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Sunday, July 2, 2023

Spiritual relations + 3 more

Spiritual relations


This letter addresses the types of relations a bhakta can have with Parama Purusa. This is an important topic for all sadhakas. These types of spiritual feelings are special aspects of Ananda Marga sadhana, the path of bliss.
In human life, people have all kinds of desires, and most resort to animalistic tendencies in their pursuit of materialism and sensuality. As Ananda Margiis, we are embarking on the path of true spirituality; we are travelers on the path of life divine. Our goal is to realize and attain Parama Purusa.

Types of relations with Parama Purusa

Here below we briefly outline the various relations a bhakta might have with Parama Purusa. As one's level of bhakti rises, ultimately in the culminating moment the sadhaka likes either da'sya bháva or madhura bháva, as described below.

(A) Basic: In the rudimentary stage of bhakti, the sadhaka thinks that God exists and resides somewhere in this universe, but feels no personal relationship with Him. Just the sadhaka views God as being the judge of some court.

(B) Father: As one's bhakti grows, the sadhaka starts to develop a closer link with Him and feels that, “Parama Purusa and I are part of the same family.” This often leads to the Father-son relation. In the Father-relation there is a respectful, loving, and personal relation with Him. But the bhakta does not feel very close where he can share everything with Him.

(C) Vatsalya Bháva: In this stage the sadhaka cares for the Lord as their child. So here too a familial relationship has been formed, but it is not very, very close. Countless margiis and also sadhakas like Surdas had this type of relation.

(D) Sakhya Bháva: When one views Parama Purusa as their friend, then that bhakta opens up in a more personal manner and shares all kinds of inner thoughts and feelings with Parama Purusa. Sadhakas like historical Arjuna plus many margiis & wts etc had this type of relation. In the highest stage of bhakti, one feels one of the following relations: Da'sya bháva or madhura bhava. It generally depends upon one's inherent samskaras and way of relating with Parama Purusa in dhyana.

(E) Da'sya Bháva: Slave relation. In this bhava, the sadhaka views Parama Purusa as their Master. In that case, one vows to do each and everything for Him as He is the Master. In the mythological story of the Ramayana, the great imaginary bhakta Hanuman is depicted as an example of a sadhaka with da'sya bhava.

(F) Madhura Bháva: This is the sweetest, most loving relationship with Parama Purusa. The path of madhura bháva is very charming where the sadhaka accepts Parama Purusa as their Dearest One. Many margiis and wts and also great sadhakas like Miirabai, Rádhá etc come in this category. This is a very close relationship where there is a very intimate feeling between the bhakta and Parama Purusa.

Those with some kind of bhakti will fall in one of the above categories. Remember that one's relation with Him is based on one’s inner feeling; it is not some type of external show. A sadhana cannot just beat the drum and brag with a booming voice that they got a particular type of bháva (relation). One's relations with Parama Purusa is purely an internal affair, not some type of superficial display. This is a very intimate and personal topic where one should see how close they feel in their heart with Parama Purusa Baba.

Bhakti & middleman

Dogmatic people cannot digest this type of intimate and close link with Parama Purusa. They think of God as being far away in the distant fictitious heaven etc. In that case, there is no question of having any relation; the gap is so vast. There is no direct communication; one must go via a third party, i.e. priest. Indeed, puja’ will not be successful without a purohit puja'ri. In those religions, they preach that to realize God one must go via others. Just like how dogmatic people need a middleman / religious cheat to communicate with their object of worship. Actually, that type of relation is no relation at all; one is very far. If forced to attach a name to that type of relation, it will be termed as "alien relation." Because one is so far away, there is no way for the bhakta to share their feeling of the heart with their object of worship.

Across the ages, only great bhaktas have fully realised and experienced a loving, intimate relation with their Lord. For example, Rádhá and the great bhakta Miirabai formed a deeply personal and intimate madhura bháva relation. Surdas had a deeply personal va’tsalya bhava link with Parama Purusa. These are a few examples of many great bhaktas.

