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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The guilty are innocent: L N Mishra's son's startling revelation


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: The guilty Are Innocent: L N Mishra's Son's Startling Revelation
2. End Quote: Definition of Hypocrites and When To Forgive Them
3. PS #1455: उस मायालोक में कोई एक दूसरे का शोषण नहीं  करता
4. Links

The guilty are innocent: L N Mishra's son's startling revelation

December 09, 2014 13:15 IST

L N Mishra was the first Cabinet minister to be assassinated in Independent India.
After Monday's judgment, almost 40 years after the murder, the minister's son tells why the government must reveal who really killed his father.

Nearly 40 years after former railways minister Lalit Narayan Mishra, left, was killed in a bomb blast at Samastipur in Bihar, a Delhi court on Monday, December 8, convicted four men of murder and criminal conspiracy.
Following the verdict, Vijay Mishra, the late minister's son, tells M I Khan why he is disappointed with the verdict.

Are you satisfied with the verdict?
The verdict disappointed us because the four people found guilty by the court -- advocate Ranjan Dwivedi, Gopalji, Santoshanand Avadhuta and Sudevananda Avadhuta -- are actually innocent.
We are not happy; we are still waiting for justice.
We never thought it would take 40 years for the verdict in the case of a railway minister who was so popular back then.

The four accused convicted by the court are innocent, I am 100 per cent sure. Innocents have been framed in the case.
I am not blaming or questioning the court because the verdict is on the basis of the chargesheet filed by the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation). The CBI is known for manipulating such things.

What do you base your views on?
I have been saying this ever since I appeared as a witness in the case years ago.
The Ananda Marg (a religious group) was not behind my father's killing ( the four men convicted in the case belong to the Ananda Marg which was then accused of anti-government activities).
Anand Margis had no reason or cause to go to the extent of eliminating my father. My father was a deeply religious person and a devout Hindu. He used to worship and offer rituals.

Who do you think was involved?
It is for the government and its investigative agencies to come out with the real story and the real people behind the murder of a powerful leader of the country.

Can you recall the incident?
I was only 22 or 23 years old and never dared to talk to my father directly, who was considered close to Mrs Indira Gandhi, the prime minister.
I remember when he was brought to Danapur near Patna (after the blast), hours were lost because of a delayed train, but my father was coherent despite serious injuries.
While he was being taken for an X-ray, he told me, 'Hum theek hain, humko kuch nahin huan hain, Jagannath ko dekho, bahut khun nikla hain' ('I am alright, you look after Jagannath -- he is bleeding profusely' -- referring to his younger brother Jagannath Mishra, who was also injured in the blast, and later became Bihar chief minister twice.)

What do you think should be done now?
The government should order the CBI to re-investigate the case. They should re-investigate the case on the basis of the initial inquiry conducted by the Bihar government following my father's murder.
I have information that the CBI had taken over the case without the recommendation of the Bihar government which was then investigating the case. (Courtesy of Rediff News)

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Definition of Hypocrites and When To Forgive Them

"(5) Hypocrites are:"

"(a) Those who give indulgence to falsehood;"

"(b) Those who are ungrateful to their benefactors;"

"(c) Those who do not keep their word;"

"(d) Those who betray;"

"(e) Those who slander behind one's back."

"(6) You may come to a temporary truce with a hypocrite, but do not forgive till his/her nature is reformed. Immediate forgiveness is a special weakness of mind. It results in worse harm to society."

"Those who cherish class distinctions, communalism, provincialism and casteism while indulging in propaganda about universalism are also hypocrites." (Caryacarya, part 2, Society, points #5-6)

== Section 3 ==

~ उस मायालोक में कोई एक दूसरे का शोषण नहीं  करता ~
प्रभात संगीत 1455 एक स्वप्नेर देशे  आमि मायाभरा जोछनाय...


