at New Delhi’s railway station.

The girl was at the station because the trafficker had promised to take her home to her village but had secretly bought tickets to the teeming commercial capital, Mumbai, where he apparently intended to sell her off into a life of further slavery or prostitution.

A year later, the girl is still in New Delhi, hiding from the trafficker. Small and shy, with her hair tied back in a bun and covered in a patterned scarf, she has an unassuming manner that masks a determination to see her tormentor put behind bars.

“The first thing I want is that man should be punished for what he did to me,” she said. “Then I want to see the money I am owed in my hand. The third thing is to go back home safe and sound.” (Courtesy of The Washington Post)


Here again is Baba's point that on such issues Prout has its own stand.

"All natural resources are meant to be used for collective welfare. No one has a monopoly over these resources. Some people argue, “When others by their manual labour earn money to provide themselves with food and clothing, why should I not be considered a member of the toiling masses when I earn by my intellectual labour?” In reply I will only say that by dint of intellect you may acquire as much of the boundless wealth in the intellectual or psychic realms as you like. Nobody can object to this. But if the intellect is used to appropriate limited mundane resources such as houses, land, food, clothing, money, etc., will this not deprive hundreds of thousands of people of their basic necessities? You may certainly earn your living by using your intellect, but your salary should be commensurate with the needs of your family, plus sufficient extra to take care of future contingencies, and not a penny more."

"It must always be remembered that the value of money lies in its proper use. If more money is accumulated than necessary, it loses its value due to lack of use. To the extent that you keep money idle and valueless, you become responsible for the injustices done to ragged, hungry people. You will have to give value to your accumulated money by utilizing it to provide opportunities for others. So in my opinion, those who do not know how to make good use of money, which is a medium of exchange for mundane resources, are enemies of society." (Human Society-1, Social Justice)

In Him,

(To read earlier letter on this topic see link appended below.)