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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Real Not Fake



Namaskar & Happy New Year!!


Here below is a real Ananda Vanii for 01 January 2014 because this Ananda Vanii is not part of another discourse. It is original and complete in and of itself.

In this time of rampant groupism, this following real Ananda Vanii is the panacea.

"Since the very dawn of civilization, numerous isms have emerged before the humanity. Various rhythms of mobility have appeared but none of these has taught to look upon the entire humanity as an integral and indivisible entity. Hence, there is so much infighting so much intolerance amongst human beings."

"The human society of today has advanced considerably in the intellectual sphere. It must no longer sit inert. By applying all its might, the march of universal humanism must be made smooth by hook or by crook. Hence no latitude in procrastination or cowardliness of any sort should be permitted in this regard." (Ananda Vanii #52)

This concludes the real Ananda Vanii.


And here is one of the Fake Ananda Vaniis selected by one faction. It is fake because it is part of something else; it is not an original discourse that is complete unto itself as a standard Ananda Vanii.

"You are following the path of sa'dhana'. always remember that you must establish yourself in pure devotion and not formal devotion. And to become established in pure devotion you must perform virtuous deeds, practice spiritual sa'dhana' regularly, render selfless service to the world , and wage a relentless fight against wrongs and injustice. There is no room for cowardice. may you be victorious." (Selected from Discourse "'Vaedhii Bhakti and Suddha' Bhakti", Subha'sita Samgraha", Part-8).


If you want to know more about why the above "Vanii" from one of the factions is fake the read these below letters. They highlight the difference between Real and Fake Ananda Vaniis:

Happy New Year!!

In Him,

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Killing Over Shoes



Note: This is the second letter in this series; a link to the initial letter has been appended below. The text in brown is an excerpt from the earlier posting on this topic.

Here we continue the investigation of the tragic plight of people in this late stage of capitalist exploitation. The initial analysis is follow by an article that dramatically portrays youths will even kill one another over a pair of sneakers.



On so many fronts, the common people in the US are victims of capitalism; and wherever materialism spreads the populations will suffer in a similar way. It is our duty to educate them and heighten their awareness.

Here is Baba's key teaching.

"Psycho-economy has two branches. The first branch endeavours to eradicate exploitative and unjust economic practices, behaviours and structures. It will counter all economic and psycho-economic exploitation and make people aware of how capitalists, in their singular or collective roles, exploit society and create unhealthy, artificial demands which not only poison the mind but encourage dangerous habits detrimental to psychic sanctity and expansion. The first and foremost duty of psycho-economics is to wage a tireless fight against all degenerating and dehumanizing economic trends in society." (1)


Psycho-economy is primarily needed in those countries that have a greater purchasing capacity like the US etc. In financially poorer nations, the populace is pressured to spend most of its money on matters of survival such as housing, food, clothing etc. Though it is true that those populations do get indoctrinated into and addicted to certain trends like tobacco and alcohol use. Really though, it is the economically wealthier nations that desperately need psycho-economy, i.e. taught what to buy etc.

Because up till now, the capitalists have successfully brainwashed common citizens in so-called first-world nations about what they need: to look "good", feel "good", and have "good" social status - by purchasing more toys etc. By this way the general populace gets trapped and pours huge amounts of money into the hands of those capitalists in order to buy harmful, degrading things. All because they are allured and swooped up by capitalist propaganda.

Whereas if people are taught what they really need to live on this earth and what will truly make them happy, they will easily be able to extricate themselves from the trap of capitalist exploitation. Because for the capitalist, they exploit a person's wallet by first getting inside that person's mind. So if the mind is clear and can understand what the capitalists are doing, then they can easily win the battle.


Thus in step-by-step manner, the common people need to be taught what to purchase and what not to purchase. Those things which are harmful should not be purchased: junk food, tobacco, liquor, lottery tickets, useless toys, items related with bad habits etc. Plus they should be educated on points of aparigraha so they do not purchase superfluous fashion clothing, x-tra gadgets etc. They should learn vehicles are for travel and not for prestige. The entire arena of psycho-economy is based on this simple equation: Buying what is needed and helpful for one's growth and development, and not buying that which is not needed and harmful to one's progress.

