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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Carrying Weapon



Most everyone has heard that Didis are required by Baba to carry a trishul (trident). It is part of their uniform.

Everyone also knows that Baba’s each and every order bears great significance. To what degree all our Didis are following this code – only they can truly say. I do know that my Didi does indeed carry hers. She and I have discussed why and then I did more research by talking to others and here is a summary for your review.

I would appreciate if others – especially more Didis – would share their comments on this subject.


As we know, women have been enjoying greater social equality around the globe, but still there remains lots of work to be done in this arena. Regarding, in-born or innate qualities and potential, women and men are equal in the more subtle spheres. We know that males and females can equally progress on the spiritual path. A person’s progress is more a function of an individual’s commitment to sadhana than any biological difference. So in the more subtle spheres, there is no real gender
difference. And that is Baba’s teaching.

Baba says, "According to Ananda Marga, women have equal rights in each and every sphere, so why shouldn’t they also have the right to attain salvation?..So on behalf of the philosophy of Ananda Marga, and also on behalf of the cult of Tantra, I hereby announce that males and females, who are the boys and girls of Parama Purus’a, the sons and daughters of Parama Purus’a, have an equal birthright to attain salvation." (1)

However, we also know that Baba does indeed point out differences between men and women. In some respects men are more developed and in other regards women are more developed. And along the way, there are always exceptions to the rule or general trend.

Baba says, "The number of cells in a female body is a little smaller than the number in a male body. Again, from the viewpoint of sentimentality, the number of nerve cells in a woman’s body is a little greater than that in a man’s. That is why in areas needing intelligence, knowledge and rationality men progress rapidly, and in areas where success depends on sentimentality, women progress very swiftly. Through the dispensation of God, men’s deficiency is balanced by women’s sentimentality, and women’s deficiency is balanced by men’s resoluteness and subtle propensive propulsion. And this is why in the sphere of education, both men and women must be afforded equal opportunities. Otherwise society will become crippled, and its all-round well-being cannot be achieved." (2)

So clearly according to Baba there is a some difference between men and women in the psychic sphere. Certainly there is always the possibility for exceptions. But in general, each gender has their own strengths and taken together, society is balanced.

Perhaps the most notable difference though comes in the more crude sphere – on the physical plane – as the glandular system of men and women are quite different. In particular Baba points out how the physical might of men is more. That is the general rule though always there are a few exceptions.

Baba says, "As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women." (3)

Baba says, "Generally, males have got much more stamina, courage...than females. Females have less courage, stamina." (4)

So while in the most subtle sphere men and women enjoy an equal birthright, in the more crude spheres there are stark differences between men and women - taking into account the possiblity for exceptions. And one certain difference is that men are physically stronger.

Domestic violence continues to be a huge issue around the globe. So many women become victims both in and out of their own homes – in the west and in the east. Although women enjoy more social freedom in the west, still abuse against women runs rampant.
Mostly because we are physically weaken than men. Much of this is also due to women being projected as objects of sexual gratification in this male-dominate world. The movies, the media, the advertising all point in this direction. Women are grossly objectified.

And in this era of extreme materialism, so many attacks occur against women – both inside and outside their home.
Tragically, women are not entirely safe within the walls of AMPS. While most in AM are very good, but a few fake margiis have been known to create problems. More can be told about this by others. Or write me for details about this.


My main point is this use of trident. Baba’s directive that Didis carry a trident bears great significance in today’s world and is probably related with the fact that Didis are supposed to travel in pairs - for reasons of safety - at least most of the time.

Women are susceptible in this world – due to our limited physical strength. If all the men and women were enlightened, the world would be much safer for us. But that is not the case. ==some== men are still dominated by animal propensities and that leads to so much abuse against women.==and vice-versa

Point being, our esteemed Didis must not fall prey to this and become victims. Baba’s clear-cut message is that Didis should be prepared and one such step of preparation is carrying a trident, not using provocative dress etc. When using provocative dress then anti-social elements feel that you are inviting them. Indeed, dress has a big effect. If the police come without their official dress then people will not take them seriously. Similarly, provocative dress gives one signal etc, that is why one's dress should always be sentient.


If we use our rational minds, we can think of other steps that Didis and margii women can take. When sexual crimes and domestic violence are occurring at such high levels, then every female must always be alert and take precautions. We always have to think if we are in a safe position or not. This precautionary measure will help prevent so many cases of abuse.

Even then our Didis are always traveling and they may get caught in a bad situation, or at the very least one that is unenviable. So they should be ready and prepared.

Beyond carrying a trishul, it is not a bad idea for our Didis and margii sisters and all women to learn basic elements of self-defense. Martial arts like judo and karate will help reduce the susceptibility of women.

