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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Conspiracy Theory on Baba's Year of Birth Debunked


This email contains two distinct sections:
1. PS #2649: Magnificent Dawn Of Your Auspicious Birthday
2. Posting: Conspiracy Theory on Baba's Year of Birth Debunked

~ Magnificent Dawn Of Your Auspicious Birthday ~

“Áloke snátá, a'nande-smit, e prabhát jeno prabhu, sháshvat hoy...” (Prabhat Samgiita #2649)


O' Parama Purusa, this magnificent dawn of Your auspicious birthday, Ananda Purnima, is saturated with Your divine effulgence and blissful smile – please may it remain so up to eternity. Your divine effulgence is emanating in the far distant sky, as well as in the deepest corner of my heart, O' my Dearmost.

O' my Parama Purusa, since ages I have been waiting in the hope of Your holy advent. Today with Your endless love You have fulfilled my longing. Your infinite compassion (karun'a') has satisfied the yearning of my heart. Please let this showering of Your karun'a' continue to flow, age after age, up to eternity.

O' my Lord, O' Baba, it was known to me that You reside eternally in my mind. Now You have graciously taken advent in Your divine form and grandeur of Mahasambhuti. O' my Dearmost Baba, You reside in my heart and mind; that is the pulsation of my existence. Because You are, I am. Baba, by Your cosmic grace, I understand that this divine liila of Yours is infinite and endless.

Baba, by Your love and compassion this dawn of Your auspicious birthday is saturated with effulgence and smiling in bliss. Baba, You are so gracious; You are the most loving One...

== Section Two ==



1. Some conspiracy theories claim Baba's birth year as 1922.
2. Birthday celebrations for Baba in 1971 were marked as the 50th Ananda Purnima.
3. Baba clearly accepted 1921 as the year of His birth.
4. For proof, please see these downloadable documents (as explained below).
5. Those conspiracy theories about the 1922 birth are bogus.
6. This is a stand-alone issue so bear with the repetition in this letter.

Some have come up with the notion that Baba was actually born in 1922. They believe the conspiracy theory of the 1922 birth, but that does not have any merit because Baba Himself has accepted 1921.

To debunk their conspiracy theory, herein are three proofs. Please see the various downloads on our blog post (link appended below).

(1) The Ananda Vanii (English) from that occasion of Ananda Purnima 1971 is titled in the Baba biography publication as the 50th Ananda Purnima.

(2) In the Ananda Duta magazine (Hindi), the Ananda Vanii is written as 9th May 1971, the 50th Ananda Purnima (birthday) of Baba.

(3) On page 16 of the approved Baba biography book published in 1971 it states, "Fifty years back on this day simultaneously with the rising of the sun a boy was born in Jamalpur, a small town in Bihar."

So when the all-knowing Sadguru Baba Himself accepted the public celebration of His 50th birthday in 1971, then it is unquestionably clear beyond any doubt that the actual year of His birth was 1921 - not 1922.

These downloadable documents on our blog (See Note 1) stand as proof that Baba’s 50th birthday was celebrated on Ananda Purnima in 1971. Various magazines printed their special issues.

Here is more about this.



In 1971, Baba’s 50th birthday was widely celebrated and honoured. Paid announcements and advertisements were placed in the newspapers. Bold headlines declaring Baba’s 50th birthday covered our Ananda Marga magazines. And a biography book of Baba was published. In that book it clearly states that Ananda Purnima 1971 is the 50th anniversary of Baba’s birth.

In the download section below please find a scan of the Ananda Purnima Ananda Vanii of 1971 from a book about Baba where it is noted: “50th Ananda Purnima.”  Also find the scan that states, "Fifty years back on this day simultaneously with the rising of the sun a boy was born in Jamalpur, a small town in Bihar."

As His disciples we must understand that Baba Himself accepted all these arrangements and honourings. He clearly accepted that 1971 Ananda Purnima marked His 50th birthday and He allowed everyone to plan for this occasion with great cheer and merriment.

So in 1971 Baba turned 50 years of age.



By simple mathematics calculation we can understand that Baba was born in 1921. Because 1971 minus 50 equals 1921.

And indeed in all official AMPS records, 1921 is noted as the year of Baba’s birth.



Some have come up with the notion that Baba was actually born in 1922. But this is just their mistaken proposal. They can raise as many tales as they wish but their overall premise is wrong.

Because when the all-knowing Sadguru Baba Himself accepted the public celebration of His 50th birthday in 1971, then it is unquestionably clear beyond any doubt that the actual year of His birth was 1921. It is an open and shut case. To go against this is to go against Guru.