What is Rádhá

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”The further the jiivas move towards Parama Puruśa, the more elevated their minds become. When they reach a very subtle stage of elevation, their concentrated mind-stuff speeds towards Him with the one-pointedness of an arrow. Such a mentality is called Rádhá....What is Rádhá bháva? When devotees feel in their heart of hearts that their existence is meaningless without attaining Lord , that they cannot survive a single moment without feeling His blissful presence, they have attained the stage called Rádhá. Such devotees know nothing other than árádhaná [total mental absorption” (1)

Note: Some ignorant people think that Radha is a female of Vrindaban. But that is not true. 'A-grade' devotees are Radha, whether they are male or female or anyone.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Krśńa is not a male being of Vrindavan, and Rádhá is not a lady. You should understand it properly.” (2)

In dhya'na, a sadhaka should always follow the type of relation that feels most natural at that time. Forcing or pretending to follow a particular bha'va is meaningless; rather it is highly detrimental. Ours is the path of sincerity and naturalness.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

Those who want to know more about this science should reference discourses #3, #7, #9, #26 & #27 from the book Namami Krsnasundaram.

~ In-depth study ~

What is chief Gopii bháva

The following is what Sadguru Baba describes in His Hindi MGD 2 November 1979 Kullu: 

Within this gopii bháva there are two grades. One is lower and one is higher. As long as a sadhaka is still making efforts to establish himself in gopii bháva then they are in lower gopii bháva (gaon’a’ gopii bha’va). When one is fully established in gopii bhava, without any imposition or effort, then they are in higher gopii bháva (mukhya’ gopii bhava). Another name of mukhya’ gopii bháva is radha bhava. Rádhá bháva is the highest bhakti. In a natural, effortless manner, these great bhaktas of Radha bháva love Parama Purusa unconditionally. They think, “Whether Parama Purusa loves me or not, I will go on loving Him.” (English summary)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy (Discourse 7)
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Rádhiká Shakti

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Sexual impotence & the degradation of society

Here Baba outlines the cause of seminal weakness [impotency] which is a serious problem these days.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Lack of proper sexual knowledge in adolescence or early youth, loss of semen through unnatural means, lack of restraint in married life and failing to follow the rules for fasting, bathing...are causes of seminal weakness. Seeing pornographic pictures or films, reading pornographic literature, etc are also to be forsaken...most cases of this disease are due to overindulgence; so one should keep control over his thoughts and actions. The male should stay away from feminine company as long as the disease is not fully cured. During the disease naes't'hika brahmacarya (complete abstinence) must be observed." (1)

Note: This problem exists all around the globe but even more so in European / western countries, or wherever materialism is in vogue, because of rampant unmarried teenage relations / pre-marital sex. First, young males and females become sexually active and then after many years they may or may not marry. And many times it happened that no marriage ever happens; just males and females continue to live together--i.e  with the opposite sex. And in that condition they produce children, or often times the females get an abortion. And this leads to more and more impotency. This has become quite common these days in so-called advanced countries and one outcome of this is that adoptive agencies are filled with gold coins. They bring children from very poor areas -  like Africa, and parts of Asia - free of cost and sell them to Euro-American countries for thousands of dollars. But the main problem is that both impotence and infertility are on the rise. And this problem is gradually spreading all around the globe. Essentially, wherever materialism is increasing, side by side impotence is also on the rise.

Part and parcel of the problem is that illicit relations are no longer treated as illicit. Young girls tell their father and mother openly that they have sexual relations. And in reply they are encouraged and praised for finding a male. And when the young unmarried female gets pregnant then in one festive atmosphere she and her mate invite parents to join in a baby naming ceremony. So there is no shame involved. 

Altogether in western countries new terms have been invented: "Biological mother" and "biological father". Those not aware should know that it means that the father and mother never got married. Rather the mother ended up marrying a different male. So those children have "two fathers". Their "biological" father who does not live with them, and their "other father" or "at-home" father-- that is the male whom their biological mother married or just lives with. And of course the situation can be reversed also. 

