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Monday, May 26, 2014

Three Topics


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. PS #784: I Always Keep That Sweet Memory In The Core Of My Heart
2. Quote: Solve Any Problem Small or Big
3. Posting: कुछ दादाओं के प्रति हम गृ हियों के अंधभक्ति
4. Links

~ I Always Keep That Sweet Memory In The Core Of My Heart ~

"Toma're pa'va'r a'she toma're pete pa'she..." (PS 784)


O' Parama Purusa, You are the most magnificent Entity of this vast universe. In the hope of getting You and having Your intimate closeness, I am painting Your beautiful portrait in my mind - in my mental mirror - and I am singing Your blissful songs of our closeness. O' my Dearmost, please be gracious and come.

O' Lord, by Your causeless grace I always remember how You were looking towards me with eyes full of sweetness - with eyes saturated with the nectar of love. That memorable, magical, and captivating moment, I cannot ever forget. Always I keep that sweet memory in the core of my heart. By Your grace again and again I came on this earth to do Your dharmic work. Where I went after finishing the work, that is not at all in my mind.

O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, by Your grace once again I have come on this earth. I have heard the resonance of Your divine, musical flute by which You are calling me incessantly. In response to Your sweet call, I am singing Your songs - dancing and rushing towards Your alter. It is Your grace
O' my Dearmost You are my everything, please be gracious and keep me under Your loving shelter...

== Section 2 ==

Solving Any Problem Small Or Big

Baba says, “The indomitable mental force aroused as a result of collective Iishvara-Pranidhana will help you in solving any problem small or big on this earth. It is for this reason that you should always have a zeal to attend the weekly Dharmacakra regularly.” (A Guide To Human Conduct, last page)

Dharmacakra Means ‘Family Of Dharma’

Note 1: In His Encyclopedia – “Laghu Nirukta” – on page 191 Baba explains that one of the meanings of ‘cakra’ is family, society, collection, or body. Thus the real meaning of dharmacakra is ‘family of dharma’. Similarly Brahmacakra means ‘family of Brahma’. We all know that the family of creation is the entire family of Brahma.

Note 2: Baba is the Propounder of AM philosophy and in that philosophy He has used various Sanskrit terms. To clarify the meaning of those terms Baba has given His own grammar books and encyclopedias etc. So those who want to learn AM philosophy indepthly have to study Baba’s teachings on grammar also. Otherwise most of the concepts will remain beyond one’s grasp.

== Section 3 ==

कुछ दादाओं के प्रति हम गृ हियों के अंधभक्ति

दादा जी ये बहुत ही भयावह स्थिति हो चुकी है आज आनंदमार्ग में । हर तरफ से लगातार एक ही समाचार आ रहा है, कि वहाँ का जमींन बिक गया, वहां का बिकने वाला है। और अगर कोई मार्गी इसका जानकारी लेना चाहता है तो इसे बताना ये पदाधिकारीगन उचित नहीं समझते है और इसे अपनी बेइजत्ति समझते हैं। आनंदमार्ग प्रचारक संघ     गृ हियों और  wt’s  का समन्वय है ऐसा पूज्य बाबा ने कहा है । लेकिन आज संस्था, हम गृहि यों के सरलता से या कुछ दादाओं के प्रति हम गृ हियों के अंधभक्ति से ऐसे दोराहे पर खड़ा है जहाँ पर संस्था का केवल नुक्सान हो रहा है और कुछ लोग इसे personal property बनाकर पूज्य बाबा के संकल्पित संस्था का बद से बद्तर स्थिति कर रहे हैं ,और हमलोग पूज्य बाबा से किये हुए   promise को पूरा नहीं कर रहे हैं। मुझे जहाँ तक पता है, संस्था के सारे  land ka paper GS  के नाम पर रहता है लेकिन इसका मतलब ये नहीं है कि  GS उस प्रॉपर्टी के मालिक होते हैं और जब चाहे और जैसे चाहे उसका इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं । क्योंकि उन्हें वहां के  local margii से सलाह करना होगा। और वैसे भी पूज्य बाबा का साफ़ निर्देश है की संस्था के प्रॉपर्टी को कोई भी नहीं बेचेगा । पूज्य बाबा और संस्था के भक्तों ने अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके संस्था के लिए ये सारा कुछ जमा किया है और कोई भी सत्तालोलुप व्यक्ति अपने निहित स्वार्थ के लिए इसका उपयोग करेगा ? पूज्य बाबा ने साफ़ शब्दों में निर्देश दिया है की अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके भी संस्था की रक्षा करोगे….इसलिए मैं एक मार्गी और पूज्य बाबा के पुत्र होने के नाते सारे विश्व के उन तमाम गृ ही और अपने wt  दादाओं से निवेदन करता हूँ की भयमुक्त होकर पूज्य बाबा के संस्था की रक्षा के लिए एक भावधारा से आगे आयें और अग्रदूत बने अपनी संस्था को बचाने के लिए….क्योंकि पूज्य बाबा का वरद आशीर्वाद हम
सबों के साथ है।

एक घटना का जिक्र मैं कर रहा हूँ….पूज्य बाबा जब जेल में थे और उनके बेल के लिए पैसे की जरुरत थी और उनदिनों संस्था में पैसों की काफी दिक्कत थी….उस समय भी पूज्य बाबा ने संस्था के किसी भी प्रॉपर्टी को बेचने से साफ़ मना कर दिया था फिर मार्गी भाइयों और बहनों ने इसके लिए इंतजाम किया था ….कहने का मतलब पूज्य बाबा के जेल में होने से ज्यादा emergency or crucial period संस्था के लिए और कुछ नहीं हो सकता है, इसलिए किसी के भी बहकावे में नहीं आयें और अपने अपने लोकल AMPS  के प्रॉपर्टी का ध्यान रखें और पुरे विश्व के मार्गी और मार्ग के हितैषी WT दादाजी लोगों से पुनः आग्रह करता हूँ की संस्था को बचाने के लिए भयमुक्त होकर एकजुट होकर रहें।
Jitendra Kumar