We will no longer feel like victims.

As a mother I have enrolled my 10 and 12 year old daughters in Tae Kwon Do classes. Such classes not only improve their agility but help them develop self-confidence and courage.

Basically, I wish them to feel prepared without scaring them into thinking they live in a violent world. So we emphasize the positive side.

Of course martial arts are not a replacement for sadhana. Our aim is not to become a black belt. We are sadhakas. But given today’s topsy-turvy world, we have to be prepared.

And I feel that preparation extends to our Didis as well. And that is what I have been told about why Baba has included the trident as a mandatory aspect of a Didi’s uniform. It is a tool for safeguarding our lady acaryas. Then it is their own prerogative if they wish to learn some type of systematic method of self-defense as well. I would highly recommend it.

In this present era, self-defense has become a need for all women. And Baba Himself recognises this by requiring Didis to carry a trishal.


By Baba’s grace I feel in my heart that He deeply cares for all His children. He is watching and guiding us. His every teaching is important and bears significance, including that of Didis being required to carry a trishul. I hope this matter is not being neglected. Rather we should use it as rallying point to prepare our margii sisters (including Didis) for how to live in this world. No one should be susceptible or victimised.

in the service of Divine Father,

1. An Equal Birthright
2. Yoga Psychology
3. Caryacarya-1, ‘The Social Relationship Between Men and Women’
4. Yoga Psychology


"Tiirthe tiirthe ghuriya' kla'nt hoye esechi dva're..."   (Prabhata Samgiita 4112)


O' Divine Entity, after wandering around the globe in various holy lands in search of You, I am completely tired. In this exhausted state I have reached Your alter. Baba, be gracious, please do not turn Your face away; please do not become unhappy, angry, or furious with me. Please open the door and allow me to come inside.

O my Lord, look towards me; my whole body is completely tired and exhausted. My feet are full of dust. Wandering around in the sun, my whole body has become completely hot and sweaty. I am totally tired and exhausted.

O' Parama Purusa, now I feel in my heart and repent how my whole life has been wasted. I was tied up in the noose of dogma. Just I was performing various rituals, wandering in holy lands, moving from one tiirtha to another tiirtha, from one Baba's Quarter to another Baba's Quarter, in search of You. By Your grace, now I understand that You are residing in my heart - smiling.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I am surrendering to You. Please accept me as Yours. Do not leave me to wander from one dogmatic pilgrimage to another - involved in various rituals. The path which I was traveling was dark & full of hopelessness. I wasted a lot of money, time, and energy; nothing was gained. Now I am too tired. I want Your divine direction.

In spite of moving on the negative path, by Your grace in the garden of my mind some flowers have bloomed for You. I want to offer those flowers at Your lotus feet. The creepers of hope are swinging and the feeling is coming that You will allow me.

Baba, O' my Lord, You have graciously given me the longing for You in my heart. Now please grace me by allowing me to come close to You and touch Your feet. Baba, I am Yours and You are mine. I am surrendering everything unto You. Please accept me...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

More About Dada M Story



Many are aware that Dada M recently met with the President of Ireland. And while Dadaji certainly did have a seating with a head of state, we should put this in perspective.



Let us not forget that early on Dada Ramanandji flew with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her entourage on her official plane (reference “Ashutosh Baba” book). This was not an isolated case - rather a common phenomenon. High ranking leaders and officials felt honoured to receive avadhutas. Not only that, so many Dadas were regularly mixing and communicating with high government officers. Plus those very political leaders were present at the 1971 Ranchi Ananda Purnima DMC - more than 20 IPS (Indian Police Service) and IAS (Indian Administrative Service) attended that DMC. And thousands of very high ranking officers were initiated and became Ananda Margiis. Our Dadas were regularly associating with and being received by high officials to do pracara work, receive checks for relief efforts, accept award certificates etc. That was the way things were moving in the pre-1971 era.



Those days Mrs. Gandhi and so many high-ranking Indian officials and leaders were seeking supporters. Their strategy was that Ramananda and all of Ananda Marga should vote for Mrs. Gandhi and become her cadre. So they thought the growth of Ananda Marga would go in their favour. When Prout started contesting elections, i.e. once those leaders realised that Prout would have its own competing political platform then the relationship was quickly severed. They become terrified. From that moment forward, Mrs. Gandhi and those high-ranking officials treated all Proutists as sworn enemies and did all kinds of harassment against us to destroy the entire Prout movement and Ananda Marga. In due course they put everyone in jail including Baba, where they poisoned Him. We all know this dark history.


The Indian communists were also supporting Prout and verily so many communist cadres joined AM - including Vijayanandji and so many other avadhutas. But when those same communist leaders understood our stand then fight broke out. And the rest is history. And similar was the case with RSS (a Hindu fundamentalist group) in India.


