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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dying While Eating



Following is an example of a man who indulged in food and literally gorged himself to death in an insect eating contest.

This way of living is a misuse and abuse of one's human potentiality. One has been blessed to receive a human body and it should be used for following bhagavad dharma.

Nowadays, many use their human body as tool of indulgence. This is the sad reality. And when that indulgence is directed towards food, they will literally eat themselves to death.

The story does not end there. According to their inherent desire they will again take birth. But then it will not be as a human being, but as a pig, bear, bull or some other degraded being or worse than that. In such a way one will have to face the consequences.

Read below the tragic example as well as Baba's divine teachings that dictate that those who misuse their human body will take birth in a lesser form in their next life. They will have to suffer the reactions of their misguided desires and lowly thoughts.

When you desire something animalistic then you will get the body of that animal or bug etc. One will be reborn as an animal because the human body is unfit to satiate their chosen desire. For instance, in this example below, a many died after eating large quantities of worms and cockroaches. In his next life he may be reborn as bug-eating crab etc, since a human body was incapable or satisfying his desire in that way.

These are the extreme examples. But in day to day life, most members of the general society do not use their human body in the right manner for  the right cause. Mostly they desire something mundane. That is why, when the moment arises most will not get a human body - let alone moksa.



Courtesy of Medical Daily by Makini Brice

A 32-year-old man downed an unreported number of live cockroaches and worms in a contest, before suddenly dying yesterday.

The contest was hosted by a local pet store offering an $850 python as a reward for the person who could eat the most live insects and worms. Edward Archbold was one of the 20 to 30 contestants who participated in the “Midnight Madness” event at a Florida store.

Archbold won, consuming an unspecified amount of roaches and worms. He was described as the life of the party. But the event soon turned deadly.

Soon after Archbold’s triumph, he became ill and started to vomit. Archbold’s friend called for medical attention, and Archbold himself dialed 911. Shortly afterwards, Archbold collapsed outside the pet shop. An ambulance picked him up but he was pronounced dead at North Broward Medical Center. The hospital is currently conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

According to New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, officials say, “While walking on spoiled food in garbage containers, they [cockroaches] pick up various bacterial organisms on their legs that they can later deposit on uncovered food. Cockroaches themselves are not implicated in the transmission of any diseases. However, many disease-causing organisms can grow and multiply in their guts and can then be deposited on silverware, plates etc. during defecation.”

But cockroaches and other insects are eaten in various cultures all over the world. In addition, the insects used for the contest were safely raised so that they could later be consumed by reptiles. “I mean, it was a shock,” Ben Siegel, the owner of the pet shop, said. “Eddie was a very nice guy. We just met him that night, but everybody that works here was very fond of him.”

All participants had signed a waiver absolving Siegel of blame before being allowed to compete in the contest. Archbold was reportedly going to sell the python to a friend who had taken him to the event. Since his death, the pet store has put aside his prize to give to his estate.


The above example does not exist in isolation. One's thoughts and actions affect not just the present but their future as well. Here following are Baba's teachings that clearly apply to all those who indulge in eating contests - as well as those plunged in other poor habits and lowly thinking.


Yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii.

"According to one's desires one gets the fruits thereof. If somebody is a voracious eater and always hankers after food then it is quite likely that after the death of his physical body he may get the body of a pig in the next life. Suppose somebody wants to be a runner like a deer then it is not impossible that he will eventually get the body of a deer after the death of this present human structure." (1)

"One acquires a physical body according to the nature of one's sam'skáras. A human being who behaves like a goat or a dog may be born as a goat or a dog in the next life, because such an animal body is the proper base for the congenial expression of the latent saḿskáras. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone. One's destiny will be decided according to the nature of one's karma – this is an infallible law. In this regard, neither Paramátma nor Prakrti can do anything to help. But Parama Brahma out of His Infinite grace, will reconvert these “Ahalyás” (those converted into stone as a result of crude actions) into glorious human beings in the process of pratisaincara [the introversive movement of the Cosmos], and provide opportunities for their movement towards the most exulted life." (2)

"According to human longings and desires or according to human propensive pursuit, their minds take form i.e., they will gradually acquire the like Saḿskáras or reactive momenta. They first see within themselves what they aspire for and then let their minds flow towards it. Thereafter the external organs i.e., hands and feet, etc., set about achieving it. And so it is generally seen that the desires that they had been giving indulgence to throughout their lives, come hurtling over to them in a condensed form at the last hour, i.e., their mind-stuff takes the like mental form for the last time in order to shape itself into a fitting medium of the like Saḿskáras. Even during the life-time as well it is seen that the mind-stuff of a drunkard, which imbibes within it an indomitable desire or Saḿskára for wine, turns into a vantage ground for undergoing the next Saḿskáras or momenta of pleasure and pain. That is to say, such a person gets scent of the wine shop by the sheer propulsion of his acquired mental propensity, if he happens to go to a new and unfamiliar place. A man who has cultivated dog-like or swine-like desires all his life, dies with the same dog-like or swine-like frame of mind. Thereafter with the help of Prakrti’s Mutative force he acquires the form of a dog or swine in order to undergo the dog-like or swine-like Saḿskáras. The great ascetic, King Bharata, died thinking of a fawn, and that was why it is written in the Puráńas (Indian mythologies) that he had to take the body of a deer at his next birth." (3)



"Indulging in mean thoughts only engenders crude vibrations in the Citta, as the result of which you will have to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer the lowly Saḿskáras created by those crude vibrations. Thus you must arouse higher vibrations in your Citta. Even a man of King Bharata’s calibre had to take rebirth as a deer because at the time of his death he was deeply anxious about a fawn. Thus regardless of what you are at present or what you may possibly become in the future, do not digress from the ideal of the Great in any circumstances: do not stray even a step away from the path of realization of Absolute Bliss. Ananda Marga or the path to eternal bliss is the only path for you." (4)

According to Baba's above directive, those from the eating contests in the case studies will be reborn into that thing which they were thinking about. If at the time of death they were thinking about a bug, insect, or Indian sweet, then after their death they will take that shape and form in their next life. That is the simple formula.



"No matter what circumstances you are in, never lose sight of the Infinite One. Degradation is impossible for those who have accepted the Supreme Being as the Ideal of their lives." (5)

in Him,


The question arises, "Why do human beings do like this?" The response is that they are trying to satisfy their infinite desire with material indulgence. Their desire is to take an infinite amount of food, but alas the body is limited, so they die. Infinite desire can only be satiated by the realisation of Parama Purusa. So long as we are not teaching dharma sadhana to all, this problem will continue.

1. AV-2, The Difference between Macrocosm and Microcosm
2. AMIWL-7, Form and Formless
3. SS-2, Intuitional Science of the Vedas - 3
4. SS-3, Vibration, Form, & Color
5. SS-3, Vibration, Form and Colour


"Phuler ha'site chile, manoma'jhe a'ji ele..." (P.S. 1898)


O' Parama Purusa, You came in my mind today and You were smiling like a magnificent flower blossom. You know that I love You, so then why do You remain distant. O' my Lord, I do not call anyone other than You. In my mind, nothing else has any place; You are my Goal. You are my everything. And I do not think about anything else besides You. In spite of all these things, why do You remain forgetful about my existence - about me. O' Parama Purusa Baba, I understand this heart-breaking and difficult liila of Yours. You take my mind and play Your painful game of hide and seek. Sometimes You make me laugh; and sometimes You make me dance; and sometimes You make me float in my own tears. Baba, after such a long time You have graced me and come in my mind...