Kucha dādā’ōṁ kē prati hama gr̥hiyōṁ kē andhabhakti

Dādā jī yē bahuta hī bhayāvaha sthiti hō cukī hai āja ānandamārga mēṁ. Hara tarapha sē lagātāra ēka hī samācāra ā rahā hai, ki vahām̐ kā jamīnna bika gayā, vahāṁ kā bikanē vālā hai. Aura agara kō’ī mārgī isakā jānakārī lēnā cāhatā hai tō isē batānā yē padādhikārīgana ucita nahīṁ samajhatē hai aura isē apanī bē’ijatti samajhatē haiṁ. Ānandamārga pracāraka saṅgha gr̥ hiyōṁ aura gum’maṭa kē kā samanvaya hai aisā pūjya bābā nē kahā hai. Lēkina āja sansthā, hama gr̥hi yōṁ kē saralatā sē yā kucha dādā’ōṁ kē prati hama gr̥ hiyōṁ kē andhabhakti sē aisē dōrāhē para khaṛā hai jahām̐ para sansthā kā kēvala nuksāna hō rahā hai aura kucha lōga isē nijī sampatti banākara pūjya bābā kē saṅkalpita sansthā kā bada sē Badtara sthiti kara rahē haiṁ, aura hamalōga pūjya bābā sē kiyē hu’ē vādā kō pūrā nahīṁ kara rahē haiṁ. Mujhē jahām̐ taka patā hai, sansthā kē sārē jamīna kā kāgaja jī ēsa kē nāma para rahatā hai lēkina isakā matalaba yē nahīṁ hai ki jī’ēsa usa prŏparṭī kē mālika hōtē haiṁ aura jaba cāhē aura jaisē cāhē usakā istēmāla kara sakatē haiṁ. Kyōṅki unhēṁ vahāṁ kē sthānīya margii sē salāha karanā hōgā. Aura vaisē bhī pūjya bābā kā sāfa nirdēśa hai kī sansthā kē prŏparṭī kō kō’ī bhī nahīṁ bēcēgā. Pūjya bābā aura sansthā kē bhaktōṁ nē apanē jīvana kō vipanna karakē sansthā kē li’ē yē sārā kucha jamā kiyā hai aura kō’ī bhī sattālōlupa vyakti apanē nihita svārtha kē li’ē isakā upayōga karēgā? Pūjya bābā nē sāfa śabdōṁ mēṁ nirdēśa diyā hai kī apanē jīvana kō vipanna karakē bhī sansthā kī rakṣā karōgē…. Isali’ē maiṁ ēka mārgī aura pūjya bābā kē putra hōnē kē nātē sārē viśva kē una tamāma gr̥ hī aura apanē bhāra dādā’ōṁ sē nivēdana karatā Hūm̐ kī bhayamukta hōkara pūjya bābā kē sansthā kī rakṣā kē li’ē ēka bhāvadhārā sē āgē āyēṁ aura agradūta banē apanī sansthā kō bacānē kē li’ē…. Kyōṅki pūjya bābā kā varada āśīrvāda hama
Sabōṁ kē sātha hai.

Ēka ghaṭanā kā jikra maiṁ kara rahā hūm̐ …. Pūjya bābā jaba jēla mēṁ thē aura unakē bēla kē li’ē paisē kī jarurata thī aura unadinōṁ sansthā mēṁ paisōṁ kī kāphī dikkata thī…. Usa samaya bhī pūjya bābā nē sansthā kē kisī bhī Prŏparṭī kō bēcanē sē sāfa manā kara diyā thā phira mārgī bhā’iyōṁ aura bahanōṁ nē isakē li’ē intajāma kiyā thā…. Kahanē kā matalaba pūjya bābā kē jēla mēṁ hōnē sē jyādā āpāta sthiti yā sansthā kē li’ē aura kucha nahīṁ hō sakatā hai, isali’ē mahatvapūrṇa avadhi Kisī kē bhī bahakāvē mēṁ nahīṁ āyēṁ aura apanē apanē lōkala AMPS kē prŏparṭī kā dhyāna rakhēṁ aura purē viśva kē mārgī aura mārga kē hitaiṣī gum’maṭa dādājī lōgōṁ sē punaḥ āgraha karatā hūm̐ kī sansthā kō bacānē kē li’ē bhayamukta hōkara ēkajuṭa hōkara rahēṁ.


Jitēndra kumāra


== Section 4 ==


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Five Different Topics


This email contains six sections:
1. Scanned Article: From Very Old Ananda Marga Magazine Ananda Duta
2. Posting: Why Propagation Of Degrading Literature And Films
3. Reply on Rumour: Shifting Ranchi HQ to Delhi
4. End Quote: Surrender Is "Whatever I Am Doing, I Am Doing With His Strength"
5. PS #1803: Obsessed And Engrossed With Self-Glorification
6. Links



As you may know, Ananda Duta is one of the early magazines in our Ananda Marga. Those who read Hindi can have a taste of what was happening in AM in the 1950's and early 60's, and see what type of articles were written that time.

== Section 2 ==



Here is one unfortunate scene that has been unfolding around the globe. Specifically, wealthy capitalists export degrading literature and films etc to bind and exploit the common people. Those in so-called third world countries suffer the most - all this and more are discussed below, including the spread (& prevention) of AIDS.

"If some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters’ spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again? This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture." (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism - Disc: 7)


The US exports a massive amount of lewd entertainment and pornography, i.e. pseudo-culture. Females are just used in erotic ways to sell everything under the sun. Western cinema is strewn with such scenes. And by this way, a degraded way of thinking has become rampant– all around the globe.

Plus the capitalists have filled the internet with alluring and provocative images. And all this gets exported to each and every land, city, town, and village.

But in the US if anyone is caught looking at these child pornography, or if any child is looking at illicit photos on the Internet, then the cyber police will knock on that person’s door within 5 minutes and they will be arrested. Business executives will even lose their jobs over this.

So in the US there are a lot of restrictions in place to ensure that people do not just look at these illicit pictures.



But in financially poorer countries such restrictions are not present. Anyone can look at anything on the internet at anytime. And this creates serious problems since those capitalists have filled it with graphic and lewd scenes. This only invites degrading behavior which immediately puts innocent people at risk for AIDS.

Where communities have been enslaved in poverty with no chance of an escape, then STD's (diseases from intimate contact) become rampant. Because when there is no hope in life then naturally frustration, exasperation, and depression become widespread. And with no other outlet available, the impoverished masses turn to carnal relations for temporary psychic relief from terrible financial and social plight. Certainly, such relations do not help or remedy the situation. Rather they make things worse. Because in that course, obviously AIDS will become an epidemic in that region.


From a purely a health perspective, proper hygiene and abstinence are the most effective and efficient ways to curb the spread of AIDS. And the effect will be immediate.