Some believe the conspiracy theory of the 1922 birth, but that does not have any merit because Baba Himself has accepted 1921.

To debunk their conspiracy theory, herein are three proofs. Please see the various downloads as explained in note 1 below the signature.

Here is that Ananda Vanii from that occasion. And this same Ananda Vanii from 1971 is marked in the downloadable publications - in English & Hindi - as the 50th Ananda Purnima.

“People have great expectations from their fellow human beings. In order to fulfil those expectations, go on working without the least respite. Remember that a healthy human society, free from exploitation, hatred and malice, must be built. In this great task, the blessings of Parama Puruśa are sure to be with you. ” (Ánanda Púrńimá 1971 - 50th Ananda Purnima)

In Him,


(a) There is a PDF file showing the first 16 pages of a biography book from 1971 about Baba. Page #5 of this document shows the Ananda Vanii in English with the words "50th Ananda Purnima." And on page #16 it is written: "Fifty years back on this day simultaneously with the rising of the sun a boy was born in Jamalpur, a small town in Bihar."

(b) There is a jpg file (Cover-1) that is a clearer version of page 1 of the PDF document.

(c) There is a jpg file (Inside Cover-2) that is a clearer version of page 2 of the PDF document.

(d) The Ananda Duta Hindi magazine from Ananda Purnima 1971, along the left side of the page, states that May 9th 1971 is the 50th Ananda Purnima.

Conspiracy Theory on Baba's Year of Birth Debunked (Downloads)

Downloads for the Posting:

(a) Here is a PDF file showing the first 16 pages of a biography book from 1971 about Baba. Page #5 of this document shows the Ananda Vanii in English with the words "50th Ananda Purnima." And on page #16 it is written: "Fifty years back on this day simultaneously with the rising of the sun a boy was born in Jamalpur, a small town in Bihar."


(b) Here is a jpg file (Cover-1) that is a clearer version of page 1 of the PDF document. See below.

(c) Here is a jpg file (Inside Cover-2) that is a clearer version of page 2 of the PDF document. See below.

(d) The Ananda Duta Hindi magazine from Ananda Purnima 1971, along the left side of the page, states that May 9th 1971 is the 50th Ananda Purnima.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Non-Veg Animals Will Not Be Kept In Jagrtis + 5 More


This email contains 6 distinct sections:
1. Reply: Non-Veg Animals Will Not Be Kept In Jagrtis
2. Reply: Remembering Kiirtan Tunes
3. Reply: Samaj Office Must Not Be In The Jagrti
4. Announcement: Mahaprayan (Death) of Ac. Amrtananda Avt
5. End Quote: Without Obstacles Progress Is A Dream
6. Links


So, is the article (see link #1 below) condoning the slaughter of animals to feed pet dogs and cats, not to mention other carnivorous pets people keep?

Is it not OK to feed a dog brown rice, soybeans for protein, and raw if cooked vegetables WITHOUT oil and spices?

Just curious. I lived on an ashram decades ago where dogs loved living healthy lives on such a vegetarian diet regimen.

Baba Nam Kevalam




Dear Vyasaji,


1. If animals live in a natural habitat that is best. Then they can hunt and eat accordingly.

2. According to Baba's principle we can keep vegetarian animals in our homes and jagrtis.

3. Non-veg animals will live in sanctuaries.

4. In dharmic places, there will not be meat-eating animals because then one must kill others animals to feed them.

5. If dogs can be in good health by a vegetarian diet then that is not a problem. But it is against our principles to feed them slaughtered animals. Better then to have non-vegetarian animals be left in the wild.

This Baba has told in AMURT Reporting.

If you have any questions let us know.

In Him,

== Section 2 ==


I have a few queries about kirtan and Prabha't Samgiit. I have a great problem remembering kiirtan tunes. When I travel on bike or train very beautiful tunes come in mind, but they wash out when I come in rest.
- A


Namaskar A'ji,

The following you should do if you want to memorize any tune. It is the same formula whether you have the tune in your mind or whether you hear it from someone else. In both instances, you should record it immediately. Because the best way to recall / memorize any tune is to record it and listen to it over and over again. So when you hear a kiirtan or PS tune that you like then record it. Then listen to it again and again until you have it comfortably set in your mind. Then you will gain automatic recall of the tune. The tune will always be in your mind. Try this and let me know how it works.

In Him,

== Section 3 ==


Question: I want to Know whether Samaj office can be a part of Jagruti. Pl write in detail about it as per Ba'ba''s system.

Respected Brother Namaskar.

