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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hyderabad RM: Many Wrong Things Done


This email contains two distinct sections:
1. Posting: Hyderabad RM: Many Wrong Things Done
2. Links



Here are a few observations from a marriage that was recently performed:

1. As per Caryacarya, the pratiika should be hung in an elevated position in the marriage hall. But instead at this recent marriage ceremony, the pratiika and Baba’s pratikiriti [photo] were kept side by side on a low table. So this is a double wrong.

Firstly, the pratiika should be displayed in a prominent location in the marriage hall for all to see, but this was not done. Secondly, Guru's photo should not be on display at our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies, yet they had it on display. But in Caryacarya it only states to show the pratiika; there is no mention of Guru's photo.

Most probably this is because many non-margiis attend our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies and they will lack the proper reverence and regard for Guru. Seeing His photo on display, they may offer a disparaging remark, thereby committing sin. Or they may be curious about the photo and start gossiping about it with others in a negative manner. In all such cases, it goes against our ethic, and it is against the sanctity towards Ista.

Top of all, we should follow Caryacarya and display the pratiika in a highly visible prominent location and not have Guru's photo on display. Thus, Guru's system was not followed at this marriage ceremony. (Note: For more about this topic see the link appended below.)

2. After the public oath, the bride and groom, should exchange garlands. But before that at this wedding, the local custom of wearing a thread on the head was permitted. Since Wts of the bride’s party took responsibility of conducting marriage, others remained silent. Ac Yatishvarananda and and other senior margiis exclaimed that the marriage was not yet over as per Caryacarya. So the local custom was stopped. Then garlands were exchanged by the bridge and groom. Then Sindur and Tilak were put on.

3. Krsnasundarananda RS Bangalore was assigned the responsibility of making all the announcements. He was announcing in Hindi, not Telugu. But the main problem was that no explanation was given about the Ananda Marga marriage system. So the public, i.e. non-margii attendees – was not aware about the proceedings and could not understand what happened in the hall.


Marriage and society building are important elements for spreading Ananda Marga ideology. Naturally then, our marriage ceremonies should strictly adhere to Ananda Marga teachings.

Here following are some observations from a marriage that was performed on 13 April 2014, along with some of the challenges the families faced due to the ongoing group crisis.

The bridegroom, A. Chidambaram, is an active and committed margii in Hyderabad who in the past convinced his elder brother to marry as per the AM system. Chidambaram supports Wts of all factions of the present AMPS.

The bride is the daughter of a senior Ananda Margii, whose name is Shrii Narayan'a. Narayan'a follows AMPS of Ranchi administration, but he feels that all factions of AMPS should be united.

When the marriage proposal was in the works, Narayan'a proposed to DS Dada Satyadevanandji of Hyderabad - who is also RS Mumbai - that the marriage would be performed at the Hyderabad jagrti. He further informed DS Dada that Chidambaramji would invite Wts of other factions like Kolkata and 3rd Front to attend the marriage function. Ac Satyadevanandji replied that ghrii margis of all factions can attend the function, but that Wts of factions other than Ranchi administration are not welcome.

Narayan'a Dada was very disappointed to hear this and told the news to Chidambaramji's family members, i.e. elder brother, mother, younger brother. Shrii Narayan'a also expressed how he disagreed with  Satyadevanandji’s  decision.

Finally, Narayan'a dada decided to hold the marriage function at a commercial hall in Hyderabad city - not at the jagrti itself. Because he did not want to follow any restrictions with regards to whom could be invited to the wedding.

Furthermore, Narayan'aji consulted about Dadaji that  how the marriage would be conducted, i.e. who will be the priests, and who will lead akhanda kiirtan before the marriage etc.

DS Dada told that Ranchi faction's Wts will organise and perform the marriage function. The priests will be selected and akhanda kiirtan will be conducted by them - the Ranchi adm. Chidambaramji's elder brother informed Narayan'a dada that a Wt Dada will be selected by the groom side for working as a priest. This was accepted by DS of Hyderabad.

The following Wts were on the bride side were present: Ac Priyatosananda, Ac Krsnasundarananda, Karim Nagar DS, Mehebubnagar MU in-charge, Ac Satyadevananda, Rtambhara didi, & DSL Mehebubnagar.