Baba says, “There will be peace and happiness in the Universe, and, established in one indivisible ideology, humanity will march forward toward the Supreme Goal. Victory be with you!” Disc MB, p.53)

In Him,

== Section 3 ==

From: “Jitendra Kumar” <>
Subject: Re: Breaking News- Ranchi AMPS will shift HO to Delhi


Note: By the heading it is obvious this is in reply to below English letter about the "news" of shifting the head office to Delhi. - Eds


इस  मेल  की सच्चाई के बारे में मुझे संदेह है। यह एक अफवाह है। क्योकि हेड कवार्टर चेंज करने के जो दो कारण दिए गए है दोनों ही निराधार है। मैं अपनी समझ से अपनी बातों को आपके सामने रखने जा रहा हू। पहला कारण— इंटर नेशनल एअरपोर्ट , क्या हमारे पूज्य बाबा को ये बात नहीं मालूम था कि आनंदनगर के पास कोई इंटर नेशनल एअरपोर्ट नहीं है तो फिर पूज्य बाबा ने आनंदनगर को ग्लोबल हेडक्वार्टर क्यों बनाया ? पूज्य बाबा ने कहा है कि आनंदनगर पुरे यूनिवर्स का nucleus है। अर्थार्त तो फिर हेड कवार्टर बदलने का इरादा रखने वाले  (जो की मेरे समझ से अफवाह है) पूज्य बाबा से ज्यादा जानते हैं? मैं आप सबों को बतलाना चाहता हूँ की रांची कैम्प हेड क्वार्टर है और अगर चेंज भी होगा तो अनन्द नगर होगा जो की ग्लोबल हेड क्वार्टर है न की दिल्ली ? इसलिए अफवाहों पर ध्यान न दें। दूसरा ब्लेम रांची के मार्गियों पे लगाया गया है की वे इनके निर्णय का विरोध करते है,,, तो एक बाई बर्थ मार्गी होने के नाते मैं आप सबों को बताना चाहता हूँ कि रांची शुरू से ही आनंदमार्ग प्रचारक संघ का क्राइसिस हेड क्वार्टर रहा है….पूज्य बाबा ने रांची को हमेशा ही मौका दिया है। 1967 के घटना के समय, इमरजेंसी के समय और भी बहुत कुछ। हाँ रांची के मार्गी का घर है आनंदमार्ग , और अगर कोइ भी इसे बर्बाद करना चाहेगा तो हम मार्गी इसे बर्दास्त नहीं करेंगे…हाँ अगर कोई पूज्य बाबा के सिस्टम के साथ खेलना चाहेगा तो इसे कोई भी सच्चा बाबा मार्गी बर्दास्त नहीं करेगा और पूज्य बाबा के निर्देशानुसार अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके भी इसकी रक्षा करेगा। मैं ये आप सबों से जानना चाहूँगा कि संस्था के हित में लिए गए किस निर्णय का रांची के मर्गियों ने विरोध किया है।। हाँ एक घर में रहने से आपस में कभी कभी विवाद हो सकता है लेकिन पूज्य बाबा के निर्देसनुसार घर की बाते घर के अन्दर ही सुलझाना चाहिए….इसलिए किसी भी अफवाह की तरफ ध्यान न देकर संस्था को पूज्य बाबा के बताये हुए रास्ते पर मिलजुल कर आगे बढ़ाएं।  ।।।।


We came to know that Ranchi AMPS has decided to shift their “Head Office” to New Delhi very soon. In this regard, they have started construction within the campus of Baba Quarter in Delhi. They may pretend that it is not for head office.
In fact, they realize that Ranchi does not have international Airport and international organization’s head office must be situated in those cities where they have facility for international Airport . Secondly, Ranchi margis have been protesting against their decisions.
There may be more reasons. However, Ranchi AMPS has internally decided to shift their office to New Delhi.
Brotherly Yours,

== Section 4 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Surrender Is "Whatever I Am Doing, I Am Doing With His Strength"

   Baba says, “When human beings feel that, ‘Parama Purusa is my everything’, then that is called as sharan (shelter). No entity can come under the sharan (shelter) of two different things. Then what is the meaning of sharanagati (surrender)? When living beings give up their ‘I-feeling’ by withdrawing the mind from any other object and feel that Parama Purusa alone is my everything.”
   “Up to the time when living beings are thinking that they are working with their own strength, then you should understand that the feeling of sharanagati has not yet come in them. And when human beings think that, ‘I am doing the work only with His strength’, it means the feeling of sharanagati has come in their mind. So when living beings start thinking that, ‘Whatever work I am doing, I am doing with His strength’, then they have the feeling of sharanagati.” (General Darshan, Patna DMC, 1970)
== Section 5 ==

  ~ Obsessed And Engrossed With Self-Glorification ~

"A'ma'r katha' d'her hoyeche, toma'r katha'i shudhu bolo..." (PS 1803)


O' Parama Purusa, You are the most divine, riveting, and dearest Entity of this entire universe. Yet up till now, in my ignorance, I have just been focusing too much upon my own self. I have been obsessed and engrossed with my own self-glorification. My whole existence has only been centering only around me. The time just passed in my own self-centered talk and gossip; my life passed in vain. O' my Lord, now please be gracious and reveal something about Your divine Self. You are that Supreme One; with Your infinite compassion today You have blessed me with the desire to realise You. Please grace me by telling me Your intimate tales and make my life meaningful. O' Divine Entity, after bathing me in the flow of effulgence – after showering me with Your divine truth – and blessing me with spiritual knowledge, please take me only on Your path, the path of divinity, the path of eternal fulfillment. You are the most gracious One.

O' Supreme Being, previously I was just involved in myself – singing my own songs, thinking about my own greatness and glory. I was just involved in my own self-aggrandisement, again and again. My whole life was wasted in this way. I was only busy in satisfying my own ego. By Your grace, today I have floated the boat of Your name. You have blessed me by entering my life. Without Your grace it was impossible. Please set the sail of Your divine melody so that by Your grace I can reach up to the Goal – up to You.

O' Sundar, O' Beautiful One, You are that singular eternal Entity. By Your grace I now know everything else is transitory. Baba, You alone are eternally emanating: This whole entire universe is Your divine expression. Whenever the tide comes You release the boat. This is Your eternal
way: When a unit being gets human life then You grace them by giving them sadhana make their path straight towards divinity.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa I surrender at Your lotus feet...

== Section 6 ==


Here are links to key and controversial issues in our AMPS:

More News of Didi Keeping 19-Year-Old Male

News About Dada Omkareshvaranandji's Conduct

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thief, But Not Thief


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Thief, But Not Thief
2. PS #2655: You Are The Divine Effulgence Of The Dark & Sorrowful Heart
3. Request: Pracara Materials
4. Link


Those who sincerely read Ananda Marga books and try to learn all aspect of Baba’s teachings often come across convoluted passages. The text is not clear and sometimes even contradictory. People read and reread those passages and finally conclude that, "Baba has given a very deep idea here that I cannot grasp. The topic itself is beyond my understanding." Thinking thus, they skip that paragraph and move ahead in the discourse. This has happened with countless sincere margii readers.