A corresponding course of events will happen overseas where Prout is still in its infancy. At present, these overseas political leaders still think that Proutists are their cadres, but the moment overseas Proutists start contesting for political seats then the scene will change. When those leaders realise what Prout is, then all will be in jail. After being jailed if Proutists stand tall, then Prout will remain.


The President of Ireland is communist-minded and he too is actively seeking supporters and sympathizers. The moment he realises that Prout will offer an independent political alternative and become his rival party, then we should all watch and see how he behaves. Will he still invite and host Proutists - like Dadaji - for small group sessions? History tells us otherwise.


At present, the relationship between Maheshvarananda and the President of Ireland is akin to those pre-1971 days in India when Ramananda and many Dadas were having initial contact with Mrs. Indira Gandhi and countless high-ranking political leaders. But we all know how that scene drastically and dramatically changed. One should not forget this old and known history. We should be ready to face that phase. To bring Prout to the people, the path will not be a bed of roses. Ultimately, we will be victorious.

in Him,

Like New Born Baby and Mother

Baba says, "It is a law of nature that nature provides a mother with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly-born baby. In the same way, nature provides sufficient resources like food and other essential requirements for all human beings. Human beings need only utilize these resources in a proper way. Shortages of food and space cannot be blamed on nature. These
problems have been artificially created by the folly of human beings." (PNS-13, p.45)


"Bhul kare du're thekechi tumi bhul bheunge dio..." (Prabhata Samgiita #1827)


O' Divine One, due to my own defects I am not able to get close to You. Because of not following Your dharmic guidelines, my progress is hindered and I am just keeping myself away from You. Please grace me and remove all my shortcomings and weaknesses, and bring me in Your closest proximity. Please be gracious and take me in Your lap. O' Lord, in my life I have received an abundant amount of love from You; You have graced me so much. Now I am offering my love to You - please grace me by accepting it.

O' Parama Purusa, in the sky there is a deep blueness and my tender heart is full of love for You. I do not want my love to remain hidden & secluded in my little heart. Please allow the reddish glow of my heart - i.e. my love - to merge in the vastness of the distant blue sky. Please let my love reach up to the highest realm - reach up to You.

O' Supreme Entity Baba, when I sing the song and ideate on You there is a deep feeling of longing in my heart. You have graciously given the tune and in that way I sing for You. Baba, may my heart's inner longing be goaded & pointed exclusively toward You. Baba, O' Parama Purusa, by Your grace, I should always contemplate and think of You; my life should revolve and dance around You. My life should be successful, please grace me...

Friday, February 14, 2014

V. is Fish-Eating Monk

  Quiz: Fish-Eating So-Called Great Monk

Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

"Many persons were born in the past who shed copious tears for suffering humanity. But strangely enough, after their eloquent speeches were over, they sat down comfortably at a dinner table and treated themselves to a delicious meal of hilsa and kaimách fish – as if those fish had not suffered pain and death. This human sentiment has expressly violated the interests of non-human creatures, but its proponents have found nothing wrong with it."

"Once I read in a certain book that a "great" saint used to live only on locusts dipped in honey. That saint did not seriously consider that those little locusts also had vital life force throbbing in them."

"Obviously human beings will have to behave rationally; they must maintain their existence while adjusting with the external environment. It is true that living creatures are the food for other living beings (jiivah jiivasya bhojanam); and indeed, the vegetables that we eat every day also have living cells in them. But regarding food, I have expressed my opinion in some of my books." (Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Disc: 1)

Quiz: What is the name of the "great" monk who used to sit down to eat fish - utterly oblivious and / or callous to the pain and harm experienced by the fish?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda is the monk that Baba is talking about in the above paragraph. He is the one who was eating fish.

(Proof of the above answer in the articles below.)


"Who can understand a spiritual Master’s ways? With the ordinary human mind, we can never, never know the Master’s ways. They are inscrutable.

Sri Ramakrishna would tell one person, “Go and eat meat. Nothing will happen.” To another person, he would say, “All restlessness will enter into you if you eat meat. You must never eat meat!” If the first person ate meat, his consciousness would not be disturbed in the slightest. If the second person ate meat, the restlessness of the animals would enter into him instantly and take him into the abysmal abyss of his consciousness.

After he realised God, Swami Vivekananda used to eat meat and fish. His fellow brother-disciples and other critics used to say, “O my God, he is eating meat! He has definitely fallen.”

Swami Vivekananda would answer, “When I was poverty-stricken, you did not give me even one rupee. Such kind-hearted people you were! Now I am in a position to eat meat and you are criticising me mercilessly. Is eating meat taking away my spirituality? Am I descending? You are such well-wishers! Where was your sympathy when I was without money for weeks on end?”