By this way they will save money and time, not incur debt, and spend time in higher pursuits. If they can understand that their self-worth is not a correlation of how much money they have or what kind of car they have, or what brand of clothing they wear, then they will readily become educated users / people. And such persons will not be helpless pawns of capitalism.  This education is psycho-economy. All should learn and those who practice this will be happy and peaceful. Otherwise they may die in a stampede in a big box store on Black Friday. Then people will not rush headlong into Black Friday and risk their mind and body running after the mirage of materialistic happiness as presented by those leading capitalists. For one's existence psycho-economy is needed.



The critical issue is that if the common people were educated about Prout and had a better idea of what it means to be a smart users / people, then they would not get caught in the sticky web spun by capitalists. Then they would not get caught up in the madness of Black Friday.

As noted above, Baba has given psycho-economy as one part of a healthy economy. A key aspect of psycho-economy is to fight exploitation and educate the public about the tricky and greedy ways of capitalists. So that is what we must do.

Indeed, if people were aware about how they are getting cheated by capitalists and that they do not need all this useless merchandise, they would not run in that direction, i.e. into a shopping frenzy. If people clearly understood the sham, senselessness, and destruction related with Black Friday, then it would be obliterated. Indeed Black Friday itself would be no more.


Here below are two insightful piece that demonstrate how a growing number of people in the general society are gaining insight into capitalist exploitation. Such persons are qualified as vikśubdha  shudras - i.e. those who are awakened to the exploitative tactics of capitalism and are readying to make a stand.

Killing over kicks: How did we get here?

Courtesy of:  Perry Williams

Editor's note: Perry Williams teaches high school English to students in Georgia. He is a sneaker enthusiast and mentors students who are interested in buying and selling sneakers.

"Give up ya J’s and ya Starter" was a common phrase many young people heard about 20 years ago while being held up at gunpoint for their expensive shoes and jackets. During that time, people were getting robbed for their Air Jordan sneakers and their NFL Starter Jackets.

With the recent news reports of young people being slain for tennis shoes, some people may feel that this is a new epidemic bleeding from the urban areas into the suburbs. Unfortunately, young people getting robbed and -- in the worst case -- getting killed over a pair of sneakers is not a new trend.

In the late 80’s and early 90’s, when basketball shoes crossed over the $100 mark, death over gym shoes began. A small shoe company decided on a new marketing strategy of focusing on one player instead of hundreds of lesser-known athletes. A shoe deal between Nike and a rookie from the University of North Carolina named Michael Jordan grew into a global, multi-billion dollar conglomeration with the best basketball player ever to play the game.

During this era, many of these highly sought-after shoes became popularized on the small screen with NBC’s “A Different World” and on the big screen with classic flicks such as “White Men Can’t Jump” and Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing.” Sneakers of that time were in demand then and today.

As a result, you have a consumer-based, sub-culture market that dictates what shoes are sold opposed to what shoe designers feel will be the next big thing. Many “sneaker heads” drive the market by selling shoes online and shoe companies try to capitalize on what is trending and selling on the web. What is so astonishing is that many of today’s young shoe collectors who are standing in line for days or making unsafe deals were not old enough to even see Michael Jordan play. Surprisingly, many of the shoes that carry these high price tags and garner the most attention are not newly designed shoes. They are mainly all re-released shoes or hybrids from years ago.

However, we have now entered an era where many shoes today have surpassed the $3,000 - $4,000 threshold. With the release of the Nike Marty McFly’s, LeBron’s, Foamposites and Air Yeezy, shoe prices have reached all-time highs. With these types of prices, many collectors are doing anything to get their hands on them. Some people do it for the actual culture and love of the shoe game and some are strictly in it for the money.

Courtesy of:  Perry Williams

Death over the new Air Jordan Gama Blue 11

Courtesy of: Bryant Cross

Before I get into this, lets all hop in the time machine and travel back 24 years...

The year is 1989 and 15-year-old Michael Eugene Thomas paid $115.50 for a pair of Air Jordans. His grandmother tells him not to wear his shoes to school because someone might like them. Michael simply responds, “Granny, before I let anyone take those shoes, they’ll have to kill me.”

On May 2nd, 1989 Michael was found strangled in the woods near his school…barefoot. His killer was 17-year-old James David Martin, a basketball buddy.

A month earlier, 16-year-old Johnny Bates was shot to death in Houston because he refused to give up his Air Jordan hightops. The killer was 17-year-old Demetrick Walker, who was later sentenced to life in prison.