What they fail to realise is that Baba’s original spoken discourses are extremely lucid and clear. They are exact like diamonds – they contain no ambiguity. Tragically, the books have been so poorly published that the printed discourses are rendered unintelligible.

Indeed, if we give such books to non-margii readers they will form a very poor opinion.

Since margiis have utmost reverence for Baba, they read Baba’s each and every word with the pre-conceived notion that all the teachings are perfect. So if they cannot understand a particular passage then they think it is due to their own deficiency. When the real problem is those publishers who made such a sloppy book.


Below is one such example from the chapter on Justice in the book Human Society:

“Those who ignore their conscience and repeatedly commit crimes due to poverty, eventually turn into habitual criminals. If somebody steals or robs out of hunger, or is goaded by their propensities into some mean act, it will be the duty of society to find out what the person’s needs are and then remove them in some lawful way. But if society fails to do its duty (I have already said that human beings have not yet been able to create a society in the true sense of the term) and punishes such criminals instead, focusing only on the magnitude of their crimes, all feelings of remorse will vanish from their minds and in their place a sense of desperation will arise. They will feel that since they have already been stigmatized and have nothing further to lose, there is no point in suffering by earning a living in an honest way. They will think, “As I am sinking, let me sink to the depths of hell.” Those who have committed crimes due to poverty (whether due to lack of food or clothing, or physical or mental factors), will blame society for their offences. They will claim that their poverty is the result of a defective social structure, and in most cases this allegation will be true.” (Human Society – 1, Justice)

The above citation is from the most recent English edition of the Human Society book series. Unfortunately this translation strays from the real meaning of the text as it fails to represent Baba’s original guideline.


Using a rational approach, anyone can understand how the above paragraph from Human Society book is self-contradictory.

In the first line of the quote, the wrongdoer is repentant for their crime:

Those who ignore their conscience and repeatedly commit crimes due to poverty…”

As we know, there are grades of criminals and those of a higher moral standing will feel repentant if they break the law and steal – regardless of the conditions and circumstances. In that case, they will not blame society.

Yet at the end of the same paragraph, this same quote guides us that the repentant criminal is blaming the society for forcing him to steal:

Those who have committed crimes due to poverty (whether due to lack of food or clothing, or physical or mental factors), will blame society for their offences. They will claim that their poverty is the result of a defective social structure,

But this is contrary to human psychology and against the word and spirit of Baba’s teachings. Those persons raised with a high moral standard will feel badly if they have to resort to crime. They will not blame the society.


Rather it is incumbent on the social leaders to realise that society is to blame for forcing a moral, honest person to go against his own conscience and commit a theft due to extreme pressure of circumstances. That is what Baba has expressed in another book as well.

Baba has given this very teaching in numerous discourses. Because as we know Baba often presents His philosophical teachings in multiple discourses to best teach society. So if in one book the discourse has not been published in a clear manner, then we may study that same philosophical tenet in another discourse to get the essence of Baba’s teaching. By conferring with similar discourses we can understand how and where the publishers have erred.


See the below quote from Ananda Vacanamrtam – 12. Baba is clearly stating the it is incumbent upon the social leaders to understand when a good person has committed a crime due to pressure of circumstances – in that case the person should not be blamed as society is at fault.

“We deduce conclusions just from whatever we observe in this external phenomenal world. We should try to see the subtle cause behind the crude phenomenal world, but we do not see it. For instance, a particular person stole something, and when we say, “Thief! Thief!” people will start beating him. If we try to inquire about the reasons for the theft, we may come to know that he had been hungry for the last three days. And how are we treating him? We are beating him rather than giving him food. So we should think and try to find the noumenal cause behind the phenomenal world. If he was hungry and so stole, then we are more responsible for that theft than he, because we failed to build up society, so that he had to remain hungry. So we must see, and try to find the noumenal cause behind the prima facie observable world. If we are intelligent beings, possessing intellect, we must discover the noumenal cause. It is not proper to arrive at conclusions from mere observation of outward expressions.” (AV-12, Towards the Noumenal Entity)



The key point here is that by seeing the action of this starving person who was wallowing in misery and neglect, genuine people will realise that this person would not have stolen anything if society had taken better care of him. So the person’s action speaks for itself. Genuine people easily realise that society is the cause.

So again in the above teaching, it is clear that the thief does not blame society for putting him in position to commit a crime. Rather, by seeing his condition, circumstances and action, the social leaders are to realise that this man should not be beaten or punished for his crime because society itself is responsible. The social conditions are the cause. So the thief himself is not pleading his own case nor blaming society.

But this wrongly portrayed in the most recent English edition of the Human Society book. In that translations the publishers put forth the wrong notion that the criminal is directly blaming society. But this is not correct. Because a person who feels repentant for his own wrongdoing cannot simultaneously blame others.


So the most recent English edition of the Human Society book needs to be corrected.

Finally, I close with this following thought.

At first glance, it can look like the person stealing is a veritably thief, but if we examine his actions and conditions according to the scale of neo-humanism, it become clear that he is not a thief. Rather genuine persons will conclude that society is at fault.

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

 ~ You Are The Divine Effulgence Of The Dark & Sorrowful Heart ~

"A'ndhar hiya'y tumi a'lo, na'sho ka'lo..." (PS 2655)


O’ Parama Purusa, You are Love Personified; You are ever-gracious. You are the divine effulgence of the dark and sad heart. You are the sweetness in my heart; You are bliss. With Your infinite compassion You remove all darkness [1]. O’ my Lord, You make everyone’s heart enlightened with devotion. You graciously transform that heart which is like the dry, barren desert, into a luscious and green landscape by pouring the nectar and fragrance of devotion. You are ever-gracious. You can do anything and everything. By Your causeless grace, You have made the dry heart overflowing with devotion and love for You.

O’ Supreme Entity, all take shelter under Your divine umbrella. To the creeper vine that is dried up, You provide them Your sweet, loving touch. And to the young flower buds that withered and fell to the ground, You shower them with Your soothing balm. And to all those plants and vegetation who lost their beauty due to the burning heat, You grace them with a cool, refreshing breeze. With Your infinite love, You relieve everyone of their troubles and agonies with Your blissful presence. And to those who have lost all their hope in life and have no language to express their pain, You are their closest Companion and the nearest and dearest One of their heart. To those who have no stamina to move ahead and are just depressed and downtrodden, by Your grace, You fill their entire existence with Your divine nectar. O’ Lord, You are the well-wisher and Companion of all; You help everyone in their hour of need by showering them with Your divine compassion.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You are the most Merciful One. Even the degenerated and degraded sinners, pa’takiis and maha’pa’takiis [2] seek Your grace. Because they know that You will save them. That is why not just devotees but sinners also run towards You. Everyone takes shelter in You. Baba, You do not hate anyone – You love all, even the maha’pa’takiis - sinners. Knowingly or unknowingly all run towards You. In the core of their heart, all are seeking You – Your infinite bliss. The way in which the honey bee comes to the flower with the hope of getting honey, in the same manner all sadhakas come to You. O’ Divine One, You are the Sweetest of the sweet and the abode of all happiness and eternal bliss. O’ my dearmost, You are the Greatest of the great.