Sri Aurobindo used to eat chicken quite regularly for a year, even when he was in his high, higher, highest consciousness. Nothing affected him. And while he was writing his magnum opus, The Life Divine, his servant used to come to him with a very large Burmese cigar. Sri Aurobindo would smoke to get inspiration. This is all written in official books on Sri Aurobindo’s life.

Another great Master of the highest heights, Sri Ramakrishna, used to smoke a hookah frequently before he entered into his highest meditation. In most cases, if people smoke, they cannot raise their consciousness even an iota. Even if someone is smoking next to another person who does not smoke, it is all finished for the non-smoker! That person will not be able to go higher at all.

In Lord Buddha’s case, a man gave him poisoned meat and then the Buddha died. As he was dying, when someone asked him about the man who had poisoned him, Lord Buddha said, “Forgive him! Forgive him! He has not done this intentionally.” (Courtesy of Sri Chinmoy Reflections)


"There is one story about Swami Vivekananda, he says, travelling down the Padma river in 1899. A fisherman offered him 16 hilsas – presumably the large ones – for Rs 1, adding four more free. Vivekananda then stepped ashore to look for pui saag, a type of green, together with which he would cook the ilish dish. A villager had pui at home, but wanted to be accepted as Vivekananda’s disciple in return for parting with it. Swamiji agreed. All for the hilsa." (Courtesy of Business Today)


“Vivekananda once told his disciple Sarat Chandra that ‘one who cannot cook cannot be a great monk’. His disciple, native of East Bengal, had once cooked Vivekananda a ‘Bangal’ platter of ‘rice, munger dal (lentils), koi macher jhol (koi fish curry), maccher tak (tangy fish) and maccher shuktuni (bitter fish with vegetables)’. Vivekananda, after eating, said he had never tasted anything like it before.

The act and joy of eating stayed with the spiritual master till his last moments on Earth.

Mukherjee in his book “The Monk as Man: The Unknown Life of Swami Vivekananda”, reveals how a few days before his premature death at the age of 39 from ill health, Vivekananda was found ‘gleefully eating chanachur (a hot and spicy mix of chickpeas and nuts) from a saal leaf at Ahiritola in northKolkata on the bank of Ganges’.

Vivekananda, on July 4, 1902, had a lunch of ‘hilsa’ fish curry, rice, fried vegetables and a tangy dip (ambol). At 9.30 p.m., after a day of prayer, banter and meditation, he died of a heart attack, says the book. (Courtesy of Merinews)


The Monk As Man:
The Unknown Life of Swami Vivekananda

By Samkara

" For Swami Vivekananda, hilsa was as necessary to Indian spinach as a lock to a key..."

 Note: If you have any problem with this let us know. 

Inundated this universe with flood of Divine effulgence



PS Intro: In this song, Parama Purusa Himself is directly talking with the  devotee, however He has appeared in the form of one 'parii'-- (angel).

"Rauniin parii elo jiivane, bha'loba'sa' d'hele dilo bhuvane..." (P.S. 2757)


  The Angel with panoramic colours has graciously taken advent in life: It has saturated and inundated this whole universe with love. Now nobody is alien; nobody is distant; everyone is close-- my own kith and kin.

  The new dawn has come. Now the vast and meagre are sitting together on one seat. There is no difference between high and low. The divine Angel has captivated everyone's heart. It has coloured everyone with its own divine colour. The Angel is showering its smile with boundless affection upon one and all and narrating the tale of divinity.

   The Angel has inundated this entire universe with the flooding of divine effulgence - wiping away all cimmerian darkness. And it proclaims that, 'I am watching over one and all with love and care. I am eternally along with each and every one through my ota and prota yoga. I will always remain with you.' It also says, 'Bear in mind that humanity will be victorious and the staticity will be destroyed'.

  The divine Angel furthermore proclaims, 'O human beings, keep your mind free from all complexes. Do not consider who is "high" or who is "low". Do not think that any unit entity is lowly. Always remember that the collection of all the units is the Cosmic. No one is outside; everyone is part of the singular divine Entity. O human beings, throw away your heavy load of samskaras, wipe away the stain of the past, and surrender your heart to the Divine Entity-- Parama Purusa. Victory is yours'...

Note: In the above Prabhat Samgiita, this parii - this divine angel - is  none other than Parama Purusa Baba Himself.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Paralyzed during Eating Competition + More


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Paralyzed After Choking During An Eating Competition
2. Posting: It is Sinful to Blame Baba - 3

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 11:21:33
From: sanjay45@xfini....
Subject: Paralyzed After Choking During A Competition



Following is an example of a man who destroyed his body and ended up in coma after gorging in an eating contest.