हे परममपुरुष ! मैं मोहक चाॅंदनी में डूबे स्वप्नलोक में था |
बिलकुल अकेले बैठा मैं आनन्दपूर्वक तुम्हारे लिये तुम्हारे ही
गीत गा रहा था। हे दिव्य सत्ता ! तुम कितने कृपालु हो।

उस स्थान पर कोई भूख से नहीं मरता है।
वहाॅं  उस स्वप्नलोक में अज्ञानता भी नहीं है। वहाॅं जड़ता और
भावजड़ता की तरंगे नहीं बहती। उस भूमि उस स्वप्नलोक में सभी
मानव अपने को एक ही सार्वभौमिक परिवार का अंग मानते हैं। वे
एक दूसरे पर घातप्रतिघात कर लड़ते नहीं और न ही वे एक दूसरे की
हत्या कर खून की नदी बहने देते हैं।

हे प्यारे प्रभु! वहाॅं उस लोक में मानव बुद्धि भावजड़ता से धुंधली नहीं होती,
वह तो विवेक और तार्किकता में डूबी रहती है और अन्तर्बोध की यथार्थता प्रकट करती है।
 उस स्थान पर  उस लोक में, कोई भी दम्भ और दर्प के अंधेरे को,
अपने पास में नहीं फटकने देता | 
न ही कोई एक दूसरे का शोषण करता है। यह नव्यमानवतावाद की भूमि है।
मैं मोहक चाॅंदनी में डूबे इसी स्वप्नलोक था।

हे मेरे प्रभु! हे बाबा! मैं उस दिव्य स्वप्नलोक में था और तुम्हारे लिये गीत गा रहा था।

- Trans. T.R. Sukul

Following is the phonetic spelling in Roman Script of the above purport:

Usa māyā lōka mēṁ kō'ī ēka dūsarē kā śōṣaṇa nahīṁ karatā

prabhāta saṅgīta 1455 ēka svapnēra dēśē āmi māyābharā jōchanāya...


hē paramamapuruṣa! Maiṁ mōhaka cāĕndanī mēṁ ḍūbē svapnalōka mēṁ thā |
bilakula akēlē baiṭhā maiṁ ānandapūrvaka tumhārē liyē tumhārē hī
gīta gā rahā thā. Hē divya sattā! Tuma kitanē kr̥pālu hō.

Usa sthāna para kō'ī bhūkha sē nahīṁ maratā hai. 
Vahāĕṁ usa svapnalōka mēṁ ajñānatā bhī nahīṁ hai. Vahāĕṁ jaṛatā aura
bhāvajaṛatā kī taraṅgē nahīṁ bahatī. Usa bhūmi usa svapnalōka mēṁ sabhī 
mānava apanē kō ēka hī sārvabhaumika parivāra kā aṅga mānatē haiṁ. Vē
ēka dūsarē para ghātapratighāta kara laṛatē nahīṁ aura na hī vē ēka dūsarē kī 
hatyā kara khūna kī nadī bahanē dētē haiṁ.

Hē pyārē prabhu! Vahāĕṁ usa lōka mēṁ mānava bud'dhi bhāvajaṛatā sē dhundhalī nahīṁ hōtī, vaha tō vivēka aura tārkikatā mēṁ ḍūbī rahatī hai aura antarbōdha kī yathārthatā prakaṭa karatī hai. Usa sthāna para usa lōka mēṁ, kō'ī bhī dambha aura darpa kē andhērē kō, apanē pāsa mēṁ nahīṁ phaṭakanē dētā | na hī kō'ī ēka dūsarē kā śōṣaṇa karatā hai. Yaha navyamānavatāvāda kī bhūmi hai. Maiṁ mōhaka cāĕndanī mēṁ ḍūbē isī svapnalōka thā.

Hē mērē prabhu! Hē bābā! Maiṁ usa divya svapnalōka mēṁ thā aura tumhārē liyē gīta gā rahā thā.

- Trans. T.R. Sukul

Note: The Hindi purport has been posted in two scripts: Hindi script and roman script. This is the final time. From now on if you are interested to read in Roman let us know. Otherwise, this will be discontinued.

== Section 4 ==