O’ Baba, ever adorable One, I do sastuanga pranam to You infinite times. Please shower a wee-bit of Your grace on me...


[1] Na'sho ka'lo: Na'sho literally means vanish or destroy and ka'lo means darkness. Thus Parama Purusa Baba destroys or wipes away all the darkness. This is very similar to what is expressed in the second stanza of our Guru Puja mantra where Guru removes all the black stains (ainjana) from the sadhaka's mind by applying the ointment of spiritual realisation.

Ajina'natimira'ndhasya jina'nainjana shala'kaya'

Baba says, "You know that an eye ointment is applied with a stick (shala'ka' means 'stick'). Now, all the microcosms are parts of that Noumenal Entity, all are actually parts and particles of that Supreme Entity, but due to ignorance, due to the darkness of ignorance, they cannot see what is what and which is which. That is why they require the ointment of spiritual knowledge. Guru (with a stick) applies the ointment of spiritual knowledge to their eyes." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-3)

[2] Maha'pa'takis: Here below Baba describes the various types of sinners including the maha'pa'takis - the worst type of sinners.

Baba says, "What is pa'pa? That which should not be done, if done, is called "pa'pa". That which should be done, if not done, is called "pratyava'ya." The collective name of pa'pa and pratyava'ya is "pa'taka." The sins committed by a pa'takii are not of very serious nature. The redemption of a pa´takii is possible if one, forgetting whatever has been done, takes to the path of spirituality. The second form of a pa'takii is atipa'takii. This is one who has done permanent physical or mental damage to a particular person. Then the third type is maha'pa'takii. The sins committed by a maha'pa'takii are of recurring nature. The best course for an atipa'takii is to sacrifice his individual pleasure and involve himself in the welfare of humanity. But of course the mahapa'takii has to sacrifice his life for the welfare of mankind. In addition to that, he will have to do something which will be of permanent benefit for human beings." (Ananda Vacanmrtam - 1)

== Section 3 ==



For the easy teaching of new-comers, we are planning to collect diagrammatic way of teaching of Ananda Marga ideology..

We request you to kindly share any source or direct material (diagrammatic) about:

1) vegetarian vs non vegetarian
2) aspects of dharma
3) bio-psychology
4) bio-psychological aspects of 16 points


Monday, May 19, 2014

Three Different Topics


This email contains four distinct sections.
1. Posting: Question & Answer on Hard Bedding
2. End Quote: Those Who Keep Animals As Their Pets..
3. PS #2638: You Have not Come Here For a Long Time
4. Links



When I try to explain our stance on "hard" bedding to colleagues who are interested in health, those who practice other schools of yoga, or new students I am teaching, I don't really know that to tell them. I know they will not sleep on floor. Perhaps, you can give me some examples of proper hard bedding so I may be more clear?

The question is what is meant by a "hard" bed? Baba has said not to use a soft bed. That is understandable.

In particular I do one of three things:
One, I sleep on floor with rug below me.
Two, I sleep on a board only that is in bed frame (like wooden bed I used in India).
Three, I put 1/2 inch board on box spring or mattress and sleep on it that way.

But how do I advise others? That is a knotty problem for me.


Best is to sleep on a board only that is in bed frame - similar to that wooden bed used when in India.


What about sisters? Their anatomies differ from brothers. Their accentuated hip bones would hurt and cause pain (so I have been told from my loakik sister). What would be a reasonable source of hard bedding? Please give explicit examples so I can relay practical advice to colleagues, new margiis, yoga students, patients - both young and old in age.


On this point of bedding there is no difference between males and females. It is just a matter of habit. Both Dadas and Didis are to use hard bedding - this same rule has been given for all Wts.

If someone has accumulated a lot of fat then that is not a gender issue but an obesity issue.

For making the body habituated, one can use a 1/2 inch or 1 inch cushion or multiple folded blankets on the hard wood - and slowly adjust until one is completely accilimated to hard bedding.

The ideal is to lean towards the hard side.

Sleeping on a carpet is OK but not ideal. Best is to sleep on a thin blanket or cloth on the hard wood.

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Those Who Keep Animals As Their Pets

May Become Animals In Their Next Life If...

Baba says, "A monkey is a more developed animal than a dog or a cow, but as it does not live with humans, its development - the speed of its development - is less. Dogs and cows, who live with humans have a speedier evolution. A monkey which lives in the proximity of humans also has a speedier development." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, p.67)

Note: But the reverse happens effect happens in the case of humans. Those people who keep such animals as their pets and live around those animals become that animal in their future life. This happens due to the deep attachment with that animal and overal lack of Brahmabhava. Baba has given countless demonstrations about this.

== Section 3 ==
~ You Have not Come Here For a Long Time ~

"Sandhya' samiir suba'se adhiira kaye gelo more ka'n'e ka'n'e..." (P.S. 2638)


O' Parama Purusa, in the form of the sweet, fragrant evening breeze, You came close & graced me and You whispered in my ear very softly: "Do not sit idle. Always involve in various works to please Him (Parama Purusa) - to serve Him. Go on singing the songs of your devotional feeling to your heart's content. Do not waste the time."

O' my Lord, on that same beautiful evening, in the form of the sweet, fragrant evening breeze, You also whispered in my ear, "O' human being, you have not come here on this earth for a long time - but rather for a very short period. Your life will pass away with the rhythm of the movement. You are just like one traveler who stays on the path and continues ahead on the journey. So you should not lose your Goal. Always keep focused on your Goal." And You furthermore whispered: "You should have a loving relation with whom you are meditating on - that Supreme Desideratum, that Divine Entity that is your final destination." 

O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Baba, You also gently told me: "Alas, you have come and gone from this world again and again – each time only to return back. Innumerable times your rebirth has happened. This cycle of birth and death, birth and death is countless. But the unique beauty of this path is that Parama Purusa, the Divine Entity, always remains along with you in new and newer forms. He is ever-new. He is incomparable, most sweet & most charming. He is the Entity Who showers His grace on you by His sweet smile in your dhyana."