Now lets hop in the time machine and return to present times…

We’re still in Houston and this time the victim is Joshua Woods (22 years old). He got one of the few vouchers to buy a pair of Jordans for himself and his 5-year-old son. The last text he sent to his mother read, “Mom I am okay. We are already headed home.” Of course, he never made it home because three young men shot him in an attempted robbery.

He died on December 21st, 2012 – four days before Christmas.

Joshua is one of many who were murdered for their pair of Jordans or sneakers. There was also 14-year-old Paul Sampleton Jr. and 16-year-old Juan Reyna. All across the country kids are killing kids over shoes. For some, this is a new world. Many are asking, “What is going on in today’s world where kids are killing each other over shoes?” Yet for others, particularly myself and others in the Midwest, this is a depressing repeat of history.

Can you imagine living in Chicago while Jordan was playing for the Bulls and releasing shoes? It was hell. In 1992 Jordan released the Air Jordan 7 and won another championship. Chicago also ended that year with 943 murders.

(Isn’t there only 365 days in the year? That’s almost 3 murders a day!)

Now don’t get things twisted. Jordan – the shoe or the man – is not to blame for the murders. I didn’t look to Jordan for answers back then and I certainly am not looking for answers now. But I am asking myself…

“Why does all of our respect & pride, as young black men, hang on what shoes you own?” I’m more interested in what the shoe represents, and what we need to do to deconstruct its importance. The only person that comes close to helping me understand what’s going on is...

Seriously, the brother (K West) is starting to make a lot more sense to me lately. I personally wish I could be his public translator (because he sounds a bit bipolar in his interviews) to help communicate his rants. Honestly, K West has been speaking about this issue and ways to solve it for YEARS yet everything gets lost in translation.

K’s most pointed statements, I believe, are in his song “New Slaves.” The story behind the song is just as pedagogical (yea, I can be smart like that and use fancy words) as the song itself. Let me give you the full story of K and how I view his anger, for his pain and rants should be our own. I’ll start with the conclusion and work backwards.

The solution K has been ranting and raving about is simple -

Empower yourself and others to become owners. F*ck being a consumer. In fact, consumerism is why we are slaves.

It’s a freakin’ brillant critique. In fact, one that has been shared by the likes of Dr. Cornel West himself. He writes in his book Race Matters:

But why is this shattering of black civil society occurring? What has led to the weakening of black cultural institutions in asphalt jungles? Corporate market institutions have contributed greatly to their collapse. By corporate market institutions I mean that complex set of interlocking enterprises that have a disproportionate amount of capital, power, and exercise a disproportionate influence on how our society is run and how our culture is shaped. Needless to say, the primary motivation of these institutions is to make profits, and their basic strategy is to convince the public to consume. These institutions have helped create a seductive way of life, a culture of consumption that capitalizes on every opportunity to make money. (p. 16, emphasis mine).

Consumerism is why we are where we are. Consumption simply means “to use up”. We’ve become users and like the saying goes – You are what you eat (or use). The problem with living in a culture of consumption is that your value is attached to the money you make or that can be made off you.

This is why America hates the poor. My heart hurts every time I see someone shame a person asking for money. I hate the way we shame and yell at poor people like we’re better. But that’s the culture of consumption we live in. A poor person doesn’t make money, which is the biggest shame we impose on them.

The culture of consumption we live in is also based steeply in manipulation. It plays on basic human needs to make a profit. What do I mean by basic human needs? Things like


-Pride (or self-worth)


-Connectedness (or community)

These are not just values folks. They are not just desires. They are needs, something essential to humanity like air, food and water. Advertisers and marketers know this. So what do they do? Make commercials and ads that say “You are nothing and you are nobody unless you______.”

Fill in the blank: Wear this makeup, have this cologne, drive this car, go to this school, buy these clothes, own these headphones, live in this place, own this television, play this game system, or…

Wear these Jordans.

Dr. Cornel West further explains:

The impact of the market culture on black life has been devastating. The market invasion, including the ugly drug invasion, has transformed too many black neighborhoods into hoods, black civic communities into black uncivil combat zones. (pg. 17)

Once the market culture mixed with black culture, things went to shit. We used to see each other as people, fully dignified, no matter what shoes you had or clothes you wore. Then we adopted the values of the marketplace and ever since then people’s dignity has been called into question (unless you’re wearing Tom Ford with a pair of Jordans on your feet).

