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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Cause and solution of monotony of life


"Saba'r priyo tumi saba'r a'pan..."  (P.S. 4723)


O' Parama Purusa, You are everyone's most loving and closest One - everyone feels that You are their own. Baba, You are, I am; and this whole universe also exists.  
O' Supreme Entity, from the peak of the snow-covered, sky-kissing mountain to the deep, serene ocean, from the sun of the crimson dawn to the colourful evening sunset - everything in this universe is Your divine creation. The flowers, fruits, shrubs, forest, and garden - all are Your expressions. O' my Dearmost, You are the divine Lord of everything and everyone.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with Your compassion You are looking after one and all; You never hate anyone. You reside in the mind & You are in the heart. Even then I do not see You, but I feel You. O' my Lord, O' Baba, You are so great: I am always asking for Your forgiveness and for Your grace. By Your divine krpa, with full surrender I always do sastaunga pranam to You - each & every moment.

O' Baba, You are the most loving One, the most dear Entity of one and all. You have created this entire vast universe. You are so gracious; Baba, I surrender...

== Section 2 ==

Cause and solution of monotony of life


Due to lack of higher goal if a small problem arises, people get frustrated and lose interest in life. Those without a spiritual goal and do not have higher values in life and get overwhelmed by when confronted with a terminal illness or when some bad event happens. For human welfare, the propagation of spirituality is highly important. If there is a higher goal then people will not commit suicide.

Baba's Original Guideline

एक ही भावना से, एक ही तरह की चर्चा तथा ज़िक्र से monotony आ जाती है | जिनमें आध्यात्मिक साधना नहीं है, बुढ़ापे में वे कहते हैं—”अब मरना ही अच्छा है |” जिनमें आध्यात्मिक साधना नहीं है, कम उम्र में भी मन पर अधिक चोट लगने से अथवा चोट लगने की शङ्का रहने से मनुष्य ख़ुदकुशी कर बैठते हैं, आत्महत्या तक कर देते हैं | क्यों जी ? न, higher pursuits नहीं है | मन में monotony आ जाती है | Applied psychology में मैं ऐसा ही कहूँगा |

तो, इस monotony से बचने का उपाय क्या है ? न, मन को एक ऐसा object चाहिए, mind के objective counterpart में एक ऐसा विषय चाहिए जो कि अनन्त हो | अर्थात्‌ जिसके contact में आने से मनुष्य के मन में कभी भी किसी भी हालत में monotony नहीं आएगी—हमेशा नया, नवीन, नवीनतर, नवीनतम | परमपुरुष एक ऐसी सत्ता हैं, जो हमेशा नूतन हैं, हमेशा नवीन हैं | इसलिए life की monotony से बचने के लिए आध्यात्मिक साधना हर इनसान के लिए फ़र्ज़ है | रुहानी तरक़्क़ी के लिए तो फ़र्ज़ अवश्य ही है; Life की monotony से बचने के लिए भी यह फ़र्ज़ है | (1)

English Translation

Involving in mundane thinking and worldly works all day long brings monotony. Those who do not practice sadhana in their old age say, "Now it is better to die." Those lacking in spiritual practice, even in the tender young age, if they are emotionally hurt or they anticipate feeling mentally hurt, commit suicide. Why? According to applied psychology, I would say they don't have any higher pursuits; hence, the feeling of monotony consumes their mind.

Now, what is the way to prevent such monotony? The objective counterpart of the mind should have such an object which is infinite. That means, coming in contact with such an infinite object of ideation, people will never harbor feelings of monotony - not in any case. That object [Parama Purusa] is ever new, newer and newest. Parama Purusa is that entity who is ever new, always new. Therefore, it is the duty of every person to do spiritual practice to prevent any feelings of monotony in life. For spiritual progress, certainly it is the duty of everyone to do sadhana.  And indeed it is your duty to do sadhana to protect yourself from the monotony of life.

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

1. Kya' Dharma Vaeyas't'ika Jiivana ka' U'rdhva-Sam'vega Hae, athava' Sa'magrika Vishva ka' Tristariiya Mukti Sopa'na Hae? Subhasita Samgraha, Part 15, Chapter 02 (H) DMC 29 July 1980 Ranchi