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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Baba’s hint + 3 more


Baba’s hint


With the advent of Parama Purusa as Mahasambhuti, He calls bhaktas of the world and gives them hints of His identity, directly and indirectly. There are various grades of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Some realize in their heart that Baba is Parama Purusa, and others need external support and evidence, from time to time, to remind them of this eternal truth. This letter presents that type of verifiable statement wherein Baba is telling that, "I am Parama Purusa."

How Baba is hinting that He is Parama Purusa

In the below interaction at DMC, Baba is clearly telling margiis that He is that eternal Parama Purusa. Initially, Baba explains how Parama Purusa cannot be described by words alone as He is far beyond what words can convey. Baba explains how Parama Purusa has infinite attributions: His qualities are more than anyone could ever count. Then Baba talks about how Parama Purusa is Universal Love Personified. His love is so vast and so immense that there is no scope for Him to hate or despise anyone. Parama Purusa only loves. And with His boundless, overflowing love, Parama Purusa scolds people for their welfare. By this way they may progress and become great.

Then comes the dramatic juncture where Baba directly hints that He is that Parama Purusa. Baba directly mentions margii brother Sashiranjan by name, stating that he (Sashiranjan) knows what it is like to be reprimanded by Parama Purusa. Hearing this, everyone laughs. Because all are aware that Baba has compassionately scolded Sashiranjan that day, thereby indicating that Sashiranjan knows what it is like to be rebuked by Parama Purusa. Then everyone laughs again when Baba states that the margiis of Patna certainly know what it is like to be scolded by Parama Purusa. Because Baba is delivering this discourse in Patna itself, so naturally those margiis have experienced or witnessed how Baba has affectionately scolded margiis of Patna.

By these direct references, everyone easily understands that Baba is personally telling them that, "I am that Parama Purusa." Baba is graciously giving the clear signal to those sadhakas who needed external reinforcement that Baba is indeed the Supreme Entity - Parama Purusa. Here following is another beautiful scene wherein Baba is clearly hinting to margiis that He Himself is that all-loving Parama Purusa.

Special scene from that Patna DMC

Note: The bracketed [ ] lines below are insertions from the editor. All lines preceded by “BABA” are His direct quote

Here below Baba is delivering His discourse on 15 January 1984 in Patna. This is an English summary based on the original Hindi that is appended below.

BABA: He [Parama Purusa] is inexplicable. You cannot explain that our Parama Purusa is like this, like that. At most, you can say that our Parama Purusa is like this and He is more than this. Our Parama Purusa possesses many attributions and many more than these. Our Parama Purusa knows these languages and many more than these.

[ Margiis: Baba, Baba, Baba! ]

BABA:  Yes. Our Parama Purusa laughs like this and .He can laugh in many more ways.

[ Margiis: Baba, Baba, Baba! ]

BABA: Yes, yes. Now, do you follow? [Note: This query to margiis was spoken in the local language, Bhojpuri]

[ Margiis: Yes, Baba! ]

BABA: Yes. It is said that He is Parama Prema Svaru'pa [Universal Love Personified] - He cannot hate anyone even if He wants to. It is impossible for Him to hate anyone. This is His drawback. Then what can He do? He can love. But, certainly, He also rebukes and scolds very much.

[ Margiis: Baba, Baba, Baba! ]

BABA: And you all experience this in your personal life that Parama Purusa certainly scolds and rebukes. Yes, Mr. Shashiranjan? Isn’t it?

[ Laughter ]

BABA: Yes, He does. Around the globe, everyone knows this. Every margii knows this, and margiis of Patna certainly know this.

[ Laughter ]

BABA: Yes, yes. He scolds and rebukes. But what is His feeling behind this? Only that of love. He loves therefore He scolds, He rebukes.

[ Margiis: Baba, Baba, Baba! ] (1) (2)
And verily all can experience this in one’s personal life how Baba is the Parama Purusa who loves, scolds, guides, and rebukes His bhaktas.

Doubt ruins sadhana

In some rare cases, some Ananda Margiis have doubts about Baba's real identity as Parama Purusa. Just like how Arjuna harboured doubts about Lord Krsna. To be caught in such a dilemma is not good for any sadhaka. For this reason, in a very loving and personal manner, Baba graciously shows those sadhakas how He is always with them, watching them, and protecting them. This is the very basis of bhakti: “Feeling in the heart that Parama Purusa is always present, always with me.” So for a sadhaka to intimately understand that - Baba is that very Parama Purusa - is everything. By this way one feels that they are never alone or helpless, as Baba is always present, showering His grace.

There are countless ways by which Baba brings sadhakas close. Some see Him in dhyana, meditation, and in dreams, and others gain an understanding of His grandeur through PC, demonstrations, varabhaya mudra, experiences with microvita or dharma samiksa, kiirtan, and so many ways. On this journey of finding that inner link with Him, each and every bhakta has their own personal account and experience. Somehow, some way, they came to understand how Baba is Parama Purusa, how He is always with them, caring for them.