1. In reply to your query, no the samaj office cannot be in the jagrti.

2. The samaj is political, while the jagrti is dharma. More about this point down below.

3. We should follow Baba. We must remember the era before 90 then Baba forced every dept to have their own office and they were not allowed to have that departmental office in the jagrti.

4. You may remember that there were bio offices (samaj & vahinii, i.e. samaj militia) and trio office had Prout, SDM and VSS together. But these were not in the jagrti.

5. And samaj was different not in the jagrti and not in trio etc. The samaj office had to be far away - not in the same complex or neighborhood as the jagrti.

6. For example, in Tiljala there was the jagrti while the VSS office was 511 Jodhpur Park, and the BQ was Lake Gardens. Then the AB samaj office was very different in another place. That was the political office.

7. The reason is that the samaj is political and jagrti is dharma. According to state and country laws, dharma and politics cannot marry - cannot co-exist. Then dharma will lose its state privileges etc. For instance, if Ananda Marga became linked with a political party then it would lose its governmental status as a religious or tax-exempt organisation. etc.

8. The printing press belongs to Ananda Marga that is why the press can remain in the jagrti or AM properties. Similarly, all brahmacariis and avadhutas are all margiis so they can stay in jagrti. But when they are working in VSS or samaj then they cannot run  their Prout or samaj office in that jagrti. It must be elsewhrere.

9. It is just like if someone is a Hindu then they can visit the temple but they cannot run their political office in that temple or church

10. This is very dangerous - never allow the samaj office to be placed in or near the jagrti.

In Him,

== Section 4 ==


It is with much sorrow that I share with you news of the mahaprayan* (death) of Ac. Amrtananda Avadhuta.

Ac. Amrtanandji was a very senior worker and at the time of his mahaprayan he was 76m years of age and had long served and dedicated in Ananda Marga. Many are aware how Ac Amrtanandji worked tirelessly on pracara activities throughout the whole of India where he concentrated most of his efforts in NE India.

May we all take solace in the fact that Ac. Amrtanandji  was a devotee of the Lord. Certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His grace.

With deepest regards,
at His lotus feet,
S Kumar Basu

== Section 5 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Without Obstacles Progress Is A Dream

“Sádhaná is the effort to free oneself from the qualifying influence of Prakrti. Avidyámáyá is also a quality, and that too has to be renounced. If a tenant has been occupying a house for a very long time it will be extremely difficult to suddenly evict him by force, particularly if he has been treated as a respectable tenant for a long time. He will never leave the house willingly and will place all sorts of obstacles in your path. You will have to fight against all his manoeuvres, and only when you have completely defeated him will the bully allow you to enter the house. Similarly, as one has been at the mercy of Avidyámáyá for many lives, it will not leave easily when one starts intuitional practice. Like the bullying tenant, Avidyámáyá will throw all possible obstacles across one’s path when one tries to destroy its influence. Sádhaná or intuitional practice as taught by a great preceptor is the way to remove Avidyámáyá. Only success in sádhaná can make Avidyámáyá loosen its hold. So the beginning of true sádhaná is marked by great resistance from Avidyámáyá, which, through the obstacles it creates, tries to compel one to give up sádhaná. In its attempts to subdue Avidyámáyá, sádhaná will naturally meet resistance from the evil force of Avidyámáyá. Obstacles in sádhaná (intuitional practices) should be regarded as an indication of one’s success in one’s attempt to remove Avidyámáyá. Obstacles are not created by God or the great preceptor (sadguru), as they wish every one of the units to become emancipated like themselves. They are created by Prakrti, against whom one is waging war. If one is to win, Prakrti has to be defeated with the weapon of sádhaná, against which Avidyámáyá defends itself by placing obstacles in one’s way. Obstacles in sádhaná should be regarded as good signs, indicating that the influence of Avidyámáyá is beginning to wane.” (Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Foods Harmful to Pets & Animals

(Courtesy of
  • Some human foods can cause serious illness (and even death) in dogs and cats.
  • Pets should not be given human food unless recommended by your veterinarian.
  • If you suspect your pet may have eaten a dangerous food, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Do I Need to Know About Foods that Are Dangerous for My Pet?

A number of human foods are dangerous to pets. Many of these foods may seem tasty to our pets but can prove deadly if eaten. It can be very tempting to offer pets food from the table, but pets should not be given human food unless recommended by your veterinarian.
If you suspect your pet may have eaten a dangerous food, contact your veterinarian immediately. In many cases, early recognition and treatment are critical.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in products such as gum, candy, mints, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Xylitol is harmful to dogs because it causes a sudden release of insulin in the body that leads to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Xylitol can also cause liver damage in dogs. Within 30 minutes after eating, the dog may vomit, be lethargic (tired), and/or be uncoordinated.  However, some signs of toxicity can also be delayed for hours or even for a few days. Xylitol toxicity in dogs can be fatal if untreated. It is unknown whether xylitol is toxic to cats.