O' Parama Purusa, You graced me and You whispered in my ear that You love me. Baba, You are mine... 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gross Misuse of the Human Body + 4 More


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Gross Misuse of the Human Body
2. Comments on Baba Story
3. End Quote: Spice That Increases Hunger, And Helps To Enhance Digestion
4. PS #3576: Coming and Going, Life and Death, Is Only To Serve You
5. Links


Following is an example of how some have cause great harm to themselves - and even brought about their own death - by engaging in eating competitions.

This way of living is a misuse and abuse of one's human potentiality. One has been blessed to receive a human body and it should be used for following bhagavad dharma.

Nowadays in this dark era of extreme materialism, many use their human body as tool of indulgence. This is the sad reality. And when that indulgence is directed towards food, they will literally eat themselves to death and destruction. In that case food becomes a mechanism for ruining their own life. It is quite shocking.


The story does not end there. According to their inherent desire they will again take birth. But it will not be as a human being, but as a pig, bear, bull or some other degraded being, or worse than that. Tragically, that is how one will have to face the consequences.

Read below the tragic example as well as Baba's divine teachings that dictate that those who misuse their human body will take birth in a lesser form in their next life. They will have to suffer the reactions of their misguided desires and lowly thoughts.

When you desire something animalistic then you will get the body of that animal or bug etc. One will be reborn as an animal because the human body is unfit to satiate their chosen desire. For instance, in this example below, a married man and father ruined his existence after eating and ultimately choking on large quantities of sweets that he had stuffed into his mouth. In his next life he may be reborn as a pig or hippopotamus since a human body was incapable or satisfying his desire in that way.

This is an the extreme example - no doubt. But in day to day life, most members of the general society do not use their human body in the right manner for  the right cause. Mostly they desire something mundane. That is why, when the moment arises most will not get a human body - let alone moksa.


The annals of gurgitation are dotted with strokes and blocked windpipes, of guts literally busted. Go as far back as you like. The novel The Golden Ass, written around A.D. 200, tells of an ancient food fighter almost choking to death on a piece of cheese. The native Tlingit peoples of Alaska used to hold raucous eating contests at their potlatch feasts; one such bacchanal came to a tragic end when a warrior ate a box full of dried hemlock bark and washed it down with water. According to a turn-of-the-century ethnography of the Tlingit, “This caused the hemlock bark to swell and his stomach to burst.”

As for more recent harms, you can’t top Mort Hurst’s Guinness World Record attempt in 1991. Hurst, a MoonPie-eating champ from North Carolina, suffered a stroke after eating 38 soft-boiled eggs in 29 seconds. He recovered and went on to compete again. Others weren’t so lucky. In 2002, a 14-year-old schoolkid in Japan raced his friends at bread-eating, choked, and died. In 2004, a Japanese housewife choked to death on a wheat-rice cake at a contest in Hyogo prefecture. And in January [2010], a 28-year-old woman in California died of water intoxication after drinking almost two gallons of water in a contest sponsored by a morning radio show. She was trying to win a Nintendo Wii.  (Courtesy of


The above example does not exist in isolation. One's thoughts and actions affect not just the present but their future as well. Here following are Baba's teachings that clearly apply to all those who indulge in eating contests - as well as those plunged in other poor habits and lowly thinking.


Yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii.

"According to one's desires one gets the fruits thereof. If somebody is a voracious eater and always hankers after food then it is quite likely that after the death of his physical body he may get the body of a pig in the next life. Suppose somebody wants to be a runner like a deer then it is not impossible that he will eventually get the body of a deer after the death of this present human structure." (1)

"One acquires a physical body according to the nature of one's sam'skáras. A human being who behaves like a goat or a dog may be born as a goat or a dog in the next life, because such an animal body is the proper base for the congenial expression of the latent saḿskáras. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone. One's destiny will be decided according to the nature of one's karma – this is an infallible law. In this regard, neither Paramátma nor Prakrti can do anything to help. But Parama Brahma out of His Infinite grace, will reconvert these “Ahalyás” (those converted into stone as a result of crude actions) into glorious human beings in the process of pratisaincara [the introversive movement of the Cosmos], and provide opportunities for their movement towards the most exulted life." (2)

"According to human longings and desires or according to human propensive pursuit, their minds take form i.e., they will gradually acquire the like Saḿskáras or reactive momenta. They first see within themselves what they aspire for and then let their minds flow towards it. Thereafter the external organs i.e., hands and feet, etc., set about achieving it. And so it is generally seen that the desires that they had been giving indulgence to throughout their lives, come hurtling over to them in a condensed form at the last hour, i.e., their mind-stuff takes the like mental form for the last time in order to shape itself into a fitting medium of the like Saḿskáras. Even during the life-time as well it is seen that the mind-stuff of a drunkard, which imbibes within it an indomitable desire or Saḿskára for wine, turns into a vantage ground for undergoing the next Saḿskáras or momenta of pleasure and pain. That is to say, such a person gets scent of the wine shop by the sheer propulsion of his acquired mental propensity, if he happens to go to a new and unfamiliar place. A man who has cultivated dog-like or swine-like desires all his life, dies with the same dog-like or swine-like frame of mind. Thereafter with the help of Prakrti’s Mutative force he acquires the form of a dog or swine in order to undergo the dog-like or swine-like Saḿskáras. The great ascetic, King Bharata, died thinking of a fawn, and that was why it is written in the Puráńas (Indian mythologies) that he had to take the body of a deer at his next birth." (3)



"Indulging in mean thoughts only engenders crude vibrations in the Citta, as the result of which you will have to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer the lowly Saḿskáras created by those crude vibrations. Thus you must arouse higher vibrations in your Citta. Even a man of King Bharata’s calibre had to take rebirth as a deer because at the time of his death he was deeply anxious about a fawn. Thus regardless of what you are at present or what you may possibly become in the future, do not digress from the ideal of the Great in any circumstances: do not stray even a step away from the path of realization of Absolute Bliss. Ananda Marga or the path to eternal bliss is the only path for you." (4)

According to Baba's above directive, those from the eating contests in the case studies will be reborn into that thing which they were thinking about. If at the time of death they were thinking about a bug, insect, or Indian sweet, then after their death they will take that shape and form in their next life. That is the simple formula.



"No matter what circumstances you are in, never lose sight of the Infinite One. Degradation is impossible for those who have accepted the Supreme Being as the Ideal of their lives." (5)

in Him,


The question arises, "Why do human beings do like this?" The response is that they are trying to satisfy their infinite desire with material indulgence. Their desire is to take an infinite amount of food, but alas the body is limited, so they die. Infinite desire can only be satiated by the realisation of Parama Purusa. So long as we are not teaching dharma sadhana to all, this problem will continue.