This way of living is a misuse and abuse of one's human potentiality. One has been blessed to receive a human body and it should be used for following bhagavad dharma.

Nowadays in this dark era of extreme materialism, many use their human body as tool of indulgence. This is the sad reality. And when that indulgence is directed towards food, they will literally eat themselves to death and destruction. In that case food becomes a mechanism for ruining their own life. It is quite shocking.


The story does not end there. According to their inherent desire they will again take birth. But it will not be as a human being, but as a pig, bear, bull or some other degraded being, or worse than that. Tragically, that is how one will have to face the consequences.

Read below the tragic example as well as Baba's divine teachings that dictate that those who misuse their human body will take birth in a lesser form in their next life. They will have to suffer the reactions of their misguided desires and lowly thoughts.

When you desire something animalistic then you will get the body of that animal or bug etc. One will be reborn as an animal because the human body is unfit to satiate their chosen desire. For instance, in this example below, a married man and father ruined his existence after eating and ultimately choking on large quantities of sweets that he had stuffed into his mouth. In his next life he may be reborn as a pig or hippopotamus since a human body was incapable or satisfying his desire in that way.

This is an the extreme example - no doubt. But in day to day life, most members of the general society do not use their human body in the right manner for  the right cause. Mostly they desire something mundane. That is why, when the moment arises most will not get a human body - let alone moksa.



A Canadian father ended up becoming paralyzed after choking during a competitive eating contest to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali.

Samaljit (Sunny) Aulakh has been laid up in a hospital bed unable to speak or walk since November. He can barely move his head.

The 36-year-old father of one fell to the floor after he choked on an Indian sweet.

He got up on stage to participate in an eating contest involving gulab jamuns, soft doughy Indian sweets.

‘They called him the winner, and once he stood up, I guess he was choking on the food, which caused him to pass out and have a stroke, and from the stroke he now has brain damage,’ niece Inderjeet Daleh told CBC News.

His 10 year old son, Pawan, watched as the first ambulance arrived.

‘After my dad ate, he stood up and I think he felt dizzy and he fell down...I felt very scared and I started to cry,’ Pawan said.

‘I see him, he’s all bluish and he can’t breathe properly,’ added wife Kamal Aulakh.

Aulakh’s family said a second ambulance with equipment to clear his trachea had to be called for help.

He eventually ended up in a coma for ten days.

(Courtesy of


The above example does not exist in isolation. One's thoughts and actions affect not just the present but their future as well. Here following are Baba's teachings that clearly apply to all those who indulge in eating contests - as well as those plunged in other poor habits and lowly thinking.


Yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii.

"According to one's desires one gets the fruits thereof. If somebody is a voracious eater and always hankers after food then it is quite likely that after the death of his physical body he may get the body of a pig in the next life. Suppose somebody wants to be a runner like a deer then it is not impossible that he will eventually get the body of a deer after the death of this present human structure." (1)

"One acquires a physical body according to the nature of one's sam'skáras. A human being who behaves like a goat or a dog may be born as a goat or a dog in the next life, because such an animal body is the proper base for the congenial expression of the latent saḿskáras. Hence it is not at all impossible for a human being to be reborn as a hog, a worm, a tree, or even a piece of stone. One's destiny will be decided according to the nature of one's karma – this is an infallible law. In this regard, neither Paramátma nor Prakrti can do anything to help. But Parama Brahma out of His Infinite grace, will reconvert these “Ahalyás” (those converted into stone as a result of crude actions) into glorious human beings in the process of pratisaincara [the introversive movement of the Cosmos], and provide opportunities for their movement towards the most exulted life." (2)

"According to human longings and desires or according to human propensive pursuit, their minds take form i.e., they will gradually acquire the like Saḿskáras or reactive momenta. They first see within themselves what they aspire for and then let their minds flow towards it. Thereafter the external organs i.e., hands and feet, etc., set about achieving it. And so it is generally seen that the desires that they had been giving indulgence to throughout their lives, come hurtling over to them in a condensed form at the last hour, i.e., their mind-stuff takes the like mental form for the last time in order to shape itself into a fitting medium of the like Saḿskáras. Even during the life-time as well it is seen that the mind-stuff of a drunkard, which imbibes within it an indomitable desire or Saḿskára for wine, turns into a vantage ground for undergoing the next Saḿskáras or momenta of pleasure and pain. That is to say, such a person gets scent of the wine shop by the sheer propulsion of his acquired mental propensity, if he happens to go to a new and unfamiliar place. A man who has cultivated dog-like or swine-like desires all his life, dies with the same dog-like or swine-like frame of mind. Thereafter with the help of Prakrti’s Mutative force he acquires the form of a dog or swine in order to undergo the dog-like or swine-like Saḿskáras. The great ascetic, King Bharata, died thinking of a fawn, and that was why it is written in the Puráńas (Indian mythologies) that he had to take the body of a deer at his next birth." (3)