The following Wts were on the groom's side: Ac Abhayashankarananda, Ac Divyacetanananda, Ac Yatishvarananda, Ac Vandanananda, Ac Soumayananda, Didi Nitishuddha & Didi Suchitalekha.

On the wedding day, from 7a to 10a there was 3 hours of akhanda kiirtan. Then collective iishvara pranidhana was performed. DS Dada of Hyderabad sang Prabhat Samgiita, kiirtana, and led samgacchadhvam, and Guru puja. After collective meditation was over, for svadhyaya Ac Priyatosananda talked about kiirtan.

At about 11:30am, it was announced on behalf of the bridegroom side, that elders and relatives of the groom, Ac Yatishvarananda & Shrii Narayan Panda from Vishakapatnam, would come over to the dais.

Elders and relatives of the bride, Rtambar Didi, and DS of Hyderabad, and Bhuma Reddy were also invited to come over to the dais.

The priest for the bridegroom was Ac Yatishvarananda, and the priest for the bride was Avadhutika Ananda Rtambar Acarya.

Bhuma Reddy read out the oaths for both sides in Telugu since both bride and groom know Telugu. The public oath was taken in Telugu by Bhuma Reddy.


1. As per Caryacarya, the pratiika should be hung in an elevated position in the marriage function hall. But the pratiika and Baba's pratikiriti were kept side by side on a table.

2. After the public oath, the bride and groom, should exchange garlands. But before that at this wedding, the local custom of wearing a thread on the head was permitted. Since Wts of the bride's party took responsibility of conducting marriage, others remained silent. Ac Yatishvarananda and and other senior margiis exclaimed that the marriage was not yet over as per Caryacarya. So the local custom was stopped. Then garlands were exchanged by the bridge and groom. Then Sindur and Tilak were put on.

3. Krsnasundarananda RS Bangalore was assigned the responsibility of making all the announcements. He was announcing in Hindi, not Telugu. But the main problem was that no explanation was given about the Ananda Marga marriage system. So the public, i.e. non-margii attendees - was not aware about the proceedings and could not understand what happened in the hall. 

4. The Wts of Ranchi faction did not talk with Wts of other factions, although Wts of other factions were open to talking with them. Grhii margiis are followers of Wts in Hyderabad.

5. Shrii Narayan'a Dada was forced to spend RS 30,000 extra since the jagrti gate was closed for Wts of other factions.

in Him,
Hanumant Rao

== Section 2 ==

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bad Practice + 3 More


This email contains 4 distinct sections:

1. Posting: Bad Practice
2. End Quote: Dangerous Worship
3. PS #1300, I Do Pranam to You Hundreds of Times
4. Links


On the path of tantra, we must maintain the sanctity of Guru’s photo. On this matter, there must not be any compromise. That is the mandate as per Caryacarya.

“You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (4)

So Guru’s photo is to be safeguarded and protected in all conditions and circumstances – without fail. On this matter, every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji must be very strict.



There are various newspapers and periodicals in India and around the globe that wish to print news about Ananda Marga, and, on occasion, Baba’s discourses as well; and we should support this endeavour. It is fine for our Ananda Marga schools and service projects etc to be printed in a newspaper. And no doubt, as time advances, there will be more and more requests.

The critical factor, however, is that Baba’s photo must not be printed in the newspaper along with news about Ananda Marga. We must never allow this. Tragically, this has been done recently (see image below), but this is entirely wrong and we should never allow or permit such things in the future.

Why? Because newspapers get tossed on the ground, left on the train, or placed in the garbage bin etc. Plus, food gets spilled on them, dogs urinate on them, and so forth.

So we must never allow Baba’s photo to be printed in the newspaper because His photo will not be given due reverence.

“You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (4)

In Him,


On 14 May 2014 in "The Avenue Mail" newspaper of Jamshedpur, Sadguru Baba’s photo was published  along with an article about Him. This is not the first time this has happened. Now it is our duty to abide by Guru’s guidelines and be strict on this matter and right the course. That is our dharmic duty. Otherwise this dirty and sinful approach will be handed down to the next generation(s).