Courtesy of: Bryant Cross



Here below Baba outlines ways how capitalists exploit the masses and gives the solution to this problem as well. This is a blueprint for overcoming capitalist exploitation.

   "Psycho-economic exploitation is the latest form of dangerous and all-devouring capitalist exploitation. It is a special type of exploitation which first weakens and paralyses people psychologically in various ways, and then exploits them economically."
   "Some of the methods of psycho-economic exploitation include...the extensive propagation of pseudo-culture, exemplified by pornographic literature which debases people’s mind and particularly undermines the vitality of the youth; the negation of dharma in the name of secularism...the damaging of society by the use of unnatural and harmful methods of birth control...Both intellectual exploitation and psycho-economic exploitation are great dangers to the human race today."
   "To counteract this threat, powerful popular sentiments will have to be generated immediately for the liberation of intellect. For this, the first requisite factor is that intellectuals must keep their intellects pure and unblemished. Casting aside all their inertia and prejudices, intellectuals will have to mix with the common people and engage themselves in their welfare. They will have to assist the common people in their development and extend their support to all anti-exploitation movements. This approach will help to root out exploitation, stabilize the structure of society and expand the intellectual standard of the common people. Human society will move forward to a brilliant future with rapid steps." (2)

In Him,
R. Dunlap

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Quadri-Dimensional Economy
2. AFPS-9, Capitalism in Three Spheres


"Kato je d'eke gechi toma're, shon'o ni, tumi a'sa ni..." (Prabhata Samgiita #2207)


O' Parama Purusa, I have so much longing for You. With that feeling I go on calling You. But neither do You listen to my call, nor do You come close.They say that You listen to the feeling of the mind, and that You hear all the thought waves which sprout in the mind, because You are sitting right there in the mind. Although they say like that, to me it seems like You are not residing in the mind. You are not there. That's why You do not understand the feeling of longing which I have for You.

O Divine Entity, I do not know if You do not have the capacity to listen to my feeling, or whether You listen to my feeling of the mind but knowingly You do not respond. This is Your divine play. But this divine play of Yours is very painful for me. You are giving me pain by not caring about my longing. It may be possible that my cry reaches Your ears, but it does not touch Your mind or heart. That's why You do not give any response.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, please tell me, except You who is mine? You know nobody is mine, that's why I open my heart to You. Many tales which up till now I did not tell You, those feelings of my heart I will tell You. Baba, I have so much longing and yearning for You. Why are You not listening. Baba, please pay heed to my call and come close...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Story: Loneliness



While sitting down an hour before I was to get washed and dressed for my job, I experienced an overwhelming sadness. I had this realization that I am now all by myself on this earth. My parents are long gone, my wife has recently passed, my children have grown and left; so I have no one around with whom to have communication or contact.

I started to feel very lonely and thought since I have no real friends or family around me and I live by myself, that I will grow old alone. I started to cry. I see many people with a human companion to grow old with, but I will be alone. This melancholia flooded my existence one morning before going to work. I felt desperate.

Then I sang kiirtan and did some sadhana; by Baba's grace the experience was so deep that my feelings of loneliness and melancholia immediately vanished. That morning, by His grace, my meditation was very vibrated. Immediately I felt, 'I am not alone, Baba is with me and He is caring for me'.

Later on at my job, we were getting reports of the previous happenings - the comings and goings from staff working the prior shift. Then and there, by His grace I had a flashback and reviewed in my mind the sacred memory of when I saw Baba and He blessed me. Over and over the idea was floating in my mental plate and it was blissful. I was recalling Him watching me run over to the stage and as I did sastaunga pranam, He looked down at me and then as I got up He asked my name, He smiled at me and said, 'Very good, very good, very good', rocking His head gently back and forth. Then I heard my kiss onto His hand and then by His grace, He turned toward me with His His folded hands blessing.

As I relived those blissful moments during this meeting, I started to cry but checked my tears so my colleagues wouldn't notice. I started to realize that my life is for Him and I don't want to do anything for myself, to enjoy life for me. I do not want to let Him down. I want to be doing everything to please Him; I do not want to make money and enjoy life for myself. I want to give my life to Him. I want to work for Him full-time, not for someone else. He has graciously done so much for me and He is so loving, giving me so much that I must give back to Him and please Him. I am not sure what He has in mind for me, but He must fufill my desire to serve Him 24 hours a day. All these feelings were in my mind and heart.