"Indulging in mean thoughts only engenders crude vibrations in the Citta, as the result of which you will have to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer the lowly Saḿskáras created by those crude vibrations. Thus you must arouse higher vibrations in your Citta. Even a man of King Bharata’s calibre had to take rebirth as a deer because at the time of his death he was deeply anxious about a fawn. Thus regardless of what you are at present or what you may possibly become in the future, do not digress from the ideal of the Great in any circumstances: do not stray even a step away from the path of realization of Absolute Bliss. Ananda Marga or the path to eternal bliss is the only path for you." (4)

According to Baba's above directive, those from the eating contests in the case studies will be reborn into that thing which they were thinking about. If at the time of death they were thinking about a bug, insect, or Indian sweet, then after their death they will take that shape and form in their next life. That is the simple formula.



"No matter what circumstances you are in, never lose sight of the Infinite One. Degradation is impossible for those who have accepted the Supreme Being as the Ideal of their lives." (5)

in Him,


The question arises, "Why do human beings do like this?" The response is that they are trying to satisfy their infinite desire with material indulgence. Their desire is to take an infinite amount of food, but alas the body is limited, so they die. Infinite desire can only be satiated by the realisation of Parama Purusa. So long as we are not teaching dharma sadhana to all, this problem will continue.

1. AV-2, The Difference between Macrocosm and Microcosm
2. AMIWL-7, Form and Formless
3. SS-2, Intuitional Science of the Vedas - 3
4. SS-3, Vibration, Form, & Color
5. SS-3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Next Letter ==

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 07:25:52
From: Hari Sharan
Subject: It is Sinful to Blame Baba - 3




Ananda Marga Scripture says, “Karttrtva karma karmaphala ["Doership, action, result of the action"]. Human beings do the actions, and the results come according to the law of nature — the Lord has nothing to do with it. So when people are in trouble, they say: “Oh God, what have You done to me? What put this into Your mind?” But the fact is that Na’ra’yan’a, God, has done nothing, and had nothing in His mind. You have done something and are suffering the consequences. You are in trouble and you are crying out. Many people are like this. But Na’ra’yan’a has done nothing. As you have sown, so you now reap. This is the plain truth.” (Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, “You Have the Right to Action Only”)

Some people unfortunately do not like to admit their own sins and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence or reaction), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing – thereby committing sin. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

In 1970, Dadaji lost faith in Baba because of his own bad samskaras of the past. That time he was very frustrated and he started blaming Baba & accusing Him: “He (Baba) confused my mind and that is why I lost faith in Him.” But, falsely accusing and blaming Guru in this way is sinful. Yet, that is what Dada Tapershvaranandji did in his book. True bhaktas do not blame God for the suffering which they faced for their own sins. That is the essence of the above cited Ananda Marga scripture.

Please write your thoughts.

In Him,
H. Sharan

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Quiz: Monk Eats Locusts?


Quiz: Locust Dipped in Honey

Ananda Marga philosophy states, 

"Many persons were born in the past who shed copious tears for suffering humanity. But strangely enough, after their eloquent speeches were over, they sat down comfortably at a dinner table and treated themselves to a delicious meal of hilsa and kaimách fish – as if those fish had not suffered pain and death. This human sentiment has expressly violated the interests of non-human creatures, but its proponents have found nothing wrong with it."

"Once I read in a certain book that a "great" saint used to live only on locusts dipped in honey. That saint did not seriously consider that those little locusts also had vital life force throbbing in them."

"Obviously human beings will have to behave rationally; they must maintain their existence while adjusting with the external environment. It is true that living creatures are the food for other living beings (jiivah jiivasya bhojanam); and indeed, the vegetables that we eat every day also have living cells in them. But regarding food, I have expressed my opinion in some of my books." (Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Disc: 1)

Quiz: What is the name of the "great" saint who used to live only on locusts dipped in honey??


St. John the Baptist

John the Baptist is described as wearing clothes of camel's hair, living on locusts and wild honey.(Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Other Side of the Olympics


This email contains 3 sections:
1. Posting: Other Side of the Olympics
2. Comment: Re: Why One Must Not Kill Oneself In Any Situation
3. Prabhat Samgiita #421

== Main Posting==

Subject: Other Side of the Olympics
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 05:02:35
To: anandamargauniversal


There is another side to the present-day glitz and glamour of the Olympics, one which is not commonly known.