1. CC-1
2. APH-6, p. 398
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6
4. Caryacarya, Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Dangerous Worship

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who wrongly worship Parama Purus'a in the form of clay, iron, or other material substances, are ultimately transformed in Prakrtiliina*. And those who run around externally in hopes of finding Parama Purusa outside, they also be come Prakrtiliina." (15 May 1982, Hindi Section)

Note:  Those who are searching Parama Purusa Baba in one or another holy land - like Tiljla during so-called mahaprayan - should be especially careful about this above teaching.

* Prakrtiliina= This is one type of microvita which is under punishment of reaping its own negative samskaras. 

== Section 3 ==

~ I Do Pranam to You Hundreds of Times ~

"Toma're ja'na'i pran'a'm shato shato..." (PS 1300)


O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Cir Maha’n, I do pranam to You hundreds of times - again and again. You are that eternal and great Entity. O’ Shubhavrata, You are the One who has taken the vow to always do auspicious endeavours. O’ my Lord, by Your grace I am not encumbered by any pride, nor am I concerned about my own ego. Keeping aside all vanity, I surrender unto Your lotus feet. I do pranam again and again; I do sastaunga pranam [1] to You hundreds and hundreds of times. Whatever I may be in front of other people, but, O’ my Lord, in front of You my mind is simple and straight like an arrow. You are everything for me and I surrender completely at Your alter.

O’ Cir Amaliin, You are that pure and blemishless Entity. O’ Ana’sakta, You are perfect in Your vaera’jina - renunciation. You are the source of all auspicious thoughts and ideation; You are the embodiment of all hope and aspirations. O’ my Dearmost, I desire to have You at Your lotus feet; I desire to remain under Your shelter.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, with Your otayoga [2], You fill everyone’s heart. You make a personal link with each and every unit being – with each and every jiiva. You come in the depths of my heart. Baba, with Your protayoga, You look after and care for everyone collectively. You watch Your entire creation at all times. Baba, Your compassion & Your causeless love always remains ever alive within each and every person.

O’ My Lord, O’ Baba, You are my everything, I surrender at Your lotus feet again, and again, and again– countless times…


[1] Sastaunga Pranam: As we all do sastaunga pranam multiple times each and every day - before and after sadhana, before kiirtan, after Guru Sakash, before sleep etc - then it is helpful to know what Baba has given about this special mudra. In these below guidelines Baba directs us that sastaunga pranam represents both simplicity and surrender.

Baba says, "Sa's't'a'unga pran'a'ma is a symbol of simplicity. It is to be done only to Ma'rga Guru. It signifies surrender to the ideology." (1)

Baba says, "Prostration is called sas't'aunga pranama...Of the five sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin), one, the skin, can be omitted, and of the five motor organs (vocal chord, hands, legs, excretory and genital organ), one, the vocal chord can be omitted. This leaves the eight constituent parts. And the prostration made with these eight body-parts is called sas't'aunga pranama." (2)

Here following is the etymological meaning of the term sas't'aunga.

         sa    +   as't'a  +  aunga    = sas't'aunga
        (with)    (eight)    (parts)  = with eight parts

Thus, as Baba tells us in the above quote, "the prostration made with these eight body-parts is called sas't'aunga pranama."

As we all know, sas't'aunga pranam is only done to Guru, not to anyone else.

[2] Ota-Prota Yoga: In Subhasita Samgraha part 17 (Gwalior DMC in 1984), Baba has given the meaning of ota yoga and prota yoga in English. Ota yoga is "individual tactuality" between Parama Purusa and the unit entity; and, prota yoga is "collective tactuality" between Parama Purusa and all the entities, simultaneously.

The above definition is exclusively describing the intimate relation between Parama Purusa and His jiivas through His ota & prota yoga. This same devotional term has been explained in a slightly different manner in the following discourse.

Baba says, "What is ota-yoga? He as the Cosmic Father has a direct relationship with each and every entity of this world...All are His affectionate children. This is His ota-yoga. Each and every entity, animate or inanimate, has a direct link with Him. Just as ota yoga means the Cosmic Father's relationship with each entity individually, prota yoga means His relationship with all collectively." (3)

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