That auspicious morning occurred ten years ago to this day, by His grace. And I have not had an ounce of melancholia since.

In my earlier life, up until that point, I was always surrounded by people. I would always ensure that I had company and companionship in the form of friends and family.

Since that time of crisis and moment of realisation, by His grace I have come to appreciate being with Him and Him alone. I no longer fear being by myself but see it as a boon for my devotional life. Because it gives me opportunity to focus more on Baba and not get diverted or distracted by anything else.

So now I cherish my loneliness in the mundane sphere as I can channel and divert all my energies towards Him. And when that happens, by His grace, I feel His sweet proximity and compassionate touch.

To be surrounded by people now means to intrude upon my sacred time with Baba.

What a difference: In the past, feeling lonely made me absolutely miserable and I was terrified of the future; now, by His grace, worldly loneliness has become a boon for my spiritual endeavors and relationship with Him.

Since that auspicious occasion ten years ago, my entire outlook has changed.

Now I long to be alone, and generally shun worldly company, so that I may get closer and closer to Him, by His grace. Now I have love and affection for everyone and am not attached to a particular few persons. I feel close to all, by Baba's grace.


I understand that my story is atypical, and not exactly normal. Some may have difficulty relating with it. But I can clearly see a vast difference in my devotional relationship with Baba from then and now. And it is because of this transformation that I prefer not to have worldly company, not because of any indifference towards others.

I suppose it is similar to many other changes we might experience as margiis. For example, before becoming a margii one might have eaten meat or consumed alcohol, yet now after developing a more sentient way of life one may feel suffocated by the thought of eating meat and drinking wine etc. The margii now only has attraction toward sattvika foods. All because of a change in one's mental make-up.

Similarly, I do not feel inspired to interact much with people - unless it is for reasons of performing service to please Him-- and now strictly prefer the company of Parama Purusa. And the reason is, Baba has made my mind like that. Beyond that, I could never have conceived of living in such a manner.


Baba says, "Du'r'a't sudure: if people think that Parama Purus'a is far from them, then He is very, very far. Du'ra means far and sudu'ra means so far that the human mind cannot even imagine it." (SS-11, p. 65)

When people begin to think that Parama Purusa is close by, or near. Baba says, "antike means near". In this case aspirants think that Parama Purusa is only ten feet away and then they realise that He is only one foot away, sitting right next to them. So in this way they  feel that Parama Purusa is nearer than they thought. And in this top category, those blessed devotees feel that Parama Purusa is their closest and most Dear Entity. That He is always living along with them, in the inner recesses of their mind and heart.

Baba says, "Tadiha'ntike ca, iha'ntike means so near, so close" that it cannot be measured. Those devotees feel "that Parama Purusa is hidden in their very 'I' feeling." (SS-11)

"One does not think of anything as being one’s own except Parama Puruśa (Viśńu). This spiritual outlook can also be called “prema”. One who has thus taken Parama Puruśa as his or her own gets everything in Parama Puruśa and has a grip over the entire universe. Everything will eventually come under the control of such a devotee. To think that Parama Puruśa and nothing else is one’s own is therefore the cleverest thing to do. That is why it has been said “mamatá”: everything becomes full by His mamatá. Everyone will feel His closest proximity and receive the same treatment from Him as His nearest ones. He will take everybody on His lap, saying, “Don’t worry. I have come to help you”." (AV-7, The True Nature of Bhakti)

In Him,

Ga'ne ga'ne eso manera ahmka'ra gunr'iye diye
Pra'n'e pra'n'e mesho ks'udratvera siima'na' sariye diye

Kii a'che ka'ha'ro mane, bha've kare gopane
Sabai tumi samabha've ja'no, calo saba'ike mane niye
Tumi calo saba'ike mane niye

Toma'r ba'hire kichu je na'i, sukhe duhkhe saba'r tumi je t'h'ai
Saba'ra kotha' samabha've bha'vo, calo saba'r pa'ne ta'kiye
Tumi calo saba'r pa'ne ta'kiye


Baba, please come in endless songs [1], pulverizing the ego of my mind. Please merge in my heart and remove the boundary of my smallness [2]. [3]

Baba, whatever one has in their mind, whatever they may be thinking or secretly doing, [4] You know everyone equally [5]. You move ahead keeping everyone in Your mind. O' Lord, You move on keeping everyone in Your mind.

