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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Addendum: Nervousness, Epilepsy, Or Samadhi


Here is the addendum to the posting "Nervousness, Epilepsy, or Samadhi." For all information about this topic please reference the main posting...

Relevant Excerpt From "The Form of Sadana" - Subhasita Samgraha -1

We should strengthen ourselves by remaining in normal situations and endeavouring to become superhuman. By developing superhuman powers we can awaken the element of eternal humanity amongst us. This eternal human entity alone is Brahma. In order to attain this power, meanness must be shunned, because this is the sádhaná for the Infinite. Feelings of differentiation are a great impediment. The feelings that a particular person is a Muslim, another a Hindu, yet another a Brahman and the fourth a Vaeshya come from mean thoughts. When every living being is a manifestation of Brahma, how can you know yourself, without shedding these differentiating feelings? No one is high and no one is low. Of course, according to one’s virtues and vices one is happy, one is miserable, one is rich, someone is poor, one is a fool and another is erudite, but all human beings. Differentiating feelings are the principal obstacles in the path of sádhaná and an elevated position cannot be attained without annihilating them. There is a story in the Mahábhárata.

Both Yudhisthira and Duryodhana had invited Lord Krśńa to their respective houses for dinner. While on his way there, Shrii Krśńa entered the house of Vidura. At that time the great Vidura was not at his house. Vidura’s wife was of very limited means and became nervous on the sudden appearance of Shrii Krśńa. She did not know how to give a proper reception to Lord Krśńa and there was no food in the house except bananas. Therefore, after washing His feet she seated the Lord and began to skin the bananas, and feed Him as she inquired about His welfare. Meanwhile the great sage Vidura returned home. He saw the Lord Krśńa sitting and his wife, fully absorbed in feelings, feeding Him the skins of the bananas. Krśńa was eating so happily, that it seemed as if He had never tasted a more delicious food. Vidura was greatly pained to notice the folly of his wife and asked: “What are you doing? You are feeding banana skins to the Lord instead of bananas.” Vidura’s wife was taken aback and started apologizing for her faults. Vidura also implored. “O Lord, Thou hast taken a good many banana skins; do kindly oblige this poor woman by taking a few bananas.” But the Lord said, “Vidura! My stomach is full now. These banana-skins had such an exquisite flavour that there could be no superior food. So long as your wife, forgetting all differences, was feeding me, ‘I’ was there, but now that the difference between the banana and its skin has intervened, ‘I’ is not there.” This is a small story, but it is very instructive. There are no differentiations before the Lord. Lord Shankaracharya was an erudite scholar. He has over-thrown Buddhism and revived Brahmanya religion, but there was a lack of full harmony between his principles and practices. Once after having a dip in the Ganges at Kashii, he was returning towards the road and he saw an untouchable walking with a number of dogs. For fear of his body being touched he attempted to bypass them. Then the untouchable said: “O Lord! Is this the result of your principle that there is only Brahma and nothing else? You are known by the name Brahmajiṋáni. The feeling of differentiation is developed even by treating a pariah as mean.”

The Supreme Brahma resides within the feeling “I am” situated amidst the concealed intuition of the mind. Our existence is in him. He exists in the sun-rays. Due to Him the perception of the world is possible. Having created our ego and scattered innumerable toys around us. He has hidden Himself among them. When we come to see Him in all things created by Him, our ego gets lost. The feeling of unit “I” shall be merged in the Universal “I”.

Relevant Excerpt From "The Form of Sadana" - Subhasita Samgraha -1

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Quiz: Who is Baba talking about? Which Apostle of Peace?


Who is Baba talking about? Which Apostle of Peace?

Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Now here is the quote from Baba's teachings and the question is Who is Baba speaking about in the below quote?

"We have seen many apostles of non-violence in this world of ours who gave the impression by their writings and speeches that they had come to transform the very dust particles of the earth into spiritual essence, into a spiritual paradise. People offered all the sweetness of their hearts, and all the benevolent thoughts of their minds, unto their feet. But later they discovered that those apostles, making an abrupt about-face, deserted them at the time of crisis. They polluted their tongues with their hypocritical statements, and the people felt helpless and betrayed." (NSS, Disc: 14)

Ok, it is good that you have read the quote, now see if you know the answer then see below. And if you are a new sadhaka and you do not know the answer the look below.

Answer: In His above teaching Baba is talking about M.K. Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi. In Ananda Marga we do not consider him to be a "mahatma" or great soul, so we just refer to him via his worldly name, MK Gandhi or Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi.

Specifically in the above teaching Baba is referring to when Gandhiji promised that "India will be divided over my dead body." But then when it was divided, then Gandhiji kept mum - he did not have the courage to say anything. In that critical moment where millions were needlessly massacred, butchered, and tortured, the people felt completely helpless and betrayed by Gandhiji's hypocrisy and cowardly approach.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Communists Missed The Point About Infatuation Vrtii

Communists Missed The Point About Infatuation Vrtii

Quiz: Who is Baba talking about?

"Those who believe in the equal distribution of the world’s wealth, naively underestimate the power of moha vrtti. The human mind can be sublimated only by spiritual ideation, not by any high-sounding philosophy. This utopian idea has proved ineffective in the past and in the present and will continue to prove so in the future." (Ananda Marga Philosophy - 8)

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is indirectly referring to the communists. It was those communist leaders who underestimated moha vrtii, with regards to one's attachment to land. Those communists were fascinated with their own philosophy and hence could not understand that the people would not like giving up their land. So when it was taken from them, the farming suffered. Not enough food was produced; and the end result was widespread starvation and strife. The root cause of the problem was that those communists could not understand that the people were attached to their land, i.e. moha vrtti. Forcibly taking their land set off this entire negative chain of events.