Chocolate, Coffee, and Caffeine

Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that is toxic to dogs in large enough quantities. Chocolate also contains caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, and certain soft drinks. Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine and caffeine. For example, dark chocolate and baking chocolate contain more of these compounds than milk chocolate does, so a dog would need to eat more milk chocolate in order to become ill. However, even a few ounces of chocolate can be enough to cause illness in a small dog, so no amount or type of chocolate should be considered “safe” for a dog to eat. Chocolate toxicity can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid or irregular heart rate, restlessness, muscle tremors, and seizures. Death can occur within 24 hours of ingestion.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause acute (sudden) kidney failure in cats and dogs. It is unknown what the toxic agent is in these fruits. However, clinical signs can occur within 24 hours of eating and include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy (tiredness). Other signs of illness relate to the eventual shutdown of kidney functioning.


The avocado tree leaves, pits, fruit, and plant bark are likely all toxic. Clinical signs in dogs and cats include vomiting and diarrhea.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic and onions contain chemicals that damage red blood cells in cats and dogs. Affected red blood cells can rupture or lose their ability to carry oxygen effectively. Cooking these foods does not reduce their potential toxicity. Fresh, cooked, and/or powdered garlic and/or onions are commonly found in baby food, which is sometimes given to animals when they are sick, so be sure to read food labels carefully.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are common in candies and chocolates. The mechanism of macadamia nut toxicity is not well understood, but clinical signs in dogs include depression, weakness, vomiting, tremors, joint pain, and pale gums. Clinical signs can occur within 12 hours after eating. In some cases, signs can resolve without treatment in 24 to 48 hours, but patient monitoring is strongly recommended.


Many cases of human food toxicity in pets are accidental. A pet may find and chew on a package of gum or candy, or steal food from a countertop or table. The best way to prevent this is to keep all food items in closed cabinets or in areas that are inaccessible to pets. This may be particularly difficult during the holiday season, when more candy, chocolate, fruit baskets, and other food items are around. During these times, increased vigilance can help prevent pets from finding and eating dangerous foods.

Unfortunately, some cases of food toxicity in pets occur when pets are given a human food that contains a dangerous component. In general, human food items should not be given to pets unless recommended by your veterinarian. Children should also be taught to never give candy, gum, or other human food items to pets. For more information on human foods that are dangerous for pets, visit the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Animal Poison Control Center. If you suspect that your pet has eaten a potentially hazardous item, contact your veterinarian immediately.

This article has been reviewed by a Veterinarian.

(Courtesy of

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Talk on Samaj in March 1979


Subject: Talk on Samaj in March 1979
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 13:43:44 +0800 (SGT)
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal

Talk on Samaj in March 1979

I attended the Medinipur DMC on 25 March 1979. I was initiated on 30th Sep'78, had PC with Baba in Siliguri DMC in Feb-March 1979. In Medinipur DMC, Ac. Sarvatmananda dada who was the then in-charge of Samaja explained about the new concept of Samaja propounded by Baba to the margiis of Utkal & Kosal Samajas.

I very much remember how Sarvatmananda dadaji was trying his level best to elaborate about the features of samaja. When he told "as per Baba's definition - mother tongue is the best medium of expression", I liked it very much. But we felt that Sarvatmananda dadaji himself was not having a clear concept.

I was thinking Baba should take class regarding Samaj directly for us so that we can clear our doubts. In this meeting Prof. Aditya Mohanty, Prof. Lokanath Pradhan & other senior margiis of Odisha like Er.  Hrudananda Choudhury, Adovcate PN Bhuyan, Jadumani Nayak, SB Pandey, Shankarlal, Jagannath Lenka were present. In July / Aug, Ac Sarvatmananda dada came to Sambalpur to take report of Kevalam movement of Koshal Samaja. At that time I was studying in Eng. College, Burla in Sambalpur.

In Siliguri DMC on the previous day of Baba's arrival there was a big rally of Amra Bangali & moved around the town. On arrival of Baba in the ground outside DMC pandal, He was welcomed by Amra Bangali Vahini.

He asked in Bengali: "Amra ekta susthamanav samaj gathan karte parbo?" (Can we establish one healthy human society?).

All of us replied- "Yes Baba."

Baba was very much pleased. This was my first instance I could see Him for the first time in my life.

Therefore I can say Baba has started delivering discourses about Samaja concept before June '79.

Visakhapatnam, AP