Baba, there is nothing beyond You. In joy and sorrow, You are everyone's shelter. You think about everyone equally. Baba, You go on looking after all. O' my Lord, You go on looking after all.

Baba, You are my Saviour, I surrender at Your lotus feet. Please shower Your causeless grace...


[1] Please Come in Songs: Through the chanting of songs You come; when I sing I feel Your proximity and You, in your role of Darpa Harii, pulverize my ego.

Baba says, "Parama Puruśa is called Darpahárii, which means “Pride-snatcher”. One thing He will not tolerate is ego. He is uni-purposive and multilateral: He is doing everything at once. He is running the whole universe, so He is multilateral. But He is uni-purposive because He has only one purpose: to bring all His creatures back to Him, to merge in Him again." (Ananda Vacanamrtam-31, Surrender at the Altar of the Supreme)

[2] Smallness: Here, smallness refers to the feeling of the jiiva or unit self: "I am a human being; I am alone; I have so many limitations; I have this or that." All these are feelings of the unit "I".  And the request of that unit being is: "Make little "I" one with the Supreme "I".

Note: When reciting the mantra with each and every respiration in sadhana, the unit merges into cosmic. That is the idea expressed here. In result, the unit becomes cosmic; the microcosm becomes macrocosm. With the help of the mantra, the waves of the unit "I" become one with the Cosmic "I". (For more about this read the chapter, Mantra Caetanya.)

[3] Meaning of First Stanza: When I sing the song, O Lord, please come in my close proximity and remove my ego so I can surrender at Your lotus feet. In my sadhana, please merge Your Divine Self in my heart, and make my unit I-feeling one with the Cosmic-"I". O' Lord, please remove my smallness and make me one with You.

[4] Parama Purusa Knows Everything: O' Parama Purusa, You know everything about everyone. There is nothing outside of You. Whatever a person is thinking or longing for, You are fully aware. In this vast cosmos, it is impossible to keep a secret from You. All knowledge resides within You. You witness every movement and thought. You are aware about one and all, always. The entire creation is Your thought projection. That is why everything is known to You. Nothing is less or more; You know everything completely, i.e. all the ins and outs.

[5] You Know Everyone Equally: Baba, You know everything about everybody. It is not that about some You know more, and about others You know less. It is not that some people You treat in a special way and others in a distant way. All are Your progeny and part of Your creation.

Baba says, "A microcosm, a unit being, may think, “I am an insignificant person, I am not educated, I have neither intellect nor erudition nor wealth. Does Parama Puruśa think of me also? – Me, a very small insignificant microcosm?” They should remember that Parama Puruśa not only does think of them, He is bound to think of them by force of circumstances. Parama Puruśa cannot think, “These are just very ordinary human beings merely managing to make both ends meet – I can’t think of them!” He cannot think like this, because by providential decree the Macrocosm is bound to think of His created objects – He cannot forget them."

"And does He think only of a human being, or only of a white ant? No, He thinks of all."

Sama pluśińá sáma mashakena
Sama nágena sama ebhistribhih lakaeh.

"He looks upon a tiny white ant with as much love and affection as on a mosquito. Nor does He think of a large mammoth more than other entities, for a mammoth has a mind just as an ant has. So He thinks equally of all: He thinks of a white ant or a mosquito with the same seriousness as of a mammoth or an elephant, and He attaches same importance to each individual creature as to all the three worlds. So you understand that you are not at all insignificant: your existential value is very great." (Subhasita Samgraha-18, Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings)

Note: Here it should be understood that devotees feel His close proximity whereas others do not. That is why non-devotees blame Parama Purusa for not caring about them. But their accusation is baseless as He witnesses everything, everyone.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Articles on Dangers of Sports



Here are articles that detail the dangers of playing highly-competitive sports...

#1: Junior Seau: Apparent suicide follows deaths of athletes with brain trauma

May 02, 2012|By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times

Former NFL star Junior Seau’s death by apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound follows a pattern of suicides by other high-profile football players who suffered from long-term effects of repeated brain injury.

That list of players includes Andre Waters of the Philadelphia Eagles and Terry Long of the Pittsburgh Steelers. And just last year, former Chicago Bears player Dave Duerson shot himself in the chest, but not before requesting that his brain be donated to science so that researchers could study the long-term effects caused by concussion and other repeated brain injuries. Seau also suffered a gunshot wound to the chest, rather than the head.

The former Pro Bowler, who was 43, was found by his girlfriend at his home Wednesday.

For Seau, there may have been recent warning signs that all was not well, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. In October 2010, Seau’s car plunged 30 feet off a coastal road in Carlsbad. He reportedly told police that he had fallen asleep while driving. The accident occurred hours after he was released from jail after being arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. His 25-year-old girlfriend did not require medical treatment, and Seau was never charged in the incident.

The news comes after years of growing awareness of repeated brain trauma’s long-term effect on memory, cognitive function and even depression. “We’re all thinking about this injury differently now,” said Dr. Vernon Williams, medical director of the Kerlan-Jobe Center for Sports Neurology in Los Angeles. “This is science in evolution.”

Part of the problem with the long-term brain changes that can develop in football, boxing and other high-impact sports is that the damage is often not apparent for years, even decades, after a player’s prime, Williams said.

Though the overwhelming majority of concussion-related symptoms tend to dissipate, Williams said, symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy – also known as boxer’s dementia, according to the Mayo Clinic – may emerge over time. Certain people may even be more predisposed to the condition, he said.

One of the first reported changes of such long-term damage lies in behavior, Williams said. Patients may display erratic behavior, become more emotionally irritable, even more violent.

That phase is followed by changes in cognition, memory and what’s known as executive function, the brain’s ability to problem-solve, plan, multi-task and perform other high-level tasks.

Patients with musculoskeletal injuries can also suffer from chronic pain and other issues. In some cases, the neurological damage can become physically debilitating. Muhammad Ali, the famed boxer who later developed Parkinson’s disease, is one such example.

#2: Dead athletes' brains show damage from concussions

By Stephanie Smith
CNN Medical Producer

For years after his NFL career ended, Ted Johnson could barely muster the energy to leave his house.

"I'd [leave to] go see my kids for maybe 15 minutes," said Johnson. "Then I would go back home and close the curtains, turn the lights off and I'd stay in bed. That was my routine for two years.

"Those were bad days."

These days, the former linebacker is less likely to recount the hundreds of tackles, scores of quarterback sacks or the three Super Bowl rings he earned as a linebacker for the New England Patriots. He is more likely to talk about suffering more than 100 concussions.

"I can definitely point to 2002 when I got back-to-back concussions. That's where the problems started," said Johnson, who retired after those two concussions. "The depression, the sleep disorders and the mental fatigue."

Until recently, the best medical definition for concussion was a jarring blow to the head that temporarily stunned the senses, occasionally leading to unconsciousness. It has been considered an invisible injury, impossible to test -- no MRI, no CT scan can detect it.

But today, using tissue from retired NFL athletes culled posthumously, the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy (CSTE), at the Boston University School of Medicine, is shedding light on what concussions look like in the brain. The findings are stunning. Far from innocuous, invisible injuries, concussions confer tremendous brain damage. That damage has a name: chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

On Tuesday afternoon, researchers at the CSTE released a study about the sixth documented case of CTE in former NFL player Tom McHale, who died in 2008 at the age of 45, and the youngest case to date, an 18-year-old multi-sport athlete who suffered multiple concussions.
While CTE in an ex-NFL player's brain may have been expected, the beginnings of brain damage in an 18-year-old brain was a "shocking" finding, according to Dr. Ann McKee, a neuropathologist at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts, and co-director of the CSTE.
"We think this is how chronic traumatic encephalopathy starts," said McKee. "This is speculation, but I think we can assume that this would have continued to expand."
CTE has thus far been found in the brains of six out of six former NFL players.
"What's been surprising is that it's so extensive," said McKee. "It's throughout the brain, not just on the superficial aspects of the brain, but it's deep inside."
CSTE studies reveal brown tangles flecked throughout the brain tissue of former NFL players who died young -- some as early as their 30s or 40s.

McKee, who also studies Alzheimer's disease, says the tangles closely resemble what might be found in the brain of an 80-year-old with dementia.