In this capitalist era, hosting the Olympics means investing billions and billions into stadiums, airports, skating rinks, swimming pools, ski jumps, ritzy hotels fancy venues, and so many grandiose structures. Some estimate that to host the 2014 summer games, Russia spent $50+ billion.



Yet in the face of this gigantic display of wealth known as the Olympics, Shrii PR Sarkar offers a unique Proutistic assessment of the scene.

"While money has been spent lavishly for the construction of beautiful places of worship, money has never been arranged for food, clothing, housing, education and medical care for the welfare of the poor. While for four full years all the state revenues of Orissa were spent for the construction of the Konark temple, during that period not a penny was spent for human welfare. Needless to say, the history of all countries is replete with such examples." (Ráŕh: The Cradle of Civilization, chapter 6)

If we review Shrii PR Sarkar's above teaching with the idea that we are in the vaeshyan era where the money has been spent on Olympic stadiums etc at the request of corporate sponsors, then we can see how the vast spending associated with the Olympics spending spree is parallel to what Shrii PR Sarkar is warning about above with the Konark temple.

Public money should be used for the well-being of the people and not for extravagant projects that  have no bearing on the lives of the common people. If the general populace is not getting their basic needs fulfilled, there is no question of spending huge public money on things like the construction of the Konark temple and the Sochi Olympics. That is the Prout teaching.

Today we see that $50 billion has been spent in preparing for the Olympics, huge money has been spent on gargantuan construction projects, and big investments are made for finding and training elite athletes etc, amidst it all the common people are suffering.


"A new $635 million highway on the outskirts of Sochi runs by a crumbling apartment block with a red “SOS!” banner on its roof. The residents of 5a Akatsy street have lived for years without running water or a sewage system. And construction for the 2014 Winter Games has made their lives more miserable: The highway has cut them off from the city center. Even their communal outhouse had to be torn down because it was found to be too close to the new road and ruled an eyesore." (Courtesy of TribLive)

The local residents are suffering in the psychic realm and in the physical realm. There is no freedom of thought, civil liberties, or freedom of expression in Russia. It remains a suppressed state where still many of its citizens are lacking in the daily necessities, despite Russia's economic boom and oil wealth.

And just like with past Olympic cities, from Montreal (1976) to London (2012), after the games, all those grand stadiums will fall into dis-use, standing there needlessly, completely empty, wasting billions of public dollars as the cities go into debt, while still the minimum necessities of the people are not met.



Here again if we read Shrii PR Sarkar's below quote in the eyes of the vaeshyan era, we can see the audacity of what is happening with today's Olympic presentation.

Shrii PR Sarkar says, "Those who worship a marble deity in the dark corner of a temple and neglect the poor multitudes – who are themselves an embodiment of God – gain nothing in this life nor for the life
hereafter. The neglect of a person who is the embodiment of God is tantamount to neglecting God Himself. A truly righteous person realizes that God does not confine Himself to the temple, but manifests Himself in His creation." (AFPS-2)

Thus those who stand in awe of all the Olympic stadiums, and those who have lost sight of what the Olympics should be all about, they have forgotten their inner self and become a tool of capitalism. The Olympics should be a celebration of the human spirit, and not the pomp and show of capitalist wealth. Yet that is what the Olympics has become. But Shrii PR Sarkar warns us about become a pawn of the Olympic menagerie.


Yet through it all, even the most basic human values are grossly overlooked in Russia. Crackdowns against innocent citizens is a daily occurrence. People are seen as tools of the government not living, breathing entities who have an inquiring mind and a thirst for the limitless.

So here we can only think that in the eyes of Prout, this Olympics, like so many others, is also a shocking display of misused public wealth. As it overlooks the welfare of the common people and suffering humanity and instead tries to dazzle and allure the world with its superficial glamour etc.



Just as Shrii PR Sarkar has given kaoshikii and tandava for the practice and betterment of all, the real ideal of the Olympics is to inspire everyone to engage in sports and try to go beyond what they think they can do.

Unfortunately, the capitalist model has taken the Olympics to such an elitist strata, that only the most talented athletes participate and the rest of the world grows obese watching from the couch. The standard is so high due to huge money, corporate sponsorships, steroids, and year-round training, that for the common people the idea of participating is a dream. Plus, most of the top athletes who try to participate get hurt or even killed while training and never even perform in then Olympics. So here is another angle of vision of how the Olympic spirit just spells disaster for the people. They have been reduced to paying spectators and overweight consumers, nothing more.