1. AV-2, The Difference between Macrocosm and Microcosm
2. AMIWL-7, Form and Formless
3. SS-2, Intuitional Science of the Vedas - 3
4. SS-3, Vibration, Form, & Color
5. SS-3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2 ==

Re: Baba Story: Fulfilled My Desire
Here below are two comments about this recently posted Baba story. A link to the actual story is appended below. - Eds

Too beautiful this Baba’s story not to be translated into italian
I shall translate it and retransmit [re-post] it on our mailing list
Thanks a lot


Thanks for sharing beautiful and encouraging gracious stories . it gives stronger feelings.
Manisha Raipur

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Spice That Increases Hunger, And Helps To Enhance Digestion

  Baba says, "Black pepper stimulates the secretion of saliva, increases hunger, and helps to enhance digestion. Plus it makes the nerve fibers alert. Furthermore it is a medicine and remedy for lethargy and melancholia."
  "If you make a paste by mixing the top layer of milk with black pepper and apply it to the face it prevent acne." (SC-8)

Note: People should also be aware that black pepper, especially coarse grain black pepper, should not be applied directly on the food when one is eating. Rather it should be prepared with the food. That way in the cooking process the black pepper will mix with the water and get distributed evenly throughout the dish. Whereas if one eats raw black pepper directly on their food then it enters the body in a very concentrated form which the body cannot digest. If the black pepper is extremely fine like dust, then one can eat it directly but best is to soak it in water first and then let it sit for a while in a container and then sparingly put that sauce (i.e. pepper water) on your food.

== Section 4 ==
~ Coming And Going, Life And Death, Is Only To Serve You ~

"Toma'rei priyo na'm, tumii parin'a'm, toma'kei niye jato a'sha'..." (P.S 3576)


O' Parama Purusa, Your name divine is most dear, most sweet. You are the destination; You are the Goal. The whole creation is revolving around You. Our coming and going, life and death, is only to serve You. Everyone is revolving around You.

O' my Lord, I do not know anything about Your 'cause and effect' theory. This much only I know: that You are the creation, You are the maintenance, and You are the culmination. Baba, You are everything.

By Your grace with the melody of the sound of silence my mind is dancing and revolving around You. That ecstasy is beyond my description - there is no language to describe that bliss. You have graced me. O' Parama Purusa Baba, I do sastaunga pranam at Your lotus feet again and again and again...

== Section 5 ==


Here are links to hot topics in our Ananda Marga

Here is a link to Baba story referenced in section 3 above:

Friday, May 9, 2014

Disrespect to Guru


This email contains five sections:
1. PS #135: On This Auspicious Holy Occasion of Ananda Purnima
2. Posting: Disrespect to Guru
3. Comment: Baba's photo seat must be higher than PP's seat in DMS
4. End Quote: How Vibrations Help or Hurt Us
5. Links

~ On This Auspicious Holy Occasion of Ananda Purnima ~

Note: This song is comprised of four sections that are color-coded to enhance the clarity and understanding.

(1) Black = Bangla lyrics
(2) Red = English word meaning
(3) Blue = English line meaning
(4) Black (bold) = Purport

Janmadine     ei     shubha    ks’an’e
Birth  day    this   holy      moment
On this auspicious holy Birthday

Prán’a bhará   apár        ánande
Heart  full    endless     in bliss
My heart is overflowing with infinite bliss

An’ute    an’ute    prati    paramán’ute
In atom   in atom   every    in molecule
In every pore, in every iota

Dolá  láge     nava     varn’e      gandhe
Sway           new      in colour   in aroma
It is swaying in new colour and aroma

Khushiite      vibhor     ápan hárá
In pleasure   ensconced   own  lost
Having lost oneself, and ensconed in bliss

Sabákár     man     áveshe      bhará
Everyone’s   mind   saturated   full
Everyone’s mind is completely saturated (with divine love)

Udvel        hiyá    tomári   lágiyá
Overjoyed   heart    only You  for
My heart is overjoyed only for You

Nece     cale     mohan                 chande
Dance    go      spiritual attraction  in rhythm
It goes on dancing in spiritual rhythm

Bhálobese     esecho           káchat’ite       rayecho
In love       You have come    close  by        remaining
With love You have come and remain in close proximity

Álor        chat’áy        ácho       sabár      ánande
Effulgence  in splendour   You are    all        in bliss
You are in the effulgence of light & You are in the bliss of all


O' Parama Purusa, Baba, on this auspicious holy occasion of Your birthday, Ananda Purnima, by Your divine grace my heart is overflowing with infinite bliss. My heart is full of love for You. It sways in new colour and aromas; Your divine advent vibrates each and every pore and cell of this entire universe. With Your divine arrival, the whole atmosphere has become completely charged and vibrated.  

O' my Lord, everyone is completely charmed by Your divine attraction and beauty; everyone has lost themselves in You; everyone is floating in Your cosmic bliss. By Your grace my heart is only saturated by Your exquisite presence; I am overjoyed in getting You. Everyone is dancing in Your divine rhythm.

O' Parama Purusa, Your divine presence has transformed everything. You have graciously come and with Your love You are keeping us all close to You. You have granted us shelter in You. O' my Lord, You are the effulgence of light; You are in the bliss of all.

Baba, on this auspicious day, my only request is that You please remain eternally in my heart. By Your grace I offer everything at Your alter. 

== Section 2 == 


Here is an important point that is central to the life of every Ananda Margii.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (CC-2, Sadhana, pt #1a)

So Baba is the Guru and we are all His disciples, including PP dada. Thus all must have reverence for Guru.



Now see this below photo from Jamalpur DMS 2014:

Here above is how PP Dada's seat was arranged at the recent DMS in Jamalpur. As you can readily see his seat his higher than the seat for Baba's photo.


Everyone should consider the ramifications of this.

At the same time, all should understand that the DMS organisers themselves published  and circulated this photo. Some naive people do not realise that the DMS authorities took this photo have been using it to propagate their event.


Below is a very good way to display Baba's photo - see what margii devotees in one Ananda Marga unit have done.

Above is a very good way to display Baba's photo - see what margii devotees in one Ananda Marga unit have done. In the above gathering, look how there is one avadhuta seated. At DMS PP Dada should be sitting in a similar way. Or regardless of where PP Dada sits, Revered Baba's photo must be 5 feet above the seat of PP Dada. Baba's photo must not be below the seat of PP Dada as happened at the summer DMS 2014 at Ananda Nagar, as in the first photo of this email.