Altogether the ones who suffer the most in all of this are the mothers and the children because in most of the cases male partners leave and choose a new young female somewhere else. So multiple losses are there-- not only sexual loss / impotency or infertility. Multiple drastic negative effects occur such as the ruination of the social structure and also the spread of various types of diseases including AIDS. The root cause is improper education. Tragically, this drastic trend starts at the tender young age of 8 or 9 for both males and females. 

Another point common people are oblivious about is that females are getting exploited. Common people are not aware; females are just treated as sexual tools for enjoyment. Nothing more. And here are more points: 

- This happens in materialistic society because adults have no-control; they severely lack restraint. 
- Then children grow in that environment and by the age of puberty they themselves are producing children. I.e. the "mother" is still a child and she has a child. 
- Because of toxins, chemicals, excess protein, and poor nutrition of company food, the age of puberty is decreasing. So there is less and less emotional maturity when their sexual glands develop. 
- In total, the whole entire scene is way out of bounds. 

Baba's teachings only can save humanity on this critical point.

1. Yogic Treatments, Seminal Weakness

== Section: Comment ==

Re: How faith develops on God


For some unknown reason...BABA chose me to see Him. In 1970 I was practicing asanas on my living room floor in the USA at midnight. I had fallen asleep. I awoke suddenly to a radio announcement that there would be a lecture at Carnegie Tech University now Carnegie Mellon. The announcer mentioned Yatiishvaranabda's name so I had my wife call the radio station the next day for particulars.

I called two friends both classical pianists to go with me. They put "yes" and "no" in a hat and pulled a "yes" out if it. So we sat in the back rows amongst so many hippies - almost all college students . 

Dada Y's accent was so strong I couldn't understand him, but the title of his lecture was the Chariot and the Charioteer, which was the title of one of Baba's discourses. As Dada and newly initiated poeple left the hall they walked past  me. I thought this is the real deal. I noticed one brother who wore a pratiika with swastika. I thought these people either are crazy for wearing a swastika combined with Star of David or they are  courageous. For many Jewish students were there. At the time I did not know the ancient history of the swastika or the upward and downward pointing triangles given By Lords Shiva and Krsna. When I was initiated that evening at 3am by Dada Y I was the last of many. He said no more for blood came out of his ear!

When I saw BABA for the first time BABA was delivering discourses about Lord Krsna. How fortunate we are! How very few saw Him talked with Him received His blessing and / or Dharma Samiiksa!
I wondered then as I wonder now - for I do not long for liberation. I long to be near Him always. To be His coolie if need be. He can liberate everyone before me. What kind of gentleman would I be to barge into line before my brothers and sisters? What is the well known want in India? I don't want to be sugar I want to taste sugar.
BABA His greatness the undiscovered mystery. No one knows the secret!

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: How faith develops on God

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When will they cast aside the burkas and veils

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A handful of unprincipled, power-hungry men propagated these [religious] doctrines in order to paralyse women’s reasoning, and to inflate men’s vanity. This doctrine is against nature and we have only to look out into this wide world to find numerous proofs against it. Can anybody drape a burka over a tigress? Is there anyone with enough courage to do it? Can anyone dictate to a tigress, “You cannot cross this boundary,” or “You cannot take part in games and sports, for this is prohibited to women”? Those who propagated these doctrines were not only unprincipled, they were also well aware of the inherent loopholes in their arguments. That is why they did not propagate their ideas directly in their own name. On the contrary, they propagated all those ideas in the name of God. They proclaimed them as the gospels of God; no one shall dispute it; one has to accept it without a murmur. When women will develop a sense of self-respect and be like other spirited creatures, they will cast aside the burkas and veils of servitude. They will then be enabled to expand their role in serving society in a balanced and consolidated way.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 9, from “Kaomára”

== Section 3: Links ==

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