Some attest that the Olympics bring peace and amity. Let's take a closer look to see if this or not. In 1936, Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics in Berlin and shortly thereafter World War II began. Throughout the Cold War period, nations like the US and USSR participated in countless Olympics, but that never eased political or military tensions. Likewise India and Pakistan have been participating in the Olympics and Commonwealth Games for years, all the while they have remained antagonistic towards one another. As Ananda Margiis, we should bear in mind that peace only comes with the eradication of exploitation. So long as there is exploitation there will never be peace, regardless of a country's involvement in the Olympic games or not.


Various international organisations like the United Nations etc do not build new offices every time they hold a meeting. Rather they return to the same venue again and again. The same should be done with the Olympics. There can be 4 fixed sites around the globe. The Olympics can simply rotate through those 4 venues, returning to the same site every 16 years. That way each facility can be of a premium standard and well maintained. An international board will manage the sites and distribute profits to all nations. During "off years" when the Olympics is not being held at a particular site then that location can be used for the Asia games or other competitions. This will bring regular use and income to each site. It will not be like the way things are now where an entire Olympic sporting complex is built for the Olympics, only to sit unused and fall into disrepair as soon as the games are over.


As the capitalist presses and media around the globe are gloating over the magnificent display of the Olympics, the needs and thoughts of so many suffering people are wholly overlooked in the practical plane. When the Olympics are gone the resident of Sochi will be a forgotten people, and their present woes will just continue.

Only Prout is the real voice of the people. Proutists speak for those who are speechless. So it is the duty of writers in all corners to stand up for the suffering humanity, while the various governments foolishly spend all their public on Olympic pomp and show, overlooking the needs and rights of the people.

Because the way things are now, the Olympics present a glamour show to the world, while it commands all public monies and funds.

This is the side of the Olympics that is mostly unknown.


Our Prout philosophy aims for the welfare of the people. As Proutists, in this Olympic season, we are to always carry this ideal to the masses and work for their upliftment.

Shrii PR Sarkar says, "There will be no more suppression, repression and oppression. Let the mind develop according to its longings; let the mind be free. Let there be a human society of coordination and cooperation. This is the last stage. We are waiting for the rising sun with crimson rays. Even now the crimson rays are a bit visible. These crimson rays are the rays of PROUT." (PNS-17)

In Him,


With the grand Opening Ceremony in Sochi Games being marveled at by all, and with literally billions watching the Olympic events, the 2014 games in Sochi (Russia) are front and center.

“With lights, floats and flying, Russia kicked off the opening ceremony in Sochi as the world turns its attention to the costliest Olympic Games in history.” (Courtesy of CNN)

The Sochi games have became the new poster child of this modern-era Olympics phenomenon where huge money is spent in order to impress the world.



Subject: Re: Why One Must Not Kill Oneself In Any Situation
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 08:55:49 GMT
From: Vyasa
To: anandamargauniversal

Re: Why One Must Not Kill Oneself In Any Situation

Good article on euthanasia. In U.S.A., there is a lot of news whereby people "accidentally" kill themselves because they were trying to get high by shooting up with heroin and die of an overdose even if they weren't suicidal. I get a lot of patients who survive such instances after they woke up from unconsciousness and a semi-comatose stated while in the hospital. They told us they were just trying to "catch a buzz."
Baba Nam Kevalam



PS Intro: This is one special type of song where Parama Purusa explains to the devotees what He does - how He carries out His liila.

"A'gun jva'la'te a'si niko a'mi, diipa'valii jva'li man ma'jhe..."  (Prabhata Samgiita #421)


I, Parama Purusa, do not come to light a burning fire in the heart. I come to light the lamp of devotion in the heart-- for that I come. I fill the mind with divine effulgence - devotion, not fire [1]. Even on the rough & jagged path I pour divine sweetness - I make even the dry heart full of devotion. In those trees that do not flower, I decorate them with flowers.

I change the degrading personality into a divine one. I fill them with the beauty of devotion. To the dry heart I bring the warmth of love and devotion. I give them inspiration to move towards divinity. In this way I bless. Through the melody and rhythm of song and dance, silently I fill the remote corner of the heart with love. Indeed I fill the entire universe with devotion through song, dance and music - Prabhat Samgiita. I do not come to ignite the heart with yearning; rather I fill the heart with devotion.    

To those hearts that are frustrated, sunken, and lost, I give them the strength for their forward movement. I fill them with bliss so they can forget their pain and misery and become ensconced in divinity. I remain with everyone through My ota and prota yoga. I make everyone aware of this by My actions. I express this truth in all My work so that human beings can realise that Parama Purus'a is with them.    

I take advent on this earth to fill the heart with devotion...

End Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #421:

[1] Fire: Here fire means that devotees always lovingly accuse Parama Purusa that 'I am crying for You yet You just set my heart on fire, with no relief in sight'. But Parama Purus'a explains that it is not like that; rather He comes with the explicit motive to fill the mind with devotion...