As the Parama Purusa He sees everything. He sees their smiles and their tears, their joys and sorrows, their past mistakes and their future glory. Then the entire concept of Parama Purusa as a Personal God is no longer just a figment of philosophy but rather a practical, heartfelt spiritual experience. Verily this is the speciality of Ananda Marga sadhana. Every sadhaka feels they have their own special link with the Supreme Entity.

Way to develop unshakable faith in Him

People develop faith in various ways. Some realise that Baba is Parama Purusa in their sadhana or dreams etc. With their inherent bhakti, their past life penance, sincere sadhana, or the causeless grace of Parama Purusa, they realise in their heart without any effort that, "Baba is my Guru and He is Parama Purusa, i.e. all-powerful."

The best approach is to gain full surrender by sadhana. When one does committed sadhana and follows Sixteen Points very strictly then the mental structure gets wholly transformed and one may attain various types of realisation. This realisation in sadhana gives rise to blissful feelings within. This realisation is not dependent upon any external source. So it is permanent and never fades. The faith of those sadhakas who realise Baba through their sadhana never shakes. Whereas those whose faith is dependent on other approaches, i.e. outer suggestion, their faith could diminish and fade in the wake of adverse circumstances. That is why the realisation that is born  by developing surrender through sadhana is the top most.

But, as noted above, not all fall in this top category. Some sadhakas feel the need to test Baba to erase their doubts, get verifiable proof of His greatness, and gain 100% faith. A sadhaka should remove their own doubts, and test Sadguru’s omniscience in hopes of feeling more assured about Baba. And ultimately one becomes fully convinced of His greatness and surrenders to Guru.

Those who do not have full faith can test Him even today - in the mind, anytime. There is no need to tell any 3rd party - only sincerity is needed. He is there in your mind and He listens. What you tell Him mentally, He will certainly hear. So go ahead if you have any desire or longing. Express the feeling of your heart and Baba will most assuredly respond.

By this way you will develop full surrender. Remember this is between you and your Guru. If you have proper determination and a sincere longing then Guru will certainly reply. That happens in 100% of the cases. By this way, people develop faith and then surrender comes.


Ananda Marga is the path of bliss: Realising the very practical notion that Baba is the Parama Purusa who resides in the heart, watching everything, showering His love, and keeping us under His Supreme shelter.  And by this way, sadhakas develop firm faith in Ista, bask in bliss. It is truly His grace.

at His lotus feet,

परमपुरुष की डाँट-फ़टकार के पीछे एक ही भावना—प्यार की भावना |

~ Original Hindi ~

Note: The bracketed [ ] lines below are insertions from the editor. All lines preceded by “BABA” are His direct quote - transcribed from the cassette.

Here below is the original Hindi from that scene at DMC in Patna:

BABA: “वे अनिर्वचनीय हैं | तुम व्याख्यान नहीं कर सकते हो कि—”हमारे परमपुरुष ऐसे हैं, वैसे हैं” | तुम ज़्यादे से ज़्यादे यह कह सकते हो कि—”हमारे परमपुरुष ऐसे हैं; और, इससे भी अधिक हैं” | हमारे पुरुष में इतने गुण हैं; और इससे भी अधिक गुण हैं | हमारे परमपुरुष इतनी भाषाओं से परिचित हैं, और, और-भाषाओं से भी परिचित हैं |

[मार्गी लोग--"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

BABA: हाँ | हमारे पुरुष इस तरह से हँसते हैं; और इससे अधिक और तरह से भी हँस सकते हैं |

[मार्गी लोग--"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

BABA: हाँ, हाँ | तो, समझ गइला ?

[मार्गी लोग---"हाँ, बाबा !"]

BABA: हाँ | और, “परम प्रेमस्वरूप”—वही कहा गया कि, “चाहें भी तो भी घृणा नहीं कर सकते हैं” | घृणा करना उनके लिए नामुमकिन है | वे चाहें भी नहीं सकेंगे | यह एक उनमें त्रुटि रह गई है | हाँ | तो, तब क्या कर सकते हैं ? न, प्यार कर सकते हैं | अर्थात्‌, वे काफ़ी डाँट-फ़टकार भी तो ज़रूर करते हैं |

[मार्गी लोग--"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

BABA: और, तुम लोग तो अपने वैयष्टिक जीवन में यह महसूस भी करते हो, कि डाँट-फ़टकार तो परमपुरुष ज़रूर करते हैं |

BABA: हाँ जी, शशिरञ्जन ? करते हैं, न ?


BABA: करते हैं | हाँ | दुनिया-भर के सभी लोग यह बात जानते हैं, सबों को यह बात मालूम है | पटनावालों को अवश्य ही मालूम है |


BABA: हाँ, हाँ | तो, डाँट-फ़टकार करते हैं | मगर, उनकी यह जो डाँट-फ़टकार होती है, इसके पीछे भी कौन-सी भावना छिपी हुई है ? एक ही भावना—प्यार की भावना | प्यार करते हैं, इसलिए डाँट-फ़टकार करते हैं | “

[मार्गी लोग--"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"] (3)
1. Patna DMC 15 Jan 1984
2. English trans. Dr T.R.S.
3. Patna DMC 15 Jan 1984

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have done so much for me

"Áloker saor rathe, sabái nite tumi esecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1089)


Baba, my Parama Purusa, You have come riding on the shining chariot of divine refulgence to emancipate everyone and take them to the Supreme abode. You do not differentiate between who is great and who is meagre or small etc. You listen to everyone's tales of the mind and feeling of the heart.

O' Supreme Entity, even without seeing You, I love You. By Your grace, I have been attracted by You even without hearing about Your glory and attributions. I do not  understand good or bad, but, by Your grace, I realize that You are always present - across all time and space, forever.

O' my Dearmost, You have done so much for me and You do not want anything in return. In spite of knowing about my countless weaknesses, You have made me Yours, accepted me as Your own, and blessed me by giving me shelter at Your lotus feet.

Baba, You have showered Your causeless krpa on me. You are ever-merciful...

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे बाबा ! तुम तो मुझे केवल शब्दों में ही प्रेम करते हो सचमुच में नहीं।

प्रभात सङ्गीत 357 भालो बासो शुधुइ मुखे ...

परिचय. जब किसी भक्त को परमपुरुष के साथ गहरा प्रेम हो जाता है तो वह उनसे दूर नहीं रहना चाहता वह उन्हें अपने बिलकुल समीप पाना चाहता है। इसलिये जब परमपुरुष उसकी पुकार पर कोई संकेत नहीं देते तब वह बड़ी निकटता से प्रेमपूर्वक शिकायत करने लगता है कि हे परमपुरुष तुम मुझे वैसा प्रेम नहीं करते जैसा मैं तुम से करता हॅूं । यह ठीक वैसा ही है जैसे कोई छोटा बच्चा माॅं को पुकारता है और देर के बाद जब माॅ  आती है तो बड़े प्रेम से शिकायत करता है कि माॅं इतनी देर में क्यों आईं, क्या तुम्हें मैं विल्कुल प्यारा नहीं लगता हॅूं। वास्तव में इस प्रकार का भाव साधना में  बड़ी उच्च स्थिति होने पर प्राप्त होती है।, सभी लोग इसे नहीं समझ पाते। इस गीत में इसी भाव से संबंधित विवरण दिया गया है।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुम तो मुझे केवल शब्दों में ही प्रेम करते हो सचमुच में नहीं। तुम कहते हो कि मैं तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं लेकिन  यह तुम्हारे कार्य या व्यवहार में कहीं दिखाई नहीं देता। मैं तुम्हें बार बार पुकारता रहता हॅूं पर तुम नहीं आते। मैं ऐंसा कुछ भी अनुभव नहीं करता जिससे लगे कि तुम मुझे चाहते हो। तुम तो सदा दूर बहुत दूर ही रहते हो इस प्रकार मैं कैसे जानूं कि तुम मेरी चिन्ता करते हो ? तुम मेरी इस तड़प  के  कष्ट को नहीं समझते।

हे परमपुरुष ! तुम्हारी विज्ञान और दर्शन की बातों के सहारे मैं अपने  मैंपन की गहराइयों में तुम्हें खोजता रहता हॅूं। पर मैं तुम्हें कैसे पा सकता हॅूं जब तुम मेरे मन को ही बेचैन कर देते हो ? इस दशा में मेरा मन गन्दा हो जाता है।  मैं वहाॅं तुम्हें कहीं भी नहीं देख पाता। हे मेरे प्रभु ! तुम मेरे मन के गन्दे जल में मुस्कराते हुए छिप जाते हो। यह  तो तुम्हारी लीला ही है कि तुम मेरे मन में होते हुए भी वहाँ कभी  दिखाई नहीं देते।

हे बाबा ! हे मेरे सबसे प्यारे बाबा ! यह विशाल सृष्टि बड़ी ही आकर्षक और रङ्गीन  है।  तुमने इसके कोने कोने को रङ्गीले  समारोहों से सजा रखा है। इस प्रकार तुम बेशुमार  दिव्य लीलाएँ दिखाने में व्यस्त रहते हो। सभी लोग तुम्हारी लीला में ही आकर्षित बने रहते हैं। वे यह जान ही नहीं पाते कि यह  लीला कौन कर रहा है। वे सब  तुम्हें नहीं जान पाते।  फिर भी तुम अपनी लीला के पर्दे केे पीछे से सब को देखते हुए मुस्कराते रहते हो। हे प्रभु ! तुम्हारी कृपा बिना कोई तुम्हें कैसे देख सकता है। हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! मेरे ऊपर अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा की वर्षा कर दो जिससे मैं तुम्हें प्रत्येक स्थान पर देख सकॅूं और तुम्हारी लीला के पर्दे के पीछे से तुम्हें पा सकॅूं।

हे बाबा ! तुमसे  मिलने की मेरी इच्छा  को जल्दी  सन्तुष्ठ कर दो और निकट आकर अपने प्रेम से नहला दो।

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 3: Links ==

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Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Baba's hint
2. PS #1089: You have done so much for me
3. Links