The central idea is that at our Marga gatherings Saguru Baba's photo must be, at  minimum, 5 feet above the seat of PP Dada.

So while this will serve as as guideline for DMS, the below is an ideal and optimal way to set up every jagrti and kiirtan hall etc.



As we know, in our dharmacakra halls and jagrtis etc, Guru's photo must be prominently displayed at all times - with due reverence and regard. Best then is to have two photos on display - one lower (around 4 feet off ground), and one higher (around 7 feet off the ground.)

If everyone is sitting in sadhana or Guru Puja then both photos should be displayed. Because everyone is low to the ground and no one will block or disrespect Guru's image.

And if someone is standing or giving a talk, or if akhanda kiirtan is being done, then the lower photo, which is only four feet off the ground, should either be turned around or covered by a small curtain. That way those standing will not block or hover over Guru's photo. At the same time, the higher photo - which is around 7 feet above the ground - will be in full view of all. Those standing will have no chance of blocking that photo. Thus the sanctity of Guru's photo will be maintained and the devotional environment preserved.

In Him,
Liila Shankar Yadav

== Section 3 ==

From: Karmeshvar <karmes,,,,,>;
Subject: Baba's photo seat must be higher than PP's seat in DMS
Time: May 4 2014 at 6:48 AM

Baba's Photo Seat Must Be

Higher Than PP's Seat In DMS


I think it is not correct what PP dada is doing!!! Actually shame be onto him! But there is much more grave concerns about the use of Babas photos, like the unrestricted display of Babas photos on the internet, where many peoples profanity can come into play!


== Section 4 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

How Vibrations Help or Hurt Us

"The stamina to stand vibrations differs in different people. Hence various degrees of happiness or sorrow are experienced by different people, and these differences depend on their respective mental constitutions. The subtle causes of these different mental constitutions are their acquired samskáras or reactive momenta, and the crude causes are their nerve cells, nerve tissues, glandular secretions, etc. The sudden vibrational impact on the body and mind makes the mind react violently, resulting in the cessation of the cardiac functions. This also explains the death of a person struck by lightning. The sudden contact of the eyes with an extremely dazzling radiance often results in the total impairment of vision. If we look directly at the brilliant sun for a few moments, our visual power becomes temporarily stunned and we cannot see anything for some time. Similarly, when some very high pitched or loud sound strikes the eardrum, the power of hearing may be destroyed. The sensitivity of every organ may be suspended by the impact of any violent vibration; this stupefaction, if the intensity of the vibrational impact is very great, may even become permanent. Yet sometimes powerful vibrations may help stimulate and restore the power of organs which have not been functioning for years. You must have heard of a person who had been blind or deaf and dumb since his childhood, regaining the lost power of his impaired organs in his latter years either by stroke of lightning or by being suddenly informed of an extremely happy or sad news." (Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour)

== Section 5 ==



Again, all should understand that the DMS organisers themselves published this below photo. Some naive people do not realise that the DMS authorities themselves are circulating this photo to propagate their event.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Three Different Topics


ANSWER TO QUIZ: Those looking for the answer to the quiz will find it down below in this blog post - look for the green heading....

This email contains three distinct sections:
1. Posting: Ananda Vanii: Pointed Like Arrow
2. End Quote: Quiz & Answer
3. Links


Baba’s true Ananda Vanii messages which He has given twice annually on New Year’s Day and on Ananda Purnima are very precise and pointed like an arrow. They are complete discourses in and of themselves. They are not part of any larger discourse and they are not just a quote or partial paragraph. Baba’s true Ananda Vaniis are 100% full & complete and ready to stand as is. Plus they are unique and new in their own particular way.

This following list further encapsulates the essence of our true Ananda Vaniis:
1) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are unique teachings on that subject.
2) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are complete unto themselves; they are not part of a greater chapter;
3) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis were a special message both for that moment as well as for eternal time; only Taraka Brahma Himself can decide which will have title as Ananda Vanii and which not.
4) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are self-contained truths;
5) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis were made whereby many were hand-written by Mahasambhuti Himself.

In His collection, Baba has given us 74 of these divine guidelines known as Ananda Vaniis. Each with their own special beauty; each with their own timeless message. And Baba has Himself specially drawn them all together and marked them as the Ananda Vanii Samgraha. These alone stand as those unparalleled and dharmic messages which Baba has so graciously blessed us.

So in the realm of Ananda Vanii, Baba’s specially given messages are the biggest asset in this entire universe. These are what Baba wants to call His grand and golden teachings of Ananda Vanii.


Here in blue font is one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis.

“Despite its advent onto this earth many thousands of years ago, humanity is not yet capable of building a well-integrated and universal human society. This is in no way indicative of the glory of human intellect and erudition. You, who have understood the predicament, realized the urgency, seen the naked dance of evil and heard the hypocritical and raucous laughter of the divisive forces should throw yourselves into this noble task without further delay. When the ends are just and noble, success is inevitable.” (Ananda Vanii #42)

In Him,

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.


Which Socio-Economic Theory is Baba Talking About?

In Baba's below guideline, kindly key in on the highlighted statement.

"Human beings advance from subtle to the subtlest or degenerate from crude to the crudest, according to their own propensity. Many isms are based on the Kámamaya Kośa. In one socio-economic theory, the economic factor is the only factor. But the Kámamaya is only one Kośa. Even trees also possess Kámamaya kośa and that is why they derive their vital energy from the earth, water and air. Where the Annamaya Kośa dominates, all the remaining kośas are dormant." (Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme )

In his above discourse, which socio-economic theory is Baba talking about?

Please pay attention to this line: "Many isms are based on the Kámamaya Kośa. In one socio-economic theory, the economic factor is the only factor."

Most probably you know the answer; but, if not, here is the answer....


Communism is the socio-economic theory that only values the economic factor. There are no other parameters or arenas that serve as guiding principles in communism. It is all about the economy and finance and nothing else.

Whereas even in capitalism other aspects of life are recognised such as religion, the arts, human rights etc.

Communists though see everything via the economic viewpoint - not any other perspective.

So an old person who needs costly medical treatment can be killed for economic gain - that is ok; and, if a child is sick and undergoing expensive treatments, then that young one can be killed for economic savings.

According to the vision of communism, anything and everything can be done for money. No value has takes precedent over the economic sphere.

Furthermore, Marx has only identified economic exploitation, not any other type. But according to Prout exploitation is carried out through many avenues: cultural, spiritual, racial, gender, political, etc. It is verily endless the number of types of exploitation that there are in the world.

So again, to conclude, in His above teaching, Baba is talking about communism.

== Section 3 ==


#1: More Reading About Ananda Vanii Issue

#2: Sin of PP Dada Vishvadevanandji