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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Baba Story by Dr. Ravi Batra


This email contains two sections:
1. Baba Story by Dr. Ravi Batra
2. Links


I first met Baba on August 16, 1964 in a town called Lucknow, U.P. I entered his room around 6 pm with a mind full of skepticism, but came out enchanted and blissful. Baba advised me to build myself through hard and long meditation in order to serve the people. And hard meditation I did. However, it created a lot of unexpected problems; so two months later I went to see him in Jaipur, where I was fortunate to meet him again.
I was then a student at the Delhi School of Economics, and India was one of the poorest nations at that time. As soon as I entered his room, I forgot my problems and was lost in a blissful state again. As I opened my eyes, Baba started talking to me, and I forced myself to listen to him. Baba asked me, “Rabi, as he used to address me some times, what have you been doing over the past two months?”
I said, “Baba, I have been meditating about three to four  hours every day, but have faced enormous troubles. I got bad headaches and stomach pain; almost everyone is angry with me. My parents are in shock; even my friends think I have become insane. I don’t understand any of this, especially when I am trying to be helpful to everybody.”
Baba smiled as if my experience was not unusual. He said, “The path of sadhna is studded with thorns, but I will give you one advice. You should surrender your body, mind and soul to Him, and He will make you do whatever is good for you and society. Now tell me what you would like to do for the people.”
I said, “Baba, I would like to eradicate poverty in India.”

Baba’s mood changed all of a sudden; he looked disappointed—even angry. I could not understand what I had done wrong. He said sternly, “Rabi, you are very shallow. Your goal in life should be to eradicate poverty around the world. This is my assignment to you. India is not the only poor nation; at some other places, poverty is even worse.”
I was astonished, to say the least. I was a mere student at the time; I had no credentials as an economist. I said, “Sir, How can I possibly fulfill this assignment, when I have not even finished my Master’s degree?”
Baba replied: “The one who gives you work also provides the means to finish that work. I will remain with you all your life, even when you go abroad.” At this point, I interjected: “Did you say ‘abroad,’ Baba? I don’t want to go out of India, when you are here. I can’t imagine ever leaving you.”
Then Baba said, “No Rabi, you have to go to a foreign land, and indeed you will to fulfill the assignment I have given you.”
Two years later, I left for America to do a Ph. D. in economics, even though I had no interest in doing it. Delhi had become very hostile to me and I just wanted to leave the city and go somewhere else. I received a scholarship from Southern Illinois University, and off I went.
Years passed. I wrote many books on Baba’s theories and philosophy, but they were thoroughly criticized. In spite of my best efforts, I could never convince the experts to minimize wealth concentration so as to eliminate poverty. In fact, I became obsessed with discovering a poverty eradication plan, and worked on a solution almost 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. Finally, my health gave in, and I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2013. My doctor, in fact a team of 3 doctors, indicated that my cancer was of the worst type, with no cure in sight. I was told I  had about 6 months to live, although I could prolong my life to 2 years with regular blood transfusions.
I was shaken somewhat, but worried more about my family. I asked the doctors if they could find my blood type from a vegetarian, and they all laughed heartily. One morning in July 2013, I woke up with my heart pulsating  hard; I was sure my time had come; so I started to meditate on Baba’s Varabhaya mudra form. I chanted my guru mantra, and said to Baba, “It looks like I am soon coming to you. What a joy it would be to live with you; I am only sad I could not fulfill my assignment. Perhaps I should take the blood transfusion, prolong my life, write a new book and make a last-ditch effort to find a way to eliminate global poverty. What do you say, Baba? “
Immediately, I heard a voice: “Tatha-Astu. (So be it). Go, have a transfusion right away. And don’t worry about a medicine; I have already arranged that for you; you will find it in Washington, DC.”

To cut the story short: I had a blood transfusion that day, which gave me enough energy to go to DC, where the NIH (National Institute of Health) admitted me for a clinical trial on a new medicine. They were especially interested in my case, because I had the worst type of leukemia and was over 65 as well. Fifteen days later, my cancer symptoms were gone. No longer did I have dizzy spells, chronic fatigue, or shortness of breath. I could walk up the stairs effortlessly. Dr. Farooqhi of the NIH said to me, “We have 75 patients for this clinical trial, and except for a 35 year old boy you have had the fastest recovery. Looks like this drug is tailor made for you. What is your secret?”
My answer astonished him.  I said, “I am a yogi and my secret is my Guru. I am also doing some other things he has taught me. They include asanas (yoga exercises), healing dance (kaushiki), sun bathing, a special type of healing pranayama, and a home-made oil that keeps my pain under control. Above all, I do a lot of meditation and chant a healing mantra that keeps my anxiety in check.”
This was all mumbo-jumbo to him. He said that whatever I did produced nothing short of a miracle; he sent me home but asked me to return once a month for regular check-ups.
Upon the advice of my doctors, much to my dismay, I had stopped playing tennis; however, in September I was back on the tennis court, where my friends gave me a hearty welcome. They had missed their regular partner.
Even though the cancer symptoms were all gone, I visited NIH once a month, underwent blood tests and other medical exams, obtained medicine and then returned to Dallas. My health showed a steady improvement. The biggest change was in my hemoglobin, which was once down to five, and was low enough to cause a stroke or a heart attack, none of which ever happened. Now my hemoglobin is above 14, greater than that of my doctor.
In April 2014, as I sat in a hotel room in DC, I recapitulated the events of the past year; how I had escaped certain death with Baba’s grace and help. I closed my eyes and meditated on Baba’s form. After about an hour, various chapters of another book came into my vision. Several practical solutions for poverty eradication flashed across my mind. Suddenly, the assignment Baba had given me long ago seemed within reach. The by-product of that thought in a DC hotel is my new book, End Unemployment Now: How to Eliminate Joblessness, Debt and Poverty Despite Congress.

== Section 2 ==