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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prabhat Samgiita Purport: Loving Communication...




~ PS #1157 ~

  The following review of Prabhat Samgiita #1157 is comprised of three distinct sections:

(A) Transliteration

(B) Line Meaning

(C) End Notes

Please be sure to read each section carefully as they build upon each other. Kindly send your suggestions, comments and thoughts.


Ke go ele sudha'-jhara'
Sakal a'ndha'r sariye diye karale a'lo basundhara'

Toma'r saunge mora paricaya kato yugera ke ja'ne ta'y
Notuna a'lora jhilike a'ja baha'le jharn'adha'ra'

Eso pra'n'e eso mane mohan rupe saungopane
A'sh met'a'te man bhara'te madhura tumi madhubhara'


Who are You who has come showering nectar, O' Sudha' Jhara' [1]. Removing all the darkness, You have made this earth effulgent.

O' Oarama Purusa, by Your grace, I came to know You [2] ages and ages ago - who knows when [3]. In that closeness, with flashes [4] of a new light, today, You released the flow of endless fountain streams. [5]

O Divine Entity, come into my life, come into my mind - secretly, in Your attractive, charming form. O' Madhura [6], You are the embodiment of sweetness. Please satisfy my hope and satiate my heart.

Baba, I surrender at Your lotus feet...


[1] Sudha' Jhara': This is one of the names of Parama Purusa which describes one of His infinite attributions: The Entity that showers nectar.

[2] I came to know You: Some confused persons have translated this line as "our relation began long ago" as if the sadhaka and Parama Purusa met each other at the same time. But it is not like that: Parama Purusa is omniscient and knows everything across time and space; so it is just the sadhaka who came to know Him at that time. Already, Parama Purusa knew the sadhaka. But those who are unaware translate this line as: "Through countless ages, our acquaintance has evolved." So this is incorrect. Parama Purusa's feeling or understanding of a particular relation does not evolve - His stance is permanent. Only the sadhaka's feelings toward Him change as one enters onto and advances along the path of spirituality.

[3] Second Stanza, First Line: Here the exact date, hour, minute, and second of the introduction is not known to the sadhaka. Only the he knows that it was a long time ago that he first came in contact with that Divine Entity. Yet all along the Divine Entity was aware about him.

[4] Flashes (jhilike): To progress along the path of spirituality, the grace of Parama Purusa is needed, but not need a full load or large amount if grace, just a a wee-bit of grace is enough. If He graces fully then human beings will become over-loaded, i.e. flooded. It is just like if your crops are very dry and needs water, then just a small amount is enough; if those crops become flooded in 2ft or 10ft of water, they will not be able to survive. Similarly, in human life, just a wee-bit of grace is sufficient. Human beings cannot tolerate more.

[5] Second Stanza, Second line: This line depicts how the sadhaka's relation with Parama Purusa has deepened to a new degree of closeness and intimacy. Earlier the relation was normal and today it became extremely powerful and devotional. Parama Purusa showered enormous spiritual waves (jharn'adha'ra') of intimacy and strong devotional yearning.

[6] O' Madhura': Here the bhakta is addressing Parama Purusa as: O' most loving One. Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and this name for Him depicts His quality of overflowing with sweetness and love.

To understand more deeply about the meanings of madhura and madhura', one should be familiar with madhura bhva, i.e. that intimate relation between devotee and the Lord. This is an extremely close and intimate loving relation, just like the great bhaktas Miira and Radha had with Lord Krsna. All this Baba has explained beautifully in His book, Namami Krsnasundaram. This type of very intimate relation is called madhura bhava. The Entity who is most loving is addressed as Madhura and is also madhu bhara, i.e. filled with sweetness and charm. That is why He is most loving.

Varabhaya Deva