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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prabhat Samgiita Purport #227 + Prout Guideline

Date: Th 12 Sep 2013 8:03:47 -0000




With the upcoming Prabhat Samgiita Day (14 Sep), here below is one of Baba's divine compositions. May we always reflect upon His divine and gracious gift - Prabhat Samgiita.

PS Intro: Devotees always like to sing the glory of Parama Purusa - either through kiirtan & chanting His name, singing bhajans, or by raising the 'Jai' slogan etc. So when Parama Purusa has made His advent on this earth or when He manifests Himself in the mind of devotees, then naturally those devotees will call everyone close and tell others that the magnificent Parama Purusa has come.

Depending upon the degree of their realisation some devotees feel that Parama Purusa has come physically onto to the planet, while other sadhakas are more oriented towards His coming in sadhana, dhyana. If one only uses their external senses then they will not be aware of the existence of Parama Purusa in their mind. True realisation of Parama Purusa comes in the realm of spirituality.

This following song expresses the idea that devotees should spread the glory of Parama Purusa throughout each and every nook and corner of this earth.

"Shon'o go, shon'o go, shon'o go dhara'va'sii..." (PS 227)


O' inhabitants of the earth, please listen, please listen, please listen [1], the Aja'na' Pathik [2] has come. His eyes are full of boundless love and He is graciously calling everyone to come close, near Him. That Divine Entity has fathomless love, attraction, and charm. He is graciously guiding all regarding physical, psychic, and spiritual upliftment.

The Love-Personified Parama Purusa has come. He is moving exquisitely - synchronized with the rhythm of dance & song. With His divine melody He is attracting all with the bond of His spiritual love [3]. O' devotees, behold, everyone look, Parama Purusa has come and He is expressing Himself in such a charming and magnificent way.

The Ajana Pathik has made His grand arrival. The divine sound of His omnkara is resonating in everyone's heart. With the magical display of His divine effulgence He has taken His place & made His abode deep inside everyone. With His boundless love, He is revealing that, "I have
brought a basketful of nectar to distribute to all My loving children."

O' the Parama Purusa Himself has come. His every movement is very graceful and He is showering His infinite love to all. This is His ahetuki krpa'...


[1] Human Psychology: It is the basic human psychology that when anyone experiences anything great then they always like to share the beauty of their experience with others. Similarly if they undergo any disappointment or hardship, then that also they will tell that to others. In contrast, if life is just moving along in a normal way, then most of the time they will not say much. Thus when devotees are fully charged and enamoured by the divine advent of Parama Purusa, then in that blissful mood those devotees are surely going to call everyone to come close and experience the darshan of Parama Purusa.

[2] Aja'na' Pathik: The term Aja'na' Pathik means 'The Divine Entity Parama Purusa Who moves around this entire universe and Who resides everywhere and knows everything, and irrespective of where one goes He remains along with you'. That is one of His many unique attributions and that is the speciality of the name 'Ajana Pathik'. Means the name 'Ajana Pathik' denotes this special quality.

Literally, Aja'na' means 'unknown' and Pathik means 'divine traveler'. But this is just the word by word, literal translation; and proper nouns are not meant to be translated. So we cannot call Him the "Unknown Traveler", or "Unknown Tourist", or "Unknown Divine Traveler." The spirit and meaning is then lost.

The the inner sense of the name Ajana Pathik is that Parama Purusa is always moving throughout this vast cosmos and by His special grace He is constantly present with everyone all the time. He is in the Cosmic Nucleus yet at the same time through His ota and prota yoga He is everywhere - carefully watching & lovingly guiding everyone. This unique aspect of His grand Personality is treated as Aja'na' Pathik. Because He is constantly traveling yet present everywhere. He is in the nucleus as well as throughout this entire expressed universe.

As the Ajana Pathik, Parama Purusa Baba moves and moves and moves. Thus in their devotional approach devotees feel that wherever they go then the Aja'na' Pathik will always be there to shower His blessing. By His grace, devotees can always get His intimate company & companionship. With this devotional link, by His grace sadhakas understand that Parama Purusa is present everywhere, yet side by side He travels on and on throughout this entire cosmos. Thus He is Aja'na' Pathik.

Overall the name Aja'na' Pathik has one special and unique meaning that goes far beyond its literal translation. And in our hearts we A'nanda Ma'rgiis know and feel that Baba is that Aja'na' Pathik. Indeed in His discourses, in Dharma Samiiksa, and in reporting, in DMC, and in numerous ways Baba has revealed this very fact that He is ever-present and always along with us. Hence He is always moving and wherever we go then He will also be there. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and one of them is this special quality where He always remains along with us wherever we are in this vast universe. In this way He is known as - Aja'na' Pathik.

[3] Love: When reviewing Prabhat Samgiita, invariably the term 'love' is used. And in this devotional setting, the English word 'love' means 'prema' in Sanskrit.

Baba says, "Regarding prema or selfless love, it is said:"

Samyaung masrn'ito sha'nto mamatva'tishaya'unkitah
Bha'va sa' eva sa'ndra'tma' budhaeh prema nigadyate

"The attitude which makes the mind smooth and placid, and radiant with the deepest love for the Lord, is called 'bha'va'. Wise people call this 'prema' or 'divine love'."

"Prema is the attraction for Parama Purus'a overcoming the attraction for all other finite objects. Those who are endowed with such divine love are bound to receive the grace of Parama Purus'a -- they need not worry about it." (SS-18)

Surely, most margiis understand that the use of the word 'love' in Prabhat Samgiita does not have anything to do with general worldly love - which is how the term 'love' is commonly used these days in the general society.

Plus in various English speaking countries like the US etc, you may often hear people say, 'I love hot dogs and beer', 'I love eating candy', 'I love going to the movies', or 'I love hunting', 'I love to read the newspaper', and 'I love eating bugs' etc. In such circumstances instead of using the term 'like' they use 'love'. This has become the custom. So in western / European countries this type of use of 'love' is quite prevalent.

And in various other countries & languages their word for 'love' such as amour in French is used primarily to express physical  attraction. They use 'love' in romance films. And in day to day life they often employ the term love when speaking about their laokik family relations also.

The point being that there are a very limited number of terms to express 'love' in the English language. So the word 'love' gets used in various ways - usually in the mundane sphere.

In Ananda Marga devotional life, love means prema, or divine love. But since many are not familiar with the term prema, then the English term love is used. And the sense is deep devotional longing for the Divine Entity.

That is why this entire explanation and clarification of the word 'love' was needed.

Every Proutist Must Know

Prout philosophy states, “The universe is the thought projection of Brahma, so the ownership of the universe lies with the Supreme Entity…Everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma…We must not forget, even for a single moment, that the entire animate world is a vast joint family. Nature has not assigned any portion of this property to any particular individual. Private ownership has been created by selfish opportunists, as the loopholes in this system provide them with ample scope for self-aggrandizement through exploitation. When the entire wealth of the universe is the common patrimony of all living beings, can the system in which some roll in luxury, while others, deprived of a morsel of food, shrivel up and starve to death bit by bit, be said to have the support of dharma?” (Problems of the Day, #1)

Note: So long as one does not feel this above teaching in the inner core of their heart then their understanding of Prout remains nothing but a dream. Only when this teaching is deeply embedded in one’s mind will a person be able to strongly oppose economic injustice.

In Him,