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Saturday, November 16, 2013

#2: Re: More About Kapalika

Respected Readers,

Namaskar. This email contains 3 distinct sections for your review and consideration.

1. Prabhat Samgiita #1616
2. Re: More About Kapalika by Sukulji
3. Re: More About Kapalika by Kuttiji
A link to the initial letter on this topic is appended below.
at His lotus feet,
Ananda Marga Universal Moderators


PS Intro: This below song is deeply devotional and can only be understood by those who have been blessed with the gift of devotion. Without that this song cannot be understood.

"Ei hrdayer ma'la'kha'ni toma'r tare genthe ra'kha'..." (PS 1616)


O' the Divine Entity, I love You so much. With all the tenderness and sweetness of my heart I have threaded this garland especially for You. By Your grace, I am offering [1] it at Your lotus feet, O' my Dearmost. 

O" Parama Purusa, my only desire is to please You. So if You do not like this garland which I have prepared for You, then please do not accept it. And if You are not satisfied with this garland, then I request You not to look towards it. My sole desire is that You should be pleased. Baba, this mala (garland) is saturated with my heartfelt longing for You and is soaked with the showering of my tears of devotion. It is drenched with my love.

Baba, O' the Supreme One, I am meagre; I am just a small unit being. Yet I carry the great and distant hope of getting You. Because I am meagre and You are vast, my hope of getting You is nothing but an unrealistic plan and a far off dream. It is just a fantasy. Baba, if You do not want me, then why have You pulled me so close to You with Your loving bond. 

Baba, please grace me by accepting my garland. Here I am offering it at Your lotus feet...


[1] Arghya': Here are some of the specifics about the term arghya', or offering.

Baba says, "When any non-edible item is offered to gods and goddesses or great personalities then that is called arghya'. Those offered partially or completely full [non-edible] items which are returned back ]to the unit being] from those gods and goddesses or great personalities are called nirmalya. If any edible item is offered to gods or goddesses or great personalities then that is called naevedya. And that very naevedya when it is partially or fully returned from those gods and goddesses or great personalities then that is called prasad." (Laghu Nirukta, p.9)

Thus when devotees offer delicacies and sweets to Parama Purusa that is called naevadya and when those sweets are partially or fully returned back to devotees with His special blessing then that is called prasad. So when devotees bring sweets etc to our AM kiirtan programs and place them under the puja table then those sweets are not prasad, they are naevadya. Only when the kiirtan program is over do they become prasad according to Baba's above guideline. So at our Ananda Marga functions it should become our regular practice use the proper vocabulary.

Secondly, those things offered in Guru Puja are known as arghya. That is why Guru Puja is called: varn (mental colour) + arghya (arrangements being offered) + dan (act of offering), varnarghyadan.

Subject: Re: More About Kapalika
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 12:17:13 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal

Re: More About Kapalika


Thanks a lot for providing necessary information through this article regarding my quest.

I also thank with deep respect to Nityanandaji who clarified and enhanced my knowledge in this subject matter.

Actually, I knew most of the facts depicted in this article along with this that
"Ka palayati yashya sa kapalika क पालयति यश्य  स  कापालिकः "

and regarding Avadhutas I learnt from Rev. Baba's discourse that

"श्मशाने व गृहे हिरण्ये व तृणे
तनुजे व रिपो स्वकीये व परे
समत्व् योगे विराजे अवधूतो
द्वितीयो महेशः।"

Hence I was under the impression that taking regular rigorous training in training center these respected persons are coming out becoming perfect as per definition above but by below given paras of the above article I could understand that their training is not complete but the degree is given in advance so that they try hard in order to maintain sanctity of it.
And also that every avadhuta is a kapalika but it is not necessary that every kapalika be an avadhuta. Now, I could also understand why  some of these honorable persons leave after serving a few years when confronted with the ashtapashas and sadaripus.
Thanks once again.

Dr. T. R. Sukul


Subject: Re: More About Kapalika
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 10:59:05 +0530
From: Kartick Kutti <kartickku,,,,>
To: Ananda Marga Universal

Re: More About Kapalika

It is indeed very positive and informative mail. All should know what Baba says.