"I knew what traumatic brain disease looked like in the very end stages, in the most severe cases," said McKee. "To see the kind of changes we're seeing in 45-year-olds is basically unheard of."

The damage affects the parts of the brain that control emotion, rage, hypersexuality, even breathing, and recent studies find that CTE is a progressive disease that eventually kills brain cells.

Chris Nowinski knows well the impact of concussions. He was a football star at Harvard before wrestling professionally with World Wrestling Entertainment.

In one moment, his dreams of a long career wrestling were dashed by a kick to his chin. That kick, which caused Nowinski to black out and effectively ended his career, capped a career riddled with concussions.

"My world changed," said Nowinski. "I had depression. I had memory problems. My head hurt for five years."

Nowinski began searching for studies, and what he found startled him.

"I realized when I was visiting a lot of doctors, they weren't giving me very good answers about what was wrong with my head," said Nowinski. "I read [every study I could find] and I realized there was a ton of evidence showing concussions lead to depression, and multiple concussion can lead to Alzheimer's."

Nowinski decided further study was needed, so he founded the Sports Legacy Institute along with Dr. Robert Cantu, a neurosurgeon and the co-director of the CSTE. The project solicits for study the brains of ex-athletes who suffered multiple concussions.

Once a family agrees to donate the brain, it is delivered to scientists at the CSTE to look for signs of damage.
So far, the evidence of CTE is compelling.
The Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy, along with other research institutions, has now identified traumatic encephalopathy in the brains of late NFL football players John Grimsley, Mike Webster, Andre Waters, Justin Strzelczyk and Terry Long, in addition to McHale.
Grimsley died of an accidental gunshot wound to the chest. Webster, Long and Strzelczyk all died after long bouts of depression, while Waters committed suicide in 2006 at age 44. McHale was found dead last year of an apparent drug overdose.
"Guys were dying," said Nowinski. "The fact of the matter was guys were dying because they played sports 10 or 20 years before."

So far, around 100 athletes have consented to have their brains studied after they die.

Ted Johnson was one of the first to sign up. He said he believes that concussions he suffered while playing football explain the anger, depression and throbbing headaches that occasionally still plague him.
Johnson said he played through concussions because he, like many other NFL athletes, did not understand the consequences. He has publicly criticized the NFL for not protecting players like him.

"They don't want you to know," said Johnson. "It's not like when you get into the NFL there's a handout that says 'These are the effects of multiple concussions so beware.' "

In a statement, the NFL indicated that their staffs take a cautious, conservative approach to managing concussions.
While they support research into the impact of concussions, they maintain that, "Hundreds of thousands of people have played football and other sports without experiencing any problem of this type and there continues to be considerable debate within the medical community on the precise long-term effects of concussions and how they relate to other risk factors."
The NFL is planning its own independent medical study of retired NFL players on the long-term effects of concussion.

"Really my main reason even for talking about this is to help the guys who are already retired," said Johnson. "[They] are getting divorced, going bankrupt, can't work, are depressed, and don't know what's wrong with them. [It is] to give them a name for it so they can go get help."

"The idea that you can whack your head hundreds of times in your life and knock yourself out and get up and be fine is gone," said Nowinski. 


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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Zoo mystery: How did apes and birds know quake was coming?


The below article is related with this posting, "Animals Know Many Things".

Zoo mystery: How did apes and birds know quake was coming?

By Joel Achenbach,August 24, 2011
(courtesy of the Washington Post)
Her name is Iris, and with her straight, elegant, red-orange hair she is beyond dispute the prettiest orangutan at the National Zoo. She’s calm, quiet, unflappable. “Iris lives the life of a queen,” says great-ape keeper Amanda Bania.

On Tuesday afternoon, the queen lost her cool.

It happened a little before 2 p.m. Primate keeper K.C. Braesch was standing just a few feet away when Iris emitted a loud, guttural cry, known to scientists as belch-vocalizing. Iris then scrambled to the top of her enclosure.

Braesch stepped back and scanned the enclosure to see what might have agitated the ape. Was it Kiko, the male? Although generally a lump, Kiko can turn into a hothead and throw things. But no, Kiko was lounging.
Then — all this had happened within about five seconds — Braesch felt the earthquake.

“Animals seem to know,” she said Wednesday. “You always hear it anecdotally, but this is the first time I’